Ant King In MHA

Chapter 27: More Missions

__________ POV Narration__________

Two years, After the fight with All Might. Beru had disappeared for two entire years.

Nezu didn't know if he should call that a good thing or a bad one.

On one hand, Nezu hoped that maybe the mutant quirked child escaped his captors and went into hiding. From All Might's account, he was by no means being controlled by anyone.

Although, Nezu didn't disregard the possibility of All Might being wrong. He was smart enough to not take any opinion at face value. Still, All Might's observations held some weight.

On the other hand... Nezu thought that maybe Beru's captors weren't all too pleased with his encounter with the Symbol of Peace. And they decided to either get rid of him or incarcerate him permanently.

And that would make saving Beru much harder. After all, All Might was currently still determined to help the insectoid teen. Even with his slowly decreasing strength.

Now, his appearance only exacerbated problems. Further cementing his image as a villain to the public.

He had appeared, instantly killed a villain, then proceeded to injure the Nr.2 Hero. But the bad things don't stop there. As he also knocked out another hero, by hitting him square in the face.

There wasn't much Nezu could do to repair his public image at this point. That was their initial plan. All Might convinces the young teen to come with him. While Nezu and Nighteye make sure his record is clean.

It would've been hard even then, but it was still doable. He hadn't really killed anyone, at least there was no proof of him doing so. But now it was almost impossible, as he did it on live television.

Nezu could only curse the ever-present media that needed to insert itself in any situation and complicate it to such extents.

After all, if that was only witnessed by a few people, he could've negotiated their silence. Now that was impossible.

Nezu still couldn't really bring himself to blame the insectoid teen. As he was likely just doing someone else's bidding...

Now, he could just sigh and continue doing his paperwork.

All Might wasn't any closer to catching Beru anyway. He didn't want to deal with the logistics of that already... Although thinking about the amount of work was certainly discouraging.

__________ POV Beru__________

Where does the line between sobriety and intoxication start, and where does it end.

I'm sure I drank enough alcohol to put your average Russian man in a coma, but I don't even get tipsy. And yes, I am aware of how bold that statement is.

Lately, I've been thinking of dancing. Might help me with self-expression or something like that. I think I read that in one of Kurogiri's magazines.

Why does he keep that boring stuff around? I don't know. I  just peek over his shoulder when he's reading.

After all, I am still supposed to act like an animal.

Oh yeah, I managed to learn why Shigaraki wanted the tail guy dead. Apparently, when he went to the mall, the tail guy just happened to be robbing a store that he wanted to enter.

And that made him mad, he remembered the guy's face. And sent me after him. Great.

Honestly, I shouldn't have expected less of the master strategist Shigaraki.

'Let's send the deadly biological weapon to go after that random store robber you once saw. How dare he mildly inconvenience you!' Still, at least I can amuse myself in this situation.

It's much better than remodelling the walls of  Kyudai's laboratory. Although, it's annoying how often I have to get suspicion off my back.

All for One finds my 'sudden interest in alcohol' interesting. Amusing even, at least I think so. Haven't seen the guy's face in years. But his voice sounded amused.

He and Kyudai seem to think it's just me liking the taste or something. Although Kurogiri is looking at me weirdly all the time.

I think he's realised there's a pattern to my drinking. I always have a conversation with Shigaraki before trying to drink myself into a coma.

Regardless, he's received instructions from the Big Man himself(AFO) to restock the drinks regularly. Finally, All for One doing something good.

I'm still going to kill him later though, I still need to figure out his plans before starting to break them apart and slowly break him down.

It might take a while, I am many things, but a sound strategist isn't one of them. Well, I'm still better than whatever Shigaraki is, but that's like comparing myself to a stewing pot of wasted brain cells.

Thankfully, I have a few mind-enhancing quirks on my belt. Giving me some degree of confidence in myself.

The only thing that is missing from this bar is some music. I miss Queen, I loved swinging my golf club to the rhythm of his songs...

Oh well, I still have a lot of thi-

"NOMU! COME HERE!" ... Do I even need to comment on that? Is there a need for me to express my desire to try my hand at reincarnation once more?

I walked upstairs. Leaving my comfortable bar stool and entering Shigaraki's shitty masturbatorium...

I stared at him, he was still playing his games. Which I will refrain from commenting about from now on, it saves some of the fried up neurons I still have...

"I need you to go rob this bank! Bring me MONEY, MONEY!"

He showed me pictures of the stuff he wanted, mainly, badly drawn money and stacks of gold ingots. He also showed me pictures of the bank.

I feel like I am back in kindergarten, planning to shoplift candy with my crew... But I'm pretty sure I made more detailed plans back then...

Now, I am not exactly an expert. But I am pretty sure the bank he wants me to rob is a deposit box bank... The type that keeps valuables for the clients...

So there are chances for there to be neither money nor gold ingots in there...

Sure boss! I'll go right away! Anything to get away from this place!

I looked a bit at the photo, pretending to study it a bit.

Then I left for the bank. It's not like it's difficult to find, there are only like 3 banks in Hosu and the one he showed me is the only Deposit Box Bank.

Now that I think about it... The last time I was in a bank was when I fought some robbers. Oh, the irony.

Well, I guess that if I am to do something I might as well do it right...


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