Ascension of the elder

Chapter 121: How not to street fight

"Oh shizzle."

"Elena it's not the time." Responded Clara with a visible sigh, as they continued to watch the drama on the stage one of their guards opened a bag he was carrying and took out some wrapped objects and tapped them in their shoulders before handing these parcels to the.

Elena, Clara, Miranda and Alena didn't seem surprised at this and instead placed these parcels on their laps while the guard first moved to the high table and passed parcels to Maria, Landon and Leonard.

This Santa Claus imposter then moved over to the participant's area and gave parcels to Bruno, Clyde and Archie. No one was paying attention to this faceless guard as their focus was fully on the stage where Kyle was facing off against Raith.

Kyle was still standing between Raith and Neil with his sword drawn and ready to attack Raith. The sword in his hand didn't move or even twitch and was as stable and steady as a rock. Raith was afraid to move for a minute before he slowly stepped back a couple of paces.

"So you want to interfere with my match do you?"

Raith wanted to put this on the Powell family so he decided it would be best to play the victim for now.

"Yes I will interfere, if scum like you wants to use some cult skills against my family I'll simply have to cut off your junk and turn you into a girl."

Kyle responded before he lowered his sword indicating where he would make his cut. Raith felt a little breeze down there and realised Kyle truly meant what he said.

"You can't threaten me in front of this crowd and my family!"

"Oh why not you showed that skill without worrying about the consequences so everyone knows of your connection to the cults now."

The crowd began murmuring and whispering as they had seen the skill Raith had used and many of them were aware of the skills the corrupted cults used and also the damage they could cause to people. Once this knowledge began spreading within the crowd the mood became strange and if this continued on Raith was liable to be lynched before any fight could ensue.

While Kyle and Raith were facing off Harris had been moving closer to the ring, but with the crush of bodies near the ring he struggled to get through and was close to attacking those closest to him so he could reach his son.

Kyle could see him from his vantage point on the ring and before Harris could blow his top suddenly called out.

"Let my Uncle through he needs to check on his son."

The people could follow Kyle's eye line and seeing Harris made way for him letting him get to the ring in quick fashion. Harris rushed over to Neil and began checking his pulse and his eyes. Neil pulse was irregular and his eyes showed no reaction.

He stood slowly before he turned around in a mechanical fashion and drew a small blade from his sleeve. This blade was one of Kyle's products which were sold through Mike and Kelly's store, on seeing this blade and the way Harris was looking at him Raith realised he had fully ballsed up this time.

With his father's plan he believed the upper echelon of the Powell family would fall into line during the attack before they completely annihilated them at their leisure. Now with this new conflict Harris would never side with them and would instead do everything in his power to destroy him.

As Harris was bracing himself to attack Edith used a skill to reach the stage pulling Raith away and confronting Harris directly.

"Be calm Harris this is a battle between the younger generation, do not force my hand in this."

"Force your hand? Your son has killed mine I will remove that cancer from this world even if I have to give my life to do it!"

Finally Harris was showing his true self, he was a devoted dad but after the death of his beloved wife he had fully thrown himself into his work to lessen the pain unfortunately this had caused an estrangement between himself and his son.

This was also the reason he had recently seemed to hate Kyle because it appeared as though Kyle was taking his place which had become his only identity and with the loss of this he felt himself becoming nothing more than a ghost.

However faced with the possible loss of his son all other concerns became irrelevant and all he wanted was to be a father once again. As they were preparing for battle another figure entered the ring.

This was Kyle's second uncle James the father of Clyde, when the people saw this they felt glad that Harris had some backup for this fight as the Miles family would now be vilified by the people of the city due to their connection with the cults.

Against their expectation James stood with Edith, the crowd was shocked once more by this development. Why would James stand with the Miles family over his own kin, what was happening the crowd wondered while looking between the ring and the high stage to see Landon's reaction?

Landon didn't look angry instead he looked sad and older than he had seemed only moments before. Slowly standing Landon flashed away before appearing next to his brother carrying his parcel that was delivered by the guard earlier.

Seeing Landon on the stage Edith and James became cautious before James snapped his fingers and from within the crowd 2 great swords were thrown onto the stage. This must have been from some of James' subordinates which had smuggled these weapons into the arena much like Kyle's guard had done.

