Anti-Japanese War: You drove me away, and now you want me to rescue you?

Chapter 91


A little cold.

Originally, tonight was definitely a fruitful day for Yamamoto and Takeshita. Although the previous operation to defeat the 358th Regiment Headquarters ultimately failed, the entire battle process still made them feel at ease. They believed that even if this failed, the special operations could still achieve great results.

But what about now?

Most of the more than 100 special forces members who came this time were killed or injured.

The remaining more than 30 special forces were also fleeing frantically, and were constantly guarding against the pursuit of the enemy's elite behind them.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Submachine guns and light machine guns continued to burst out with powerful power.

Although they all have extremely high combat qualities, they still show a considerable weakness in the face of these endless armed pursuits.


The number of their own people is constantly decreasing.

These imperial elites who had spent countless costs to train fell one after another on the way back.

This process lasted for nearly three hours.

The miserable escape finally ended when they finally returned to their occupied area and boarded the vehicles that had been waiting for a long time.


Kobayashi said with a painful and sad face: "In this battle, we lost a total of 76 imperial elites! In addition, there were five seriously injured and 17 slightly injured."


Yamamoto Ikki was furious.

Even though he was always calm, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and said when he heard such a tragic number: "This battle is simply a great shame for my special forces!"

Takeshita Shun, who was sitting next to him, also had a terrible look on his face.

Although their team's death rate was relatively low, the disadvantage of a small number of people also meant that their strength was now sharply reduced.


Takeshita Shun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "From the previous attack on the 358th Regiment, our plan should have been implemented successfully, and the enemy did not seem to be prepared at all. However, we encountered a fierce ambush on the way of retreat. The intensity of the attack was really rare. The situation before and after is really contradictory."

"That's right!"

Yamamoto Ikki calmed down at this time. His eyes flashed with cold light, and he said: "From the time we were discovered to the retreat after the fierce battle, the whole process was about ten minutes. Even if the ambush team moved quickly, it would be impossible for them to enter the ambush position so quickly, unless-"

"Unless they were prepared in advance."

"That's right!"

Yamamoto Ikki nodded.

As an elite who studied in Country D, although he was good at special operations, he naturally had considerable insights into the army's military affairs. At this time, he said again with a serious face: "The number of troops in the previous ambush team was about one battalion, and all weapons and equipment were extremely sophisticated. Except for a small number of special warfare weapons such as submachine guns like us, most of them were equipped with American M1 Garand rifles, which was obviously different from the enemies we encountered at the headquarters of the 358th Regiment."

The roar of artillery fire.

The machine guns fired.

Now recalling the horrific battle scene just now, even he was a little terrified.


Takeshita Shun agreed with this, his eyes flickered, and suddenly his expression suddenly became shocked, and said: "Do you think there is such a possibility?"


"These two are not the same unit at all!"

"How is it possible?!"

Yamamoto Ikki subconsciously denied it, but at the end his eyes showed a face full of shock.

Takeshita Shun took a deep breath and said slowly again: "Mr. Yamamoto, you just said that the weapons and equipment and fighting styles of these two teams are obviously different. It is entirely possible that they belong to different teams. Moreover, when we got the military intelligence before, although all the information about the mysterious unit pointed to the 358th Regiment, we never got the most direct proof. At least, how could the enemy armed forces that were originally hunted by the Sakata Regiment be wiped out in such a short time?"

"That's right!"

Yamamoto Ikki's face also became extremely solemn.

Takeshita Shun said again: "If there is such a powerful team near Laiyang County, which has extremely advanced and elite weapons, and its combat effectiveness is even far greater than the 358th Regiment we just attacked, then everything is explained. As for whether this unit is from the Eighth Route Army or from the Shanxi Suiyuan Army Headquarters, it is not important."

Yamamoto Ikki recalled all the intelligence he had obtained and the tragic experience before. He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Takeshita-kun's words make sense. As far as I know, there are many powerful teams near Laiyang County.There are indeed nearly a hundred enemy armed forces of all sizes. This place is mostly mountainous and hilly. Our empire's control is relatively scarce, and the intelligence is not accurate enough. If there are such armed forces lurking, it is not impossible. "

"If that is true--"

Takeshita Shun said palely: "The price we paid for this is too tragic."


Yamamoto Ikki's face also became extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "This operation is a great shame for my special forces! This despicable villain hiding in the dark, I, Yamamoto Ikki, will make him pay the price sooner or later!"


In the distance.

The sky before dawn is still terribly dark.

"Captain! "

Soon the entire assault battalion and the special operations team assembled here.

Ever since he received the news that the two special operations teams of the Japanese would take action, Lu Zhixian has been paying attention to the movements of the 358th Regiment.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy.

This time he only dispatched the elite troops of the regiment to ambush, but unfortunately Yamamoto and Takeshita still escaped.

"Report to the regiment commander!"

Han Shaogong, the commander of the assault battalion, quickly came to reply: "In this battle, our unit has annihilated more than 70 elite Japanese troops and seized more than 70 sets of various special operations equipment. Five brothers were sacrificed, three were seriously injured, and nine were slightly injured."


Lu Zhixian frowned slightly.

Under such great convenience and advantages, our side still suffered 17 casualties.

It has to be said.

This elite Japanese unit is indeed quite terrifying.

"Regiment commander!"

At this time, Chen Feng also said with a serious face: "What you said is indeed correct! The strength of these two special forces is indeed not to be underestimated! Under our fierce attack just now, they were still able to escape, which is enough to prove their strength. It must be said that if an ordinary thousand-man combat regiment encounters such a team, it would probably be a nightmare! "

Everyone present also nodded.

This Japanese special forces may not be so strong in a head-on battle.

But if it comes to launching a surprise attack, a sneak attack at night, etc., it is indeed hard to defend against!

Later, many of our casualties also occurred during the pursuit.

"We don't have to be too sorry!"

At this time, Yang Zhihua didn't take it to heart, and said slowly: "After this battle, these Japanese special forces are also seriously injured. I believe they should be quiet for a while in the future."

"That's right!"

Lu Zhixian's expression eased a little, and said: "Although we failed to wipe out these Japanese special forces this time, they can't cause too much trouble in a short time."

"Captain! "

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly thought of something and frowned, saying, "This time we are ambushing outside the 358th Regiment. Do you think the Japanese will notice anything?"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was slightly awed.

Suddenly attacking the Japanese still has the risk of being exposed.

But Lu Zhixian waved his hand and said seriously, "It doesn't matter! Now the 358th Regiment has taken a knife for us. Even if the Japanese really notice something, it must be a guess at most. Besides, we are ambushing here, and the support is also from the 358th Regiment. Even if they suspect something, they still need time to confirm it. This is enough to give us room for buffer. When we grow stronger, we don't have to worry about the Japanese's harassment!"

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