Ant King In MHA

Chapter 5: Life In The Mountains

__________ POV Beru__________

And there I was. Sitting on the ground as a bear chewed on my arms, trying to chew them off unsuccessfully.

Some may wonder, how exactly does a 5-month-old toddler end up in this situation? Well, that cave I tried to sleep in wasn't as empty as I thought it to be...

A bear decided to pay me a visit to my new home, you could say. Maybe it wasn't quite pleased that I was sleeping in its cave. It started chewing on me. I woke up the way I am now.

I don't have anywhere near enough strength to kill a bear, so I'll just bear with it. (heh)

I will leave this place when it eventually gets bored and goes to sleep... Meanwhile, I'll just ignore it completely.

A bears bite force isn't enough to break through my skin-tight armour.

Eating those steel bars might have saved my life honestly. I guess I can thank my curiosity for that.

If I wasn't an idiot I wouldn't have thought to bite into steel. Curiosity does have its limits, after all, you have to be a special type of idiot to willingly sink your teeth into steel.

Which I did. And it saved my life already.

After a few hours of being a bear's chew toy, it got bored and went to sleep. I took the chance to get away like a bandit in the night.

I was too light to make any sound loud enough to wake it up too. Unfortunately, I couldn't take my packed lunch(the wolves) with me.

But it's not like I'll go hungry or anything, there's plenty of food to be found in the forest. I certainly don't plan on returning to the city anytime soon.

I need to at least be strong enough to protect myself, I don't need a repeat of me being helpless against my caretakers...

__________ Timeskip 3 Months__________

Well, quite a few things have been happening. I can now confidently fight against a wolf. Although I still can't overpower them. I am an 8-month-old toddler still. Even if I am horribly mutated and about as strong physically as a 9-year-old.

My claws are the only reason I can even fight anything. They've only been getting sharper as the months rolled by.

I can also somewhat fly now. Well, glide anyway, my wings aren't strong enough to carry me yet.

I managed to eat a few birds.

I was extremely lucky and even found a parrot. It probably escaped from a pet shop or something.

But I can now speak, a bit of human tongue. I can't really speak any difficult sentences. But words and simple sentences are quite easy.

Something else that I find wicked, I now can coat my claws in poison. Naturally, I managed to find a snake to eat, I was a bit curious about the taste too.

It was similar to chicken, but now I have some type of paralysis poison. I only tested it on wolves.

Well, recently I found out that I'm not really talented in foraging for food. After eating some mushrooms I expertly gathered, my poison got stronger.

I didn't notice it at first, but I certainly noticed that after trying to paralyse a wolf only for it to foam at the mouth and die.

Now, with my foraging skills, If I had a normal stomach I'd already be dead. But that's just fine with me since I don't have a normal stomach, especially since I seem to be able to eat anything really.

So, I will keep making my poison stronger, for now anyway. I seem to be able to somewhat control the intensity of it too. So it's not that bad.

For now, I've started living on top of trees, climbing large trees is fun with my claws. I don't even need to apply much pressure to sink them deep into the trunk of the tree.

Too bad I still can't kill a bear so easily. I mean, I think I can. But I will have to act as a chew-toy again, and I don't really feel like doing that.

Eating different things is fun, what's even funnier is finding out what ability they actually give me.

Like the time eating a bird made my wings a bit stronger, or when I ate a mantis(out of curiosity) and my claws got sharper.

It also seems like I can't just keep eating the same things and hope for improvement. Only the first meal strengthens me. So I'm going to have to verify my food sources.

Thankfully, there's no lack of wildlife in a mountain of this size. I only need some luck to find new things.

Although it's hard to say what properties eating fruits gives me... It's a bit strange really...

For now, I haven't seen any other humans either, not that I'm trying to find them or anything. They might think I'm some kind of monster when they see me.

Me speaking won't do much to calm down anyone either. I'll get stronger before heading back to the city, but meeting other humans can also be just as dangerous, so I'll have to be careful.

Maybe I'm developing some trust issues, but can you really blame me after the stunt those lowlifes pulled on me? How exactly does throwing a child in the wild cross one's mind?

What type of twisted cunt do you have to be? Good thing I remember their faces. I'll have them burned into my mind until I meet them again.

It's not even about me anymore, I don't think people like that are safe to be left around children, it's much better if I culled them. I don't think anyone would make a great fuss about it.

Oh well, back to climbing trees and gliding down, an activity I've come to enjoy greatly over the few months I've spent in this place.

Manoeuvring around the many trees of this expansive forest whilst slowly descending is very calming.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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