Ascension of the elder

Chapter 124: Everybody hates Susan

"I'm planning to royally screw them up."

Everyone who heard this was in agreement with Kyle these douche bags needed to be taken to task for what they were doing to their city and the civilians present within. Landon looked at Harris and issued him some orders.

"Harris you are going to take command of our family forces, barring Kyle's forces all the family guards including the elders personal guards are yours to command. Kyle will give you intelligence on the enemy locations and it will be up to you to deal with them."

"Understood my lord, what will the young lord's forces be doing if I may ask?"

Harris was smiling for the first time in Kyle's memory and he could see a rekindled respect in his eyes for Landon and a new found respect for Kyle. Kyle responded as he could see hesitation on Landon's face to discuss Kyle's plans as even he didn't know them.

"My forces are specialised so we'll be operating as a rapid response force. They will remain under my command because I understand their respective strengths and will be best suited to direct them to where they will cause the most damage to the enemy."

Harris accepted this as he had seen how Kyle's guards had been able to use magic which they shouldn't have been able to. With Harris's acceptance Landon breathed a sigh of relief as this new found harmony was new and untested so he wanted to avoid any cracks appearing in their relationship.

"Okay let's take this inside, I want to inspect a map of the city and identify what the current situation is."

With that Landon led the way inside Kyle's bastion. Harris hadn't visited before and was shocked by what he saw, there were people rushing around moving equipment and tools in preparation of the upcoming battle and also to begin gearing up the family guards who haven't received the armour they had been producing.

The plan was to begin by issuing this more powerful armour to the guard captains to start with and then issue it squad by squad until they were all adequately armed. They would switch out the armed members with those on the front lines so they wouldn't lose their fighting force during the change.

When he was told this Harris was impressed and surprised as this armour was stronger than almost anything else on the market and could be easily sold to any noble house but here they were armouring their guards with this.

Kyle saw Harris's shock at his care for the guards as their survivability with this new gear would go through the roof. Kyle merely responded with his simple belief.

"If you look after your people they will look after you."

"What do you mean Kyle?"

Harris asked as he had been raised on the belief of noble privilege and that commoners and guards existed to serve while the nobles ruled them.

"We are meant to lead not to rule."

Kyle answered simply as they reached the meeting room which had been turned into a war room with a large map over one wall and on the table was an accurate map of the city with the wall and bastions clearly marked.

"Is there a representative of 'shadow hand' around at the moment?"

Kyle asked Faye as she had taken on the role of his aide recently freeing him from some of his duties along with Zak helping him run his businesses.

"Yes One is present in the bastion at the moment I'll go and bring him here."

With that Faye disappeared into the shadows shocking Harris.

"No matter how many times I see it that is awesome!"

Susan who had just entered the room exclaimed when she saw Faye dissolving into the shadow. This would definitely be the next magic branch she studied once she had mastered the one she was currently training in.

"Hi Susan what does it look like from the air?"

"Not good there is street to street fighting throughout the city. The gangs are running rampant and outnumber the guards with the cultists popping up here and there. Currently the mercs haven't begun moving, they're probably waiting for the gangs to weaken the guards further before they sweep in and secure any loot they've plundered."

Hearing this Kyle's face took on a dark expression, his first priority was to hit the cultists as they were the most dangerous of the forces arrayed against him but then the question was should he attack the gangs to take the pressure off of the guards or conserve his strength for when the mercs began to move.

"Okay I'm after opinions, should we hit the gangs or wait for the mercs once we've dealt with the cultists."

Asked Kyle to those with him a few people immediately answered.

"Hit the gangs." Responded Bruno and Susan as they didn't really think of the implications because Bruno is a muscle head and Susan is well Susan.

The others thought about the question for a moment as they knew Kyle wouldn't ask this if it was as simple as that. Miranda put her hand up in the air after a moment drawing a soft smile from Kyle as this was her sweet and innocent side coming to the front again.

��Yes Miranda what do you want to say?"

"Um well you said to wait for the mercenaries but can't you push them into the conflict early?"

Kyle thought about this for a second and realised this would be the best option as before his forces became tired from the fighting they could engage the totality of the enemy forces and with luck the gangs and mercs may even begin fighting amongst themselves for the loot.

Kyle gave Miranda a quick peck on the lips for her contribution which made her drop her head low with a blushing face, everyone who saw this only had one thought in their heads 'cute!!'.

"Okay Miranda is right we need to push the mercs to move early."

As he said this Faye reappeared with One in tow who gave a quick salute to Kyle showing his respect before assuming his position at the table. Seeing One there Harris was cautious as he had received reports about him being the leader of 'shadow hand' when he thought they were a simple gang.

"Harris its okay One is the leader of my largest force at the moment and is totally loyal to me."

One nodded to this but didn't speak; Kyle had noticed something with his secret and slave seals. The people who chose to follow him like Ash weren't really affected by them but people who were forced to follow him like One became almost fanatical. Kyle didn't know the precise reason behind this but suspected it was due to the unique quality of his soul after passing through the chaos realm.

"Okay One what is the condition of your force?"

"Currently we've lost 23 people, they are all from the new recruits so their strength wasn't yet up to spec. We have some other injured but they will be fine after some time."

"Good Faye can you show the location of the cultists currently?"

"Yes sir they are located here in the old market district in the Miles territory."

Kyle looked at their location and saw they were specifically based within an old tannery which had shutdown after the beast horde had breached the walls previously and with the Miles family taking command of that area no one had reopened it.

"Okay this will be a job for the 'death watch', Ash I want your people ready to move in twenty minutes. Faye see if you can locate the leaders of the remaining merc bands and One continue as you have been, but keep Harris posted as to the situation so he can properly deploy the guards. Anything else from anyone?"

Everyone shook their heads until Willem decided to ask a question that had been bugging him.

"Yes I have a question why did you make so much fun of me during the tournament?"

"Well it seemed like a good idea at the time but your acting was so bad its lucky Edith didn't rumble us early."

"My acting don't you mean your acting you were almost chewing the scenery."

"Hey Mr overacting thy name is Willem. Bruno back me up here it's all Willem's fault isn't it?"

"Don't put me in the middle of this you sort this out yourselves."

"Okay look sorry Willem it was all Susan's fault."


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