Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 67 Dancing on the Tip of the Blade

The entire audience in the livestream was in an uproar. It was an unprecedented live broadcast blunder. Wang Yun appeared to have stumbled upon genuine hardened criminals, actual murderers.

Everyone was left in shock, especially the viewers from Yun Province. They quickly recognized that this gang wasn’t ordinary. They were murderers, drug dealers, the very Class A wanted criminals with serious crimes under their belts.

The revelation was utterly chilling.


Meanwhile, in the room adjacent to the show’s command center room, the production team hadn’t wrapped up for the day, mainly due to the unforeseen events sparked by Wang Yun’s actions.

As they tuned into Wang Yun’s live stream, bewilderment painted their faces.

What in the world was happening? This was supposed to be just a show, with Wang Yun acting as a fugitive. How did he end up crossing paths with actual thugs?

“Damn it, these individuals seem to be the drug dealers Captain Jiang Youshan warned us about from Yun Province. What on earth are they doing there? And how did they bump into Wang Yun?”

Sweat formed on the brow of the executive producer. Without hesitation, he reached for his phone, dialing the local police.

“Wang Yun has a keen sense. He likely picked up on the peculiar vibes from this gang, and he’s playing his role to the hilt, acting like a true fugitive. As of now, everything seems under control.”

“Big Brother is indeed sharp, but he mustn’t be discovered by them. If they see through his act, it’s curtains for him,” voiced two other concerned directors from the side.

After all, in the show’s context, Wang Yun was merely role-playing. Even if there was talk of ‘killing,’ it was metaphorical. The ‘guns’ they had were mere props. How could someone pretending to be a thug face off against real criminals? Especially when the adversaries boasted a fifteen-strong squad armed with intimidating submachine guns.

Simultaneously, outside the Nancheng central police departmen’s main entrance, narcotics officers were gearing up for a search operation. One middle-aged officer received an unexpected call from the show’s production team. The information shared left him momentarily stunned.

“What? What’s this?”

Quickly, a live feed from the show was streamed to his phone, and as he processed the video’s content, a look of astonishment crossed his face.

“We’ve pinpointed the drug dealers. They’re holed up in an abandoned building at Hu Mountain Residential Area, just eight kilometers from our location. Surprisingly, they were stumbled upon by a ‘fugitive’ participant from the Skynet Operation show. We need to mobilize and head there at once,” he directed with urgency, raising his voice, “Move fast. The crew member who found the drug dealers might be in grave danger.”

“What? They’ve been found? Let’s roll!”


“All viewers, please stay calm. The production team has informed the police, and a sizable unit will be dispatched immediately.”

In Wang Yun’s live stream, a bold message flashed across the screen. As viewers read this alert, any remnants of skepticism evaporated. The show’s confirmation was clear. They were up against genuine and ruthless criminals. The news exploded online, becoming an instant sensation.

Those who caught wind of the news were floored.

The story skyrocketed, dominating trending lists.

“Wang Yun, playing a ‘fugitive’ in the Sky Net Operation, faces genuine armed drug lords?”

“Fiction collides with reality as Wang Yun confronts genuine danger, and law enforcement rushes to his aid!”


“Haha, what’s the use of having weapons, brother? We’re still running around like rats from those damn fools?” At Hu Mountain Residential Area, a middle-aged man laughed in a second-floor apartment, flaunting his submachine gun.

“Big Brother, you sure take it in stride. All this running around and you’re still upbeat,” Wang Yun remarked, fishing a stick of gum from his pocket and popping it in. “Hell, I’ve been on the ram for more than two months and can’t even find a decent smoke.”

He offered a stick of gum to the middle aged man as he spoke.

“You’ve evaded capture for over two months. Quite the feat,” the middle aged man remarked, accepting the gum and popping it into his mouth. He then retrieved a cigarette from his pocket, extending it toward him. “You’re quite adept. What line of work were you in before?”

“Brother, here you go.” The young man Wang Yun had previously subdued promptly produced a lighter, igniting the cigarette for him.


“Hold on, is the thug lighting his cigarette?”

“He’s blended in perfectly, hasn’t he?”

“Look at Big Brother’s guts! Given the circumstances and his sharp wit, he should be able to escape smoothly.”

