Anti-Japanese War: Red Alert Base, I am the Power

Chapter 165

The headquarters of the Three-Nation Alliance was set up in Singapore.

This is the city that controls the Malacca shipping route and the core of England's Far East colony.

In Jiang Fan's view, this place is a thorn in the eye.

If this place is always controlled by England, then China's sea transportation line to the Middle East is equivalent to being controlled by others.

This is absolutely intolerable to him.

So this time, the Ares Group will take advantage of this opportunity to take it down.

Now that China has completed its unification, although the country is in a state of disrepair, its development has already entered the fast lane.

He also has this time to clean up the Western powers in Southeast Asia.

Now Singapore has become a large barracks.

The three Dutch infantry divisions have more than 30,000 people, which is equivalent to half of their entire army.

France has dispatched 100,000 people, all of whom are French soldiers.

Although they are not the most elite soldiers, they are definitely a powerful force in Southeast Asia.

England is no longer stingy this time.

Nearly 100,000 troops have been drawn from the mainland and major colonies.

Among them, there are more than 30,000 Ah San.

Britain and France also dispatched more than 400 fighters of various types from their home countries.

The number of fighters has shown how much they value this war.

You must know that before the war, the total number of fighters in the two countries was only three or four thousand.

This is equivalent to one-tenth of the number of fighters in the two air forces.

They also knew that the Ares Group had air force fighters.

The Dutch fleet suffered a great loss.

So they mobilized more than 400 fighters and were determined to destroy the Ares Group.

However, compared with passive defense, Waltonborg prefers to take the initiative.

Moreover, he still has a trump card that has not been used, and now is the time to use it.

This trump card is Siam, which has never been exposed.

On the surface, Siam is still obedient to England.

But secretly, it has colluded with Waltonborg.

From their King Rama VII of Siam, as well as the Prime Minister, Regent, and senior military officials have all been influenced by the mind controller.

They are already considered one of the Red Alerts.

Even if Jiang Fan asked Rama VII to give up his throne, he would not hesitate.

It is precisely because of this that Waltonborg has been strengthening the strength of the Siamese army.

At present, the total strength of the Siamese army has exceeded 100,000.

Among them, the army and the air force are the main ones.

The navy is almost non-existent.

The army has a total of six divisions and five brigades.

The air force has more than 300 fighters of various models.

All air force pilots are trained by Red Alert flight instructors.

There are also many Red Alert soldiers serving as officers and instructors in the army and air force.

These 100,000 people are Waltonborg's trump card.

"Gather the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 7th Brigades and secretly go to Bangkok, Siam to hide.

Contact the Restoration Army and ask them to send at least 20,000 troops to hide in Bangkok.

The Air Force mobilizes two-thirds of its aircraft to various secret airports in Siam.

This time, we will give this so-called three-nation coalition a surprise.

I believe Viscount Gort will like my gift very much."

Through the decoding of the coalition telegram,

Waltonborg knew that the general battle plan was to take Annan first and then land in Borneo.

Finally, they would deal with the independence army entrenched in Myanmar.

However, if they wanted to deal with Annan, they would need to go through Siam.

Bangkok became their only way.

Waltonborg's plan was very simple.

Set up a huge encirclement near Bangkok.

When the main force of the coalition passed by, they would attack from all directions.

At the same time, the navy also raided the coalition's Far East Fleet. The joint air force destroyed their land, sea and air forces.

In this way, their main forces in Southeast Asia were completely wiped out, and the goal of seizing the entire Southeast Asia was achieved.

If this battle plan is implemented smoothly, then the Southeast Asian colonies of Britain, France and the Netherlands will all belong to China.

And this battle plan was also approved by Jiang Fan.

The plan was named Doomsday of the Empire.

At night, a large fleet sailed through the South China Sea and arrived at Da Nang in Annan.

This is also a newly built military port by Annan.

In the future, this will also be one of China's overseas military bases.

Because the construction of this port was initiated by Jiang Fan.

After the fleet docked in Da Nang, tens of thousands of troops and various light and heavy equipment began to be unloaded. It took two or three days here alone.

The two infantry divisions of Annan had already set out from Annan three days ago and headed for Siam.

