Ascension of the elder

Chapter 105: The love shack

"Well hello."

Looking down towards the end of his bed he could see Clara and Miranda in deep conversation but when they heard his voice they slowly turned their heads towards him like they were on a pivot. Both had blushes on their cheeks and he could see their eyes flicking towards something every few seconds. They didn't respond but Kyle looked in the same direction they were looking.

Low and behold there he was standing in all his morning glory. He hadn't even had a shower yet but his old chap was already set for the day ahead. He had to say that with his new body and cultivation, even only being eleven years old he was impressive. Maybe he may have developed a little bit of narcissism but hey who cares.

"Can I help you girls?"

Kyle asked with a little grin on his face. With his mental age he knew this was purely a physiological response and he shouldn't feel any shame, the same couldn't be said for the girls as at their age they were curious and had a little knowledge of the opposite sex but it isn't like they have sex education or anything so instead they get the talk from their mothers. Boys get the talk from their fathers but the contents are seriously different and never should the knowledge imparted to one be passed to the other.

"Um Kyle are you okay you aren't in pain or anything are you." The sweet Miranda asked with concern seeing the state of his body.

Clara however was gradually looking more directly at his spire and her hand began to unconsciously reach out before it was caught by Miranda.

"You shouldn't touch it, you might hurt him."

"Do you know how tough he is, I doubt anything would damage him."

Kyle jumped in here as he wanted the girls to know something.

"Actually the genitals are amongst the most sensitive part of the human body. No man wants to be hit in the junk as the pain is almost unbelievable so unless there is a good reason try and avoid hurting Mr Happy okay?"

Miranda and Clara nodded their heads to this and also understood why during their training any time they had to do crotch shots the boys would always shy away or defend that area above any other. Mystery solved the girls felt accomplished as they had gained new knowledge and intended to pass this onto their other female friends including Alena.

"Okay let's get up, you girls take a shower first and get dressed and I'll get in after you're done."

"Okay Kyle." Clara said before trying to wake up Elena.

Elena had Kyle in a death grip and quickly Miranda tried to help break her grasp on Kyle. Some people say that when girls grasp onto a boy it is like a koala, but in Elena's case it was more akin to a leach or a python which would refuse to let go unless you knew the best way to remove them.

After years of experience Kyle knew the best way and while Clara and Miranda were trying to wake up Elena and remove this parasite from Kyle's body he just reached round and tickled her on the side.

With a snort Elena woke up and loosened her grip meaning all the force Clara and Miranda were exerting was suddenly free launching all the girls off the bed and causing a female heap on the floor.

"Whatcha doing?" Elena asked with an innocent face while she was now sprawled on top of Clara and Miranda who were trying to now shift her off of them.

Kyle rolled over on the bed and looked over the side and on seeing the sprawling mess on the floor tried to stifle his laughter but not with any real success.

"Hey girls looking good, you'd better hurry up because if I'm late you'll be training with me." Kyle finished this with a grin which made the girls shudder.

The last time any of them received direct training with Kyle because they made him late was still etched in their souls like all the senior members of the house and is whispered in hushed tones like a horror story amongst the new arrivals.

Rushing to get up all three of them ran into the bathroom to shower and change. Kyle lay back with a satisfied grin on his face while he waited for his turn. It looked like in this life he would end up as a bit of a lady's man and truth be told he was looking forward to when they were all old enough.

While he was waiting he was wondering what today would bring, every day something seemed to be changing at the moment and even if he was worried, he couldn't help but be a little bit excited.

Very quickly the girls exited fully dressed and ready for the day and with a quick goodbye they rushed out so they wouldn't be the ones to blame for Kyle being late. Kyle had a gentle smile on his face when he saw this before he got ready and headed to the kitchen.

When everyone saw him they gave him their morning greeting. He could see Liam and Ash sat to the side with grumpy faces while Landon was sat with them but he had a proud and happy look on his face. Kyle walked over to them and said hello.

"Morning gents, dad how are you doing?"