Whilst the adults were facing off against each other Kyle moved away and approached Neil, taking his wrist Kyle dragged Neil further away and quickly treated him cleansing the corrupted mana from his system and bringing him around quickly.

"What happened? I head you call out but couldn't do anything."

Neil asked when he had regained his consciousness; he looked around him and his eyes settled on the stage and he saw his father standing there with tears running down his face. As he spoke Bruno, Clyde and Archie approached while from the crowd a young woman broke free and rushed up before hugging Neil while crying.

This was the young lady of the Tor family and it looked like Neil already had a place in her heart for her to react like this.

"Simply put Raith used a skill from the cults and poisoned you, your father came for revenge and Uncle James has revealed himself as the traitor."

Kyle answered in the simplest way possible before looking to the stage. With the forces currently arrayed the Miles family wouldn't have a chance so he was expecting Edith to commence the attack soon and he wasn't disappointed.

Edith took a crystal from his pocket and raised it to the sky, seeing this Landon began moving but before he could even take a step the crystal glowed brightly before launching into the sky and exploding in a flash of light.

This must have been the signal to attack as from the imperial mansion many people began appearing. Most of these people were wearing the cloaks that the cult members wore while from the surrounding streets gangs began top spill forth.

This was turning into a complete fur ball and Kyle needed to get his people out of the area before they became swamped. Even though Kyle's people were individually stronger than most of the enemies they were now completely outnumbered and with having to maintain order in their territory the only people he prepared were his 'death guard' so taking out the signal stone for Ash he immediately used it.

Landon and Harris had already engaged Edith and James and had already begun to push them back when their reinforcements began to appear. Pushing them back Landon and Harris pulled back, Harris looked ready to jump in straight away when a voice pulled his attention away.

"Uncle Harris don't throw your life away your son need's you."

Hearing Kyle's voice Harris turned back and saw his son already standing while being supported by a young lady. Disregarding anything he rushed over leaving Landon on his own facing 2 opponents. Drawing his son into a crushing embrace Harris spoke to him.

"I thought I lost you, without your mother you are the only thing I care about."

"Its okay dad Kyle fixed me now we need to spank some bitches."

Hearing his son Harris broke his embrace before turning to Kyle unsure of what to say. Kyle seeing this simply grinned before speaking.

"Don't worry we're family now we need to get clear so we can counter attack."

As he was speaking Landon was fighting James and Edith looking at ease and easily knocking them back, on seeing this Harris was shocked as he knew Landon's strength should be similar to Edith and only slightly stronger than James but he was toying with them.

"Dad stop screwing around the civilians will get injured if we play about."

Hearing this Landon became disappointed but used a mana blast to knock Edith and James away giving them space to approach their compatriots who were currently engaged in combat with the reinforcements who had come from behind.

Maria and Gemma were using magic to blast away their enemies and Leonard was busy throwing people at the walls while laughing like a maniac. The imperial overseer was long gone, probably hiding in his mansion by now.

The cult people were gradually approaching but were on the opposite side of the arena so they had to cut their way through the sea of people in their way. At this point Ash and his force appeared into the fray.

It was chaos with the civilians running every which way and three large forces appearing from different locations. As per the plan the 'death watch' had been placed in the alchemist's guild which was the closest of the buildings to the ring so they could approach faster than the cultists could.

While all this was happening a few people saw Kyle's girls and Alena fighting alongside the guards. These girls were scary Clara would attack wherever she could with fierceness and speed while Elena simply out powered her opponents. Miranda was probably the scariest however as she fought like Kyle using whatever means were available but the thing that scared people was she apologised as she beat them down.

Kyle was surveying the area looking for a route out but with the gangs coming from the street and the cultists coming from the mansion they were now boxed in. Deciding now was the time he pulled out another signal stone from his pocket and activated it.

As the fighting intensified the cultists were getting closer Kyle took to the frontline alongside Bruno and Ash. They fought as a team and were eventually joined by Kyle's parents and their girls. The black family had formed their own unit as once they broke out they needed to get to their territory and take command.

It was at this point the screech of a falcon was heard followed by the words which now would forever be immortalised.

"Yolo bitches!"

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