“Man, Big Bro is legendary. He confronts the thug without a hint of fear and even gets a light from him. Pure class! Anyone else would’ve been paralyzed with fear.”

Watching the livestream, viewers were dumbstruck at the sight of a thug lighting Wang Yun’s cigarette. Observing him engage in casual conversation with the gang leader left them utterly spellbound. Such audacity and nimbleness. Truly unparalleled.

“I worked as a personal bodyguard, just trying to make a living,” Wang Yun responded, drawing a deep puff from his cigarette, his face splitting into a cheeky grin.

“I’ve taken a liking to you. How about joining my crew?” The middle-aged leader appraised Wang Yun, seemingly captivated by his demeanor and the defiant glint in his eyes.

“Big Brother, joining with you all? Isn’t that a death wish?” Wang Yun quipped.

Before he could expound further, the menacing gazes of about a dozen thugs around him intensified, their weapons subtly raised.

“With so many of you, you’re bound to attract attention. The odds of you all getting caught are significantly higher than mine when I’m solo on the run. If I tag along, I might not see past the middle of this month,” Wang Yun asserted, shaking his head, “If they get their hands on me, that’s game over. I’m not keen on facing a firing squad.”

“Once we leave Nancheng behind, we can completely shake them off. Those guys will never be able to catch us,” the middle aged leader confidently declared with a smile.

“Oh? Big Brother, you’ve got an escape plan? And backup waiting for us?” Wang Yun’s eyes sparkled with hope as he looked at him.

“Heh, of course. Join us, and you won’t regret it. If not for the fact that you’ve got impressive skills and guts, I wouldn’t even consider taking you along,” the middle-aged leader replied, a grin playing on his lips.

“Bro, following our Boss guarantees only the good life and no losses,” a man beside the leader said, flaunting the gun with a casual swing.

“I’ve got some gear too,” Wang Yun remarked, pulling an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak watch from his pocket. As he donned it, he showcased his own ‘gun’ with a flourish. “Audemars Piguet, Royal Oak.”

“Haha! Brother, mine’s a Rolex.” The middle-aged man laughed heartily, clearly amused by Wang Yun’s demonstration.

“To be honest,I prefer Rolex more,” Wang Yun said with a chuckle. He then turned serious, looking at the middle-aged leader. “Big Brother, if you can help me outwit this ‘pursuit’, you’ll have my loyalty forever. My life will be in your hands.” With that, he emphatically pounded his chest.

“Heh, it’s rare to come across someone with such destiny. Come on, let’s share a drink. Good booze is hard to come by,” the middle-aged leader said with a light laugh.

The Rolex-wearing man gave Wang Yun a reassuring pat on the shoulder, leading the way.


“Is this for real?”

“Excuse me, who are the real bandits and who are the impostors here?”

“Damn! Big Brother seems even more of a bandit than the actual ones. The way he flaunted that watch? Absolute boss move.”

“Big Brother truly has the capability to ‘take down’ the program’s chief inspectors, huh? His mindset is chilling,” one commented.

“If I were a thug, I’d be dumbfounded. Big Brother emanates more of a bandit vibe than even I do. That’s probably why that middle-aged leader sought him out. Just in the way Big Brother speaks, you can sense that bandit aura,” another noted.

“Is Big Brother merely biding his time or planning an escape?” another pondered.

Within the live broadcast, the viewers were riveted by Wang Yun’s actions. It was astonishing how he effortlessly blended in, almost overshadowing the criminals at their own game. It was undeniably slick.

As Wang Yun shadowed the criminals, countless thoughts swirled in his mind. He had deliberately ingratiated himself with them to lower their defenses and to gain precious time for the police.

With the live stream ongoing, the production team and police would undoubtedly be alerted and en route. Reinforcements from the Nancheng Central Police Department would take roughly 15-20 minutes to arrive. He had to make his exit before that window closed. Being amidst these bandits was a dangerous game.

However, upon entering the room they directed him to, his eyes narrowed in alarm. Hostages. A young couple and two children. The boy seemed barely three, while the girl looked around six or seven. His complexion shifted to a graver hue.

“Wait, they’ve got hostages?!” a viewer gasped.

“Oh no, they’ve abducted a couple, and there are two children! Both kids are bound!” another exclaimed.

