Aquatic Nightmare

Chapter 12: An offer you won’t refuse.

The ground will shatter as our weapons will be brought to life! Dimensions once far away will close in on us like predators circling prey! The undead will know fear! The Mazurians will know urgency! The solar races will know pain! The end is nearly upon us! Repent! Repent!
-Found in a tome about the end of the world in a church library, predicting the end of the world having happened seven hundred years ago

POV crown prince Celdium of the kingdom of Dalka

The dignitary from the Empire had been fuming angrily for a while now. His unreasonable demands for secret information or outright monetary compensation of ridiculous amounts going unanswered. The more information the Empire is acquiring on the latent heroes, the angrier they are that they didn't demand for the heroes themselves outright. He has scheduled another audience today, which I am not looking forward to.

As he enters the room, there is something different about him. He no longer walks intending to challenge my dad to a fistfight. Rather he seems to be walking like all those snobbish nobles walk when they are cooking something up. I would try to guess what it is, but knowing the little games nobles do so love to play is a fool's errand. Little Alicia has however made great strides in plotting and scheming, according to mom.

"The Empire has come to amend the bad relation with Dalka over the recent scandal involving the prophecy of the church."

What the hell are they planning?

POV Kyla'th Mazurio, Queen of Mazurio

Oh, Luna! Oh, fuck someone, anyone, please save me from this stress.

"Kyla, you are panicking." Jalaha usefully chides.

"OF COURSE I'M PANICKING, THE IMPERIAL DIPLOMATS ARE HERE WITHIN THE HOUR!" Why? Why in my lifetime do I have to deal with the biggest nation in the world which could actually destroy Mazurio, and has plenty of incentive to? This is all because those assassins who got the information of the First being long dead out somehow. It has to be!

"Kyla, take some deep breaths. You are in your own palace and nothing here can hurt you. The Empire can't either."

"But what if I fuck up? What if they declare war?" I heard the empire hasn't gone on one of their world crusades in a while. Are they preparing for a new one?

"Relax, first off, they would have sent an army if they intended for war. And secondly, they still have more enemies than just Mazurio."

Ok, breathe in. Breathe out. Calm breaths. I am not panicking. I have Jalaha right here, I am still one of the strongest mages in the world. Furthermore, I might not know why they are coming, but they sent a letter in advance informing us of them arriving. Deep breaths. I can do this!

"Now announcing Imperial dignitary Count Steinmann of Rockwell" A lizardman clearly not used to human politics announced it.

Why are they here so soon!? I thought I had more time! Jalaha save me!

Instead of saving me, the traitor has already taken up a place lower, and to the side. Clearly not intending to get involved.

"Greetings, Lord of Mazurio, I am here on behalf of the empire for peace negotiations between our two nations."

"Wait what?" I ask, dumbfounded and aloud. That was most definitely not something human nobles do.

The man raises his eyebrow. "If this is in the interest of Mazurio of course."

"Yes? Yes! Please continue, what is needed for peace?"

The man is clearly taken aback by the overly emotional Demon Lord.

"Well we were also thinking of starting trade between our two nations in the same, so I will also come back to that, but the Emperor had a specific demand of you yourself for the necessity of peace."

"Yes! Anything for peace! What is it?"

POV The mad princess Esstrey

"Mining gear?" The burly foreman asks.

"Yes, I'm serious, mining gear. I will also take any firestarters that still work when wet." My shopping spree continues, funded by a mermaid enclave and a small gang.

"Lady, I have been hearing many dangerous things about you and your purchases." The foreman is clearly none too happy with my coming here.

"And how much have you heard from people that denied those purchases? I recommend you get to work quick, dear foreman. At the very least, I can assure you that the money is good." Disgusting, these men aren't even motivated by money. I have to threaten them as well to get any point across here.

"I-I'll get right on it, ma'am!" I gesture for my escort to head into an alley that heads in the direction of our base.

"The rat hiding in the shadows can come out now. If you don't, I'm afraid I'll have to insist." I turn my wheelchair around while my men take positions on my sides.

"A paranoid one, aren't you? Not that I blame you." A man that kept himself hidden to the shadows reveals himself. I wouldn't have spotted him if I didn't catch a glimpse of him tailing me while I was passing a mirror store.

"Speak or be spoken for, agent." I point my crossbow at him, and he doesn't react.

"I have come to deliver an invitation for you to join the imperial university of magic in Beitzlin." My men already start whispering to each other about the largest academy in the Empire. Only imperial nobles are said to allowed to attend.

"Let's say that I believe this fanciful tale of the Empire being suddenly very interested in the less friendly contacts again. Why me? Why not one of the nobles you all love so much?" The man keeps his face hidden, but I see him think behind the unnatural darkness where his face is meant to be. That's weird, dogs are not meant to think.

"I will be upfront with you as my mission was to ensure you accept this invitation, and I have been allowed quite a bit of leeway as to how to go about this. The crown prince insisted on attending, and his father wishes to make it something to remember for the young prince." The cloaked man is very forthcoming about all this.

Let's think. What do I get if I accept? An actual education in this magic stuff I'm supposed to be good at, along with contacts of other influential figures that will no doubt attend. What will I lose? Time spent gathering strength at Quintillius, and possibly my head if I'm deemed a large enough threat.

"Is the demon Queen invited?"

"I was informed the invite was extended to her as well, although I do not know if she accepted." I smile.

"Well then, my good man. I suppose I accept."

He walks over to give me a small crystal, which I accept.

"This is your identification crystal. Anyone within the Empire will know that you are coming to attend at the university, and should get you past checkpoints. I am sure the Emperor will be pleased if you make it." The man quickly vanishes into the shadow as fast as my smile drops. I turn back to my goons.

"Well, comrades, it seems you will have to do without me for a while." And I gesture to be pushed to the harbor. There is work to be done, and I didn't forget about the little slave problem the Empire has.

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