
Chapter 454: Paladin Jenny

From this name, one knew that Lawrence was the divine whip of the Holy Father. His objective was to root out the world of all evils. For example… like the 200 years of the eight Crusades a thousand years ago, he, the Holy Whip, forcefully pushed for a continuation of this advance. Apart from Vatican City and certain times, his position was even above other bishops!

Vanessa shot a terribly unwilling glance at Xu Yangyi. Today, she wasn’t able to kill him. Next time, he would be even more careful. Furthermore, luring him to fly up or leave New York would be even harder! Still, she wasn’t extremely worried. After all, the House of Dracul had already operated in New York for over a century.

“Good,” she said coldly. Unusually, Richard didn’t refute her. “Today, the Dracul shall agree to your request. But… the Dracul’s sentiment must be returned.”

The woman didn’t reply.

“Let’s go!” Richard shouted, the nest of fire in his heart reaching extreme heights. His bat wings spread wide, and over a dozen pairs of green eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness, transforming into black smoke and drifting away.

Xu Yangyi’s gaze flickered. These green dots… he actually hadn’t detected them!

They were soundless and auraless, like demons in the night.

“Night Bats?” The woman’s gaze flickered. Afterwards, she said without concealing her dislike, “Have these inhuman things begone at once. You know, I feel so disgusted by those things.”

Night Bats?

Xu Yangyi took note of these two words in his heart. It seemed that this was one of the House of Dracul’s killing moves.

Vermilion Snow intently eyed Xu Yangyi, laughing coldly as she gently made the gesture of cutting her throat with her finger at him. “What a pity… you weren’t able to kill me in the end.”

“This Palace… shall look forward to our next meeting.”

Finished speaking, the fox-demon transformed into a streak of white light and flew straight to the ground.

“Now there’s you.” The woman looked at Xu Yangyi, who was the only one not to leave. “Full name, place of birth, and the reason you’ve come to the United States. Marquises are banned from entering the United States. This was the treaty signed with China.”

“If you don’t give a clear account today, I’ll have you know the consequences of trampling the law.”

Xu Yangyi studied the woman interestedly. This woman… How could he put it? She was really his type.

Sometimes, fate was so strange. He didn’t think that this woman would actually be able to stir his desires.

“Can you guess?” he laughed and answered.

The woman’s expression was cold. “I don’t like men who grin so mischievously, especially cultivators. In addition…” In the next second, her entire body dramatically swelled with golden essence that conveyed a terribly offensive nature. “Just now… what did you want to do?”

“Give me an explanation! Or else you will receive God’s punishment today.”

While Xu Yangyi smiled as he looked at the woman, his smile slowly vanished and he uttered, “I wasn’t doing anything.”

“I was just defending myself.”

“In your self-defense, should you drag so many people with you in death?” The woman’s voice became even colder. A set of golden flashing spirit armor was already faintly visible on her.

Xu Yangyi eyed her calmly. “So according to you, I should thank the world with death?”

Xu Yangyi’s counter was a spear neither cold nor hard. The woman’s lips twitched, but she didn’t continue speaking. The armor around her dissipated with a bang.

“Regardless of whether you should or shouldn’t, you cannot involve innocent crowds,” the woman said in a cold tone.

“If no one forces me, naturally I wouldn’t,” Xu Yangyi said lowly, “What’s your name?”

The woman paused. “Jenny.”

“Jenny Jeanne. The overseer of New York’s Devil-Hunter’s Headquarters.”

Xu Yangyi nodded. Just as he was about to say something though, he suddenly raised his head to look to the other side of the sky.

So strong…

An extremely oppressive qi was spreading from over yonder. But not only was this qi strong, it also seemed to be like a black wolf of the night, crafty and deadly. If one wasn’t careful, their throat would be ripped out.