“These monsters have ensnared an entire family of four,” another voiced bitterly.

The livestream’s audience displayed a mix of shock and fury upon realizing the hostages in the bandits’ clutches. Their eyes brimmed with anger and anxiety. Given the ruthlessness of these bandits, the well-being of the four hostages was severely at stake.


Wang Yun’s mind raced, his eyes wide with disbelief as he stared intently at the tied-up woman. There was an unmistakable gleam in his gaze as he exclaimed, “Hmm? You even have a woman among the hostages. Interesting.”

“Come on, bro! You’re really into this type?” From a nearby spot, the bandit sporting a prominent scar shot Wang Yun a bemused look.

“Brother, do you have any idea how I’ve been living these days?” Wang Yun asked.

Laughing, the bandit replied, “Oh, I totally get it. After I spent a year behind bars, even a sow looked like a goddess to me.”

The middle-aged leader burst into laughter, giving Wang Yun a friendly pat on the back. “Come, sit, and share a drink with us.”

With a smirk, Wang Yun grabbed a nearby glass of liquor and proposed, “Here’s to you, Big Brother. Cheers!”

“Just call me Brother Hao, that’s what everyone does,” the middle-aged leader retorted, lifting his glass in acknowledgment.

Around them, men of diverse ages settled into their seats. The scar-faced bandit leaned casually against a wall, his attention fixed on a cell phone, presumably taken from the abducted couple. Wang Yun’s attention zeroed in on the device.

“Brother Hao, what do you plan to do with these four?” Wang Yun asked, hinting toward the restrained family.

Glancing over at the gagged family, the leader remarked, “We’ll take care of them before our exit. Can’t afford them spilling our tracks. Why?”

Upon absorbing his words, sheer horror washed over the young couple. They shivered uncontrollably, eyes brimming with overwhelming despair. Their muffled cries broke the silence, and their tormented glances landed on their terrified children. A heavy pall of hopelessness enveloped them.


“God! These cursed traffickers are plotting to wipe out the entire family!” a viewer voiced in shock.

“These monsters have crossed all limits! They’re pure evil! Why haven’t the cops arrived? They must be stopped now!” another viewer raged.

“These animals! They’re devoid of any humanity, not sparing even a young child!”

“How tragic! What did they ever do to deserve this? Damn, those monsters!”

Watching the live broadcast, all viewers listened to the words of the middle-aged leader. Their hearts chilled, and their faces contorted with anger as they verbally lashed out.

At that moment, tension gripped every viewer. They were filled with anxiety and concern.

“Hehe.” Wang Yun’s demeanor didn’t waver. A malevolent smile played on his lips. His eyes briefly lingered on the woman and child, and he deliberately licked his lips, saying, “Brother Hao, before we finish them off, can I… ahem.”

As he spoke, his hands rubbed together in a gesture that anyone with experience would understand.

“Oh? Haha, of course.” The middle-aged leader looked momentarily surprised but soon nodded in affirmation.

Upon hearing the leader’s response, Wang Yun sprang to his feet, eyes shining with anticipation, “Thanks, Brother Hao.”

“Really, bro? Can’t you hold back a bit?” Several middle-aged men chuckled, poking fun as Wang Yun seemed eager to make his move.

“You guys enjoy. I’ll be quick,” Wang Yun responded with casual indifference, motioning to the woman and child, “I’ll take these two first.”

“Wait, bro, you have such… interests?” a younger man raised an eyebrow, questioning with a hint of disbelief.

“Do respectable people have such interests?” Wang Yun shot back with a playful smirk.

“Haha, do we have any ‘respectable’ folks here?” The younger man retorted with a hearty laugh.


“Is he… trying to rescue the mother and daughter?”

“His response and tactics are nothing short of genius!”

“He’s using this ruse to save them… My god, he’s putting himself in the line of fire!”

“I suddenly feel worried for him. This is like a tightrope walking over a pit of danger!”

“Stay safe, Big Brother!”

The viewers were astounded by Wang Yun’s actions, their eyes riveted to the screen. The atmosphere in the livestream became palpable. In this tense moment, none had anticipated that Wang Yun would dare to rescue the mother and daughter, risking everything.

A single misstep could spell doom.

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