Ant King In MHA

Chapter 16: Intent

__________ POV Beru__________

What the fuck is this man?

This is the first time I've felt this threatened by someone's presence. He hasn't even done anything remotely aggressive yet. And my instincts are telling me to just run.

Could I even run? I mean, I may be fast, but this guy did just appear out of nowhere. And if I were to run, what would happen to the children?

What does this man have planned for them? I may not be the most upstanding individual. But I quite unwilling to just let a few kids walk away with this guy...

But what exactly am I to do? I could go along with them, and wait for the most opportune moment to kill him.

But would that really work? he seems to be cut from a different cloth compared to the other weaklings I fought before...

"Who are~ You?" I tilted my head a bit, I don't really know what I'm hoping for at this point. I'm just stalling the inevitable.

"Oh, you can talk? Marvellous, well, I have a few names, but I am more commonly called... All for One." What's with the theatrical pauses? Does he expect us to know him or something?

His name obviously wouldn't be impactful to a group of children. I think this is just the way he talks then...

I just looked at him for a bit, he seems to be judging my reaction. If I was to rush him with my greatest speed, I would likely be able to at least injure him...

I don't really know what his Quirk is though, I am just going on instincts here.

"Well then... All of you should go inside for now..." He said as he opened a black misty portal... Fuck.

The children all took a collective step back when seeing the ominous portal. It didn't really look like a happy place that he was planning on taking us to.

I don't want to enter that. But if I rush him now, I could at least give an opportunity for the kids to escape... Maybe.

So I did just that, I pushed my body to its greatest speed, becoming a blur and appearing right in front of him.

"RUN!" I screeched as I extended my claws towards All for One's chest, trying to gouge out his heart.

He just stood there, a devious smile spreading on his face. My claws dug through his shirt, and hardly pierced his skin, but were stopped as he flexed his muscles.

Why? Aren't my claws sharp enough to cut steel? Why is his body so hard? Is that his quirk? Most likely. This means that I can't really do slashing damage.

"Stay put..." His cold smile turned into a scowl.

I jumped backwards and looked at him a bit. He didn't even get to bleed before his wound closed itself. What? Does he have a certain type of regeneration too?

His fingers turned black and extended themselves towards me, I could barely move to avoid them.

But they followed me. Each piercing one limb and impaling me to the ground. I could only watch as the next scene unfolded.

Out of the portal came another large man. Also dressed in a suit, he had brown hair and a squared jawline. He just waddled over and brought the fleeing children closer to All for One.

They were children, after all, they couldn't run that far with the little time I managed to buy them...

All for One looked at all of them as they were shivering in fear, and smiled. He extended his right arm and touched the head of the first one.

The child screamed in agony, as red lightning seemed to come off from the place they made contact. He quickly fainted as All for One went to the next child.

The scene repeated itself a few times, I was still pinned to the ground, struggling in vain.

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru looked on as every single one of the children he was trying to protect collapsed.

Even his childhood friend, Souma, could only look in fear as he pleaded for help.

"BERU! PLEASE SAVE ME!" The child's helpless scream only seemed to further please the powerful man.

Beru watched in silence as they were all crumpling on the ground.

He didn't feel any anger, he didn't feel any hate. His mind was as cold as a blizzard.

'How much time will it take for me to reach his power? One year? Two? A decade?' One thing was for sure.

'I will hunt this man down, for as long as he breaths... For as long as I breathe... I vow to become this man's most terrifying nightmare.'

Strange energy overtook his body, a powerful desire to dominate the existence of the man in front of him, to make him more miserable than humanly possible.

All for One could feel the sudden pull on his black extended fingers. He looked down, he had been disappointed at the lack of verbal reaction from the strange mutant quirked child.

But the next actions weren't something he expected would ever happen.

The child dragged himself up, completely ignoring the tendrils holding him to the ground. All for One tried to use more force, but the Insectoid wouldn't even budge.

He stared blankly at the most powerful villain in Japan, "You~WiLl~DiE!@:#@!$" Any clarity was gone from the child tone.

His voice was a distorted mess, creepy and disturbing to no end.

But that wasn't what shook All for One to the core. No, the intent behind those words, was a frightening thing to behold.

He could feel it in his bones, a foreboding feeling. Telling him to quickly kill the abomination while he still could.

But his pride didn't let him register this as a threat. No, he already decided to create a subordinate of this little child.

That... Was something he would come to regret dearly. But some things simply cannot be taken back in life.

And All for One unknowingly sealed his own fate this very day.


Hope you weren't expecting the mc to be able to beat All for One already. It would be a bit weird if he could.

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