Ascension of the elder

Chapter 132: A match made in heaven

"Clowns are no laughing matter."

When Kyle said this the girls all thought that there was some deeper meaning to this and looked once again at the small clown and felt there was some dark and dangerous meaning behind its creation.

For Kyle even if he couldn't remember why he hated clowns due to his Swiss cheese memory seeing one again brought up his trauma and he just knew clowns are evil and vile beasts and the best cure for a clown is fire and lots of it.

With the merc band now dealt with Kyle felt it would be a good idea to head home and get some rest. Due to the loss of this larger band and the rumours which were bound to spread the Miles family and their allies would push up their timetable to limit their losses due to defections.

Flying back Kyle and the girls were talking and recounting their fun time causing psychological trauma to poor and unsuspecting enemies when Kyle noticed some figures entering his family's estate.

They were remaining clear of the arrays and standard patrol routes but it could be seen from the way they were moving and the noise they made these men weren't well trained. Kyle immediately swept the area using his soul sense to the extreme looking for the true enemy force.

Much to his disappointment these chuckle brothers seemed to be the only force trying to break into his family estate. It must be stated that after training 'steel lotus' and his other forces his bar was set far higher and even the 'death watch' who were trained as a vanguard force were better trained in infiltration.

The enemy infiltrators were moving while covering each other from shadow to shadow, little did they know they weren't being observed by Kyle alone but also 3 members of 'death watch' were also keeping them under observation.

Normally counter espionage and assassination was dealt with by 'steel lotus', but as they were spread pretty thin at the moment 'death watch' had their duties expanded to cover infiltration attempts.

As the chuckle brothers were moving closer to the centre of the estate, a ring of steel was closing in around them being directed by the members who were observing them. This was done by using simple signals which went unnoticed by the infiltrators.

Reaching a large open space the chuckle brothers stopped and looked around trying to see if there was anything out of place, they couldn't see anything but the leader who we'll call Barry for now had a bad feeling like a noose was closing around his neck.

"I've got a tingling in my waters; something bad is going to happen."

Barry said to the men and his second who we'll call Paul responded.

"Not your waters again we've got a job to do so take the lead and get on with it."

"No I'll tell you take the lead if you're so sure."

"So it's to me is it?"

"Yes to you."

"To me."

"To you."

"To me."

The other men with them were watching this with long suffering looks on their faces and more than one of them was hoping the enemy would catch them to stop these chuckle f*cks from carrying on like they always did.

The members of the 'death watch' were watching all this speechlessly as they didn't know what to do in this situation as there didn't appear to be any harm in these idiots as they couldn't even decide if they should go forward or back and if they were carrying a ladder they would do more damage to themselves than to anyone else.

Deciding that it was enough the team leader of the 'death watch' gave the signal and they began advancing closing the ring of steel cutting of all their escape routes.

The chuckle brothers noticed the guards approaching from behind so they led their men forward into the open space with the intent of rushing across and losing the guards in the shadows.

As they reached the halfway point they noticed the road they were aiming for already had men standing there in full armour not giving them the option to breakthrough. Quickly turning 90 degrees they ran for another alley only to encounter the same.

Again and again they changed direction only to find no escape until they stopped running and looked around finding the armed guards were now loosely surrounding them gradually drawing in closer. As the 'death watch' closed in they shrunk the perimeter leaving the infiltrators nowhere to run so they simply sat down with a sigh.

"Well looks like we're boned."

"Yup I told you so."

"Told me? You didn't say squat."

"You just didn't listen."

"So it's my fault, if you thought so you could have said something."

"Bite me."

"That's it."

The battle ended without a battle and the only injuries were between Barry and Paul as they had started fighting and had to be separated by the 'death watch', Barry had a nice shiner and Paul had a split lip.

Kyle sighed because it looked like his enemies seemed to be populated by fools and idiots. Why would they send assassins this inept into his family's estate? As it was said previously Kyle's bar for infiltration and assassination was far higher than everyone else in this world.

The would be infiltrators were taken to be interrogated so Kyle decided to join them and find out what the target of these men was and why they were so crap at their jobs.

Sweeping down Kyle climbed off his falcon followed by Miranda and Elena and Clara as alighted from theirs when they landed. The members of the 'death watch' gave the standard over the heart salute when they saw Kyle.

This salute surprised the infiltrators as the standard respect given to nobles was to either prostrate yourself or if you were in a situation like this you would at least be required to bow deeply, the fact all the members had simply banged their fists to their chests was unheard of.

The in infiltrators knew who Kyle was as they had seen pictures of him and those of his inner circle they could find. With this apparent lack of decorum the infiltrators felt that the guards didn't give Kyle any respect and so wanted to try to temp them into letting them go and possibly kill or kidnap Kyle.

"It looks like you don't want to follow that boy. If you let us go and help bring that lad with us we can give you wealth and women as you want.

Barry was the first to try and entice the men, he looked at Kyle with a smirk thinking that before long he would be free and possibly in a better position than he was previously.

"Yeah we've got plenty of money and any woman you want we can get. Even those pretty, pretty girls behind the boy can be yours."

Paul followed up with this taking on a lewd smile while he did, Barry also had a light in his eyes but they were looking at Kyle and it was best you didn't think about what was going through his head.

The men who were following the chuckle f*cks could only shake their heads. They had been assigned to these two but didn't have any loyalty to them and even felt disgusted by them but as they were mid level members of the Miles family they had no choice but to follow.

Kyle's eyes took on a dangerous tone when he heard what Paul said and before anyone could react he moved. His image blurred and suddenly he was standing where Paul was previously with both hands extended out and one foot behind like he'd just done a lunge.

What he'd actually done was an overlapped double palm strike to Paul's chest fracturing his ribcage and driving the bone fragments into his lungs and heart killing him. It was as if Paul had been in a car accident and had hit his chest against the steering column.

To Kyle's left Miranda was standing in the place Barry had previously been standing with one hand and foot against the floor and the other leg forming a perfect line while Barry was currently sailing over eight feet in the air.

Barry made a perfect parabolic arc before his head hit the ground with his torso being in line above him. He remained upright like that for a moment before his body toppled over with a thump and he didn't get up.

The other infiltrators were looking at the damage the couple had caused with a new found sense of fear while Kyle and Miranda recovered their stances. Kyle looked over at Barry and could see bruising starting to appear at the back of his neck and said to Miranda.

"I think you broke his neck."

One of the 'death watch' also affirmed.

"Yup definitely broke his neck."

Kyle looked impressed for a moment before he asked Clara.

"Is this what she did when she was on mission with 'steel lotus'?"

"No we spoke to her and this is her in control."

"Oh anyway good job Miranda."

"Thank you Kyle."

Miranda responded with a shy smile and red cheeks which made Kyle just want to pinch them she was so sweet. The 'death watch' were watching these kids with warm gazes while the infiltrators were feeling cold all over. What was wrong with these people they had just brutally killed two people and now it looked like they were on a date.

"Aww aren't they cute."

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