Xu Yangyi didn’t shift his gaze away. A minute later, however, the person who showed up didn’t appear to be an elite cultivator. On the contrary it was a middle-aged uncle who had a scraggly beard and a cowboy hat on his head.

“Am I late?” He had a cigar hanging between his somewhat yellow teeth. He rubbed his eyes because he had fairly dark circles around them that were due to his overindulgence in debauchery. He scanned the vicinity until his gaze fell on Xu Yangyi. “Oh, so I’m not late yet… C’mon, kiddo, tell me your name…”

He hammered his chest. In fact, he wasn’t quite old, and his drunken state didn’t seem to drain his body. He looked strong like a bear, and his other hand was untying something at his side.

His actions weren’t fast, but instead contained a hint of slow unhurriedness. In spite of this, however, this middle-aged man put Xu Yangyi on full alarm!

Half-step Core Formation! This ordinary uncle was actually half-step Core Formation!

This was the first time he saw the high-end battle power of foreign cultivators!

“My name’s not important.” Against an apex half-step Core Formation cultivator, Xu Yangyi almost didn’t meet the other’s body with his gaze. He said in a low voice, “What’s important is what you want to do.”

“No no no…” The man slowly undid the cloth band on his hand and said with a calmness that belied the tension of the current situation. “What’s important or not isn’t up to you to decide. Eh… forgive me for being frank, but in front of me you still don’t have the qualifications to decide what’s important or not. You know… hmm, history has always been written by the victor.”

Xu Yangyi laughed, “You mean to say that you’re the stronger side?”

“Maybe?” The cloth band on the man’s hand was totally undone. On his hand, there was a tattoo of a crossbow. Suddenly, the tattoo flashed with red light, and a crossbow appeared in his hand.

It was small, but it was giving off an extremely blood-thirsty scent.

“The Holy Bible Book Twelve is its name.” The man stroked the crossbow in his hand a little obsessively. “I once killed seven vampire Marquises and ten lycan Marquises with it. Oh, friend, don’t misunderstand. The point of me just asking for your name is only because I was thinking about carving a name on your tombstone, that’s all. You know, I’m not that kind of guy who doesn’t have any feelings…”

Before his voice even fell, Xu Yangyi’s pupils violently shrunk. In the next second, an unseen black light, hidden in the night, was streaking straight at the middle of his brows!

If his spiritual sense wasn’t strengthened by the Myriad Spirits Pill, he wouldn’t have even sensed it!

Swoosh! His head leaned out of the way almost out of reflex, and in that instant a sharp buzz was heard at his ear! The air was lacerated apart, and his hair ceaselessly rippled in the wind. Afterwards, he stuck his hand out and wiped his ear. His palm was crimson-red.

The surging wind pressure had actually taken a long bloody bite out of his ear!

“That was a holy silver crossbow bolt from the 300th year of Our Lord. Each one is submerged in holy water. On my hand, this crossbow itself was created from the bones of three quasi Grand Dukes. It truly is a devil-hunter’s work of art, isn’t?” The man spat out his cigar, and an abnormal redness surged up his over-exhilarated face. He aimed the crossbow right at Xu Yangyi’s heart. “Today, you’ll be the 1,300th person to die to it, you dark filth. You should be happy.”

In the moment the crossbow took him in its sights, Xu Yangyi actually felt… that he’d been locked down! In nothingness, some invisible entity seemed to have locked down his figure!

“Holy Sixteen: Engrave!”

Swoosh swoosh swoosh! Following the middle-aged uncle’s shout, the crossbow erupted with a sky of black light! Hundreds of crossbow bolts came hailing down, covering the earth and concealing the sky! They locked down the entire area surrounding Xu Yangyi! Each bolt was pointing straight at his vitals!

“Ten Cardinals Purgatory!” Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Yangyi swung the Fishbowel Sword, and the imprints of ten purple dragons spread along it. In the next second, ten purple fire-dragons thundered out and threw themselves directly at the formless sea of arrows!

