Ascenders Rift

Chapter 269: Assault of the Human Resistance

The battle between Marcruse and those belonging to the Flesh Mutators was especially fierce, even more so when they noticed the walls of spiraling roots that sealed off their respective queens who now faced off against the Origin Mutant Life.

Scores of bodies fell from the air as corpses piled up, even more, staining the earth even more with their blood.

"Body Change!" Deerut shouted as he once more shapeshifted into a powerful being; he raised his hand, conjuring lighting that bolted towards Marcruse like a lance.

"Guard..." Marcruse emotionlessly said as he stood without moving, his body shining light a bright chunk of diamond that easily relieved Deerut's lightning bolts, scattering it into bits.

'Tch, so darn tough...' Deerut complained as he saw Marcruse took another of his attacks; he glanced at Ezgods and Vrak, who were preparing to strike Marcuse from an unexpected angle.

Marcuse naturally knew of their attempts, but he didn't seem to mind; he mostly fixed his attention onto the blocked-off roots that shielded his queen.

'I can't let her fight by herself; I have to find a way to remove this trio...'

"Good, he's distracted; strike him now!" Deerut said with an unorthodox method that sent his voice to his allies.

Vrak and Ezgods nodded as they had already conjured their full power, they readied to charge at Marcruse to unleash hell, but right at this, they sensed something.

Not only them, but Marcuse also felt it as he shifted his eyes to the side as if sensing something.

The horizon that was once empty soon began to show a series of black dots, each of which was hurrying. Before they could even understand what happened, these black dots grew larger within a few seconds, revealing themselves as battle airships that arrived a few dozen meters away from their warzone.

Once they arrived at this distance, a few long cannons pointed towards their armies before glowing in brilliant lights that carried a destructive power.

Only now did Marcruse and the others showed a face of alarm, fully understanding the current enemy.

'This isn't good; it's those humans and their weapons; the army won't survive!' 

Marcuse said in his mind as he hurriedly pulled himself back from the scene and shouted, "All forces fall back, protect yourselves with your shells!"

"Not good, Flesh Mutators withdraw immediately!" Deerut shouted along with Vrak and Ezgods, but sadly, though they acted promptly, it would seem that they were too late.

With terrifying sounds, all the cannons fired devastating rays of light towards the clashing armies, these beams scattered into multiple rays that targeted each enemy individually.

It didn't take long for explosive sounds to erupt as the beams collided with their targets, most of which were destroyed by the impact as the stronger amongst them were repelled backward.

Deerut, Ezgods, Vrak, and Marcruse were angered, though quite a large amongst both sides still remained as some managed to avoid the rays in time; it was enough to weaken their sides drastically.

"These darn humans, they dare to injure our queen's forces! Hmph, they will pay for their actions! Attack, destroy their ships, and annihilate everyone!" Deerut shouted in rage.

"All Flesh Mutators attack!" Ezgods shouted from one side.

"Shatter their bodies, break their spirits!" Vrak commanded similarly.

"Keee!" The lesser intelligent Flesh Mutators shrugged off their damages as they sprouted wings and charged towards the ships in unison, each using various attacks from a distance.

Marcruse was also angered; he didn't focus on Deerut and the other commanders anymore; he glared at the human armada and pointed his finger.

"Extinguish them!"

"As commander wishes!" The surviving armored bug men said as they led a group of insect men towards the airships.

By this time, the ships had already gathered enough power for another attack; they were about to fire once more, but the colorful rays of attacks that bombarded their ships draw away most energy to their shields.

"City Head Milon, our power is draining too quickly; their offensive is too strong!" One person said from behind a terminal.

Milon narrowed his eyes at this as he spoke, "Keep all powers to the shields, forget about the cannons, as for offense, we'll take them on directly! All forces prepare for combat!"

"Yes, City Head!" Wilma, Leo, and the others said in unison.

Following his words, the airships opened a hatch. Milon himself and Leo, Wilma, Razel, Oron, Irene, and many Evolvers others appeared; they then jumped from the ships riding on top of airborne gliders that swooshed towards the incoming foes.

Like a dashing ray of blazing flames, Milon rode his glider at the head, his entire body coated by flames as Wilma flew by his side, her body shrouded by a black-colored genetic power.

It only took a few seconds before they arrived in front of the first wave, Wilma seeing this was the first to take action, waving her hand ahead of her as she shouted, "Gravity Surge!"

Everyone heard a buzzing noise with her voice as the enemies caught with the ten meters range had halted in place. Milon's eyes flickered in a blazing light as he took this chance to follow up.

"Blazing Spears!" With his battle cry, he raised his arm, conjuring a flaming spear that he tossed towards one of the enemies; he then repeatedly summoned spears that flew towards different targets, each leaving behind a blazing line like a ray of light.

Naturally, all burned those hits by his attacks to ashes, and of course, Milon wasn't the only person to attack, as the evolvers swooped into the range using their special attacks, creating a colorful but destructive scene.

Leon used his fire palm to scorch those in his path as Oron charged head-on like an unstoppable tank, crushing flesh mutators with his armored fists.

Unlike those who fought in close quarters, Irene cast her magic ray beam attacks along with Razel, who fired exploding arrows from a distance. As for Julie, she conjured barriers with her mind that sealed those who slipped away and countered unexpected attacks.

Marcruse frowned as he saw this; he didn't think the humans would grow so formidable; he thought to himself, 'I knew they had capable fighters amongst them, especially so since both Devora and Marlin hadn't survived. It looks like I should take out their strongest before they become even more of a nuisance... then I can finish off those other pests.'

As Marcruse finished his thoughts, his eyes glanced at Deerut and the others, but it appeared that he wasn't the only person with such a thought as Deerut similarly glanced at him, the two snorted, saying nothing as he took separate actions.

Like a flash of black golden light, Marcruse bolted towards Milon and the others; Deerut took the chance to speak to his fellow Eight Destroyers, "Vrak, Ezgods, let's take them down, we can destroy that Insect General after we've annihilated the humans."

"Fine," Ezgods said.

Vrak also agreed; the trio swooshed towards the same directing, moving with a dominant power that threatened to crush all things. As the war between the native armada of Qeodreona against the two enemy's forces was about to enter its true phase, back within the confined space, a different change was about to occur in the battle between the dreadful leaders, titled as the Three Calamities.

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