Kyle was surprised by the reaction of Ash and Liam as they looked away from him while making displeased sounds. Kyle didn't know what was going on and looked to his father for help.

"Don't worry son these two grumpy old men are just upset because it looks like their daughters are going to be out of their hands before long."

Kyle was surprised about this as both of them had been trying to push him and their daughters together. Kyle realised however that last night was the first night they had slept together for the whole night. Elena didn't count as she always did what she wanted regardless and as she had no parents there wasn't anyone to limit her except for Kyle and her brother.

"You don't need to worry, regardless of what happens they'll always be your daughters and we are all already family aren't we?"

This seemed to placate the two fathers much to Landon's amusement who was joined by Maria who took possession of his arm. They were soon joined by One and Lady Sparrow who had just arrived.

It looked as though both of them had been working during the night and had come for breakfast before they did their training. One and Lady Sparrow had a look in their eyes which showed they were desperate to update Kyle on some project or plan they had hatched.

Kyle originally thought One and Faye may get together but once Lady Sparrow had let down some of her walls she had grown close to One as they found they had similar personalities. Kyle saw these partners in crime and couldn't help but shake his head before he let them tell him what they were obviously dying to get out.

"Okay I can tell you've got something for so spit it out."

"Well after your orders last night we spoke amongst ourselves about how we should proceed and we've already had a great deal of success." One began with gusto.

"Yes we have, using some information from the street girls and 'steel lotus' we managed to isolate a few merc bands and 'shadow hand' took them down with no problem." Lady Sparrow continued with an uncharacteristic tempo to her words, it was obvious she was excited.

"When we took those merc bands down we found they had information on some other bands and gang locations, like holdouts, safe houses and business locations."

"So using this information and getting Tobias involved we managed to hit multiple areas simultaneously."

"We currently have locked up about 500 gang members, 300 mercs and 200 slaves."

"So we need to know what to do with the male slaves. We know you want the gangs to go to 'shadow hand' the mercs to 'death watch' and the female slave to 'shadow lotus' but who should deal with the men?"

Kyle was amused with this back and forth between One and Lady Sparrow as it showed their relationship may be even closer than he already believed. The other three men were also watching them with surprised looks. One and Lady Sparrow seemed to understand the looks they were receiving and with a quick glance at one another lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Oh One it looks like you've got a girlfriend."

"Well done boyo should we call the chapel?"

"Ahh young love such a beautiful thing."

"Really are they dating?" Maria also joined in with some surprise before looking between the two seeming to be looking for some connection. Kyle decided to take pity on them, at least for the moment but he would hold onto this little information until he could really make fun of them.

"I think the male slaves should go to 'death watch' but like usual all slaves should be given the option to join or not. Also when using the seal stones, make sure that the slave only receive the secret seal as they haven't done anything wrong and we'll be coming into the light before long."

The seal stones are a means of placing a seal on people without Kyle having to do it himself. Creating an etched seal Kyle used almost pure soul force to imbue these stones. This energy would replenish itself if not completely drained and anyone could put their mana into the stone to begin the process of placing the seal while Kyle's op soul force would do the rest of the work.

The limitation on these seal stones was that they could only create a seal every few minutes so they could replenish the soul force while Kyle could now comfortably produce 50 seals without strain but he would always need to be present.

Kyle had thought of using these stones as a means to replenish his soul force or even increase it but so far he hadn't found any material which could store his soul force in great quantity hence why these stones could only be used once before recharging.

"Okay Kyle we'll get that sorted; by the way Tobias said he's sending over the first batch of external family guards to begin their training today." One spoke on behalf of his friend which seemed to remind Landon as well.

"Yes I've got several teams of guards coming for training as well; this'll include the guards of our elders." Landon referred to the elders who were loyal to him and Kyle as their elders and Kyle was more than happy to train these guards but they would also have the secret seal placed upon them.

While they were planning and conjuring new plans a voice rang out through the whole kitchen for all to hear.

"He had morning wood? Why didn't you call me!?"

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