“Caw!” Just as both sides were about to clash, the hail of black light surprisingly made a sharp cry and immediately transformed into a murder of black crows. It cleaved straight through the ten fire-dragons!

The fire-dragons roared, but their purple flames didn’t latch onto nothing. About a hundred of the black crows were instantly incinerated by the several-thousand-degree-celsius flames, but… there were still hundreds that passed between the fire-dragons like fish passing through a net. They brought forth a fire sea of alternating black and purple!

Xu Yangyi wasn’t rattled, even though he could already sense that each of the enemy’s crows was able to penetrate his body. His hands were now condensing an expanse of white light. His gaze like a blade, he met the rushing ocean of black crows head-on.

They were close… Thirty meters, twenty meters… ten meters!

Just as the murder of crows was about to descend upon him, his gaze suddenly flashed, and the manifestation of a white tiger roared and ascended behind him! His ten fingers carved out spatial cracks in the air!

Splitting Air!

Swoosh swoosh swoosh! In the air, dozens of white claw-scars, stretching out for over a dozen meters in height, formed a brilliant white net! In moments, the only sound audible was an unending chain of explosions detonating against the entire net of white light!

Inky black flowers blossomed, but Xu Yangyi inhaled deeply. These shadows crows, since first contact, had caused him to shake!

They were so heavy… but he was able to withstand the assault!

In his heart, the desire to raise his head up and scream bubbled upwards. Not so long ago, he could only look up hopefully at lofty Foundation Establishment seniors and half-step Core Formation cultivators. And yet, in experiencing Danxia Temple, the Heavenly Paradise, and the Clearcloud Realm… he already had the ability to resist half-step Core Formation now!

Those harrowingly desperate battles that offered the faintest hopes of survival, and one destiny after another, had forged his current strength, which far transcended same-stage Foundation Establishment cultivators!

I don’t know if those on Sunnihilator’s level are also like me, he wordlessly thought to himself, and even the desire to contend against the enemy was born in his heart.

Shortly, all the black crows were eliminated, but he’d been shaken back over a dozen meters. The man and Jenny were far away, looking at Xu Yangyi with a slight amount of astonishment. They didn’t dare to believe their eyes somewhat.

“Huh… so you’re a genius-rank Chinese cultivator.” The man curbed his smile, the expression on his face already solemn. “Since you were able to take my move as a mid Marquis, you’re good enough to make me carve your name. In that case, I don’t know if this next move…”

“Gowers.” At this time, Jenny spoke up, “Stay your hand.”

Gowers’s realm evidently exceeded Jenny’s, but he now nodded. Without a harrumph, he flew behind Jenny. Jenny stared at Xu Yangyi intently and suddenly said, “Enough, Mister. I’ll permit your entry, and I won’t investigate into today’s matter any further.”

Xu Yangyi faintly laughed.

This was strength. The benefit of strength!

No investigation meant that he couldn’t be investigated, didn’t dare to be investigated into as well.

Because everyone could feel that the previous attack caused New York’s entire Sky Restriction to crackle. Another round of fighting and the seal was bound to crack again!

“Lady Jenny,” Gowers uttered, “Those who profane the Holy Light are all just ignorant brutes. He’s no exception. Give me another hour, and I’ll definitely take him out…”

“I said enough.” Jenny breathed in deeply and said indifferently, “I believe you can kill him, but who can take responsibility for the damages brought because of this?”

“Is New York my responsibility, or yours?”

Gowers didn’t reply. Eventually, he whistled at Xu Yangyi, “Boy, you really are lucky. Besides, you should pray.”

“Pray… that you foul bugs in the darkness don’t meet me next time. Or else… I vow that I’ll nail you to the cross and crush you like the dark trash that you are.”

“You’re staying in New York for a while, right? Good… we still have a lot of time… So pray, and then tremble and run away. Run away to the stinking trash heap where you should originally be.”

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