Then the five brigades of the Ares Group also began to travel through the primitive jungles of Southeast Asia and headed for Siam.

Although the roads were difficult along the way, there was still a road.

It took nearly half a month to get to the vicinity of Siam.

At this time, the time had come to 1934. In October. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The coalition forces were completely unaware of Waltonborg's arrangement.

On the contrary, their intelligence was easily mastered by Waltonborg.

Because their telegrams had been completely deciphered. They were unilaterally transparent to Waltonborg.

The so-called coalition forces were actually not very united internally.[]

Because both England and France are fighting for the control of the coalition forces.

That is, they are fighting for the position of the commander of the coalition forces.

France has contributed the most, with a total force of 100,000.

How can France feel at ease handing over so many troops to the English?

England feels that France must listen to them since they are on their own territory.

It is precisely because of all kinds of wrangling that they have not shown any signs of departure until now.

Finally, after negotiations and consultations between the two sides, it was decided to form a joint operations command.

The combat plan must be agreed upon by Britain and France.

As for the Dutch, they were directly ignored.

It was not until mid-October that Waltonborg was anxious and they slowly set out from the Malay Peninsula.

More than 100,000 troops entered Siam in a mighty manner.

The Kingdom of Siam welcomed them very warmly.

They also donated a lot of supplies to the coalition forces.

Mainly food and fruits.

Viscount Gort, one of the commanders of the coalition forces, felt that the Siamese were very good.

The transportation facilities in the coastal area of Siam are still very good.

And there are railways.

At the enthusiastic invitation of King Rama VII of Siam, the coalition decided to temporarily set up its headquarters in Bangkok.

So this place has become one of their gathering places.

They will rest here, and then use this place as a transit station to launch an attack on Annan next door.

They didn't know that a huge trap was waiting for them in Bangkok.

Through the railway, more than 100,000 main forces of the coalition came to Bangkok to assemble.

Bangkok had already built a temporary camp for them in Prachinburi Province, about 10 kilometers away from Bangkok.

The coalition was also very satisfied with the Siamese's approach.

Rama VII hosted a banquet and invited Viscount Gott and others.

Waltonborg himself was also in Bangkok.

Because the headquarters was set up here.

After the banquet, Waltonborg met with Rama VII.

"Mr. Borg, everything is ready. Our army and air force can cooperate at any time.

These hundreds of thousands of coalition forces have become trapped in a jar."

The Minister of the Army on the side also smiled and said:"They are a coalition of three countries, but they didn't expect that we are also a coalition of three countries.

We are in the dark and they are in the light. This time we will definitely drive these white people out of Southeast Asia.

Since ancient times, China has been the sovereign of Southeast Asian countries, and it will not change now or in the future.

Our Southeast Asian countries will surely grow and develop under the leadership of Chairman Chiang, replace the West, and become a world pole."

Walton Borg agreed with this statement very much.

Asia will surely replace the West and become the center of the world.

And the center of Asia is China.

"Okay, let's close the net tomorrow. This time we have to kill the coalition forces in one fell swoop."

The coalition camp in Prachinburi was built very centrally, and it was right in the middle of the plain, next to the railway station in Prachinburi.

The coalition forces didn't think much about this, because it made it easier for them to move.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that something is wrong in Bangkok."

In the coalition camp, an English captain looked at the sumptuous breakfast in front of him, feeling a little uneasy.

"Colonel Montgomery, the division commander wants you to go to the division headquarters."

At this time, a messenger came in.

This regimental commander was Montgomery, who had made a great contribution in World War II. Now he was just a regimental commander.


"woo woo woo woo......."

When Montgomery walked out of the tent, he suddenly heard a faint whistling sound coming from the sky.

When he looked up, his face changed immediately.

Artillery fire, and it was coming from all directions.

They could clearly see the shells whistling towards their camp, and from multiple directions.

"What on earth is going on?"

At this moment, Montgomery's mind was full of question marks.

""Artillery fire, artillery fire!"

The entire coalition camp was in an uproar.

A large number of soldiers rushed out of their tents, some of them hadn't even put on their clothes yet.

Now was the time for them to get up and eat breakfast.

"Boom boom boom........."

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