Ascension of the elder

Chapter 154: You've got the right to party

"Right strap in everybody we're going in."

Landon was trying to lighten the mood while Kyle was looking a bit grumpy. His girls weren't really worried about this as they knew he didn't like these events and they had gotten used to it as they accompanied him to these things before.

"Okay girls just remember if anyone tries hitting on you, you know what to do okay?"

Kyle wanted to make sure that they were ready in case any of these kids went full young master on them. Miranda grinned maliciously and Clara cracked her knuckles, Elena wasn't paying attention but of all of them Kyle was the least worried about her.

"Bruno stick with Alena, some fool may try something as she isn't directly connected to me and she may be seen as an easy target."

Bruno moved closer to Alena and nodded to Kyle, Alena just looked at her boyfriend being protective and smiled before taking his arm once again.

Bob and Winona saw how Kyle was treating this as if he was preparing for a battle and approved, because for all intents and purposes this was a battle just of the most annoying variety.

Landon led the way in with Maria on his arm; she had a bright smile on her face apparently unconcerned with Kyle's annoyance at having to join this farce. Maria had spent a great deal of her life having to deal with these situations and had gained an immunity to the snide comments and backhanded compliments.

They walked towards a raised dais from which they would address the crowd while a crier announced their entrance.

"Lord and Lady Powell accompanied by the third stage former Lord and Lady Powell."

The crier didn't include Kyle or the rest of their retinue but they had included Bob and Winona along with the cultivation stage as a not so subtle threat.

Those in the crowd watched them; some had apprehension in their eyes while a couple had some degree of hope. There was also a small amount that had anger in their eyes, these were the ally's of the Miles family who hadn���t retreated and now came in the hope of gaining another foothold or backer.

Kyle scanned the crowd and noted some members who he was getting a dark vibe from and was intending to have them investigated.

Faye and Ash were also present in the surroundings with the 'death watch' being visible as security and 'steel lotus' being in the shadows. This must have been due to Isaiah expecting some kind of trouble and placing guards in an attempt to head this off.

Landon reached the dais and climbed it so he could address the crowd Maria was to his left and they were flanked by Bob and Winona, Kyle and the rest moved in front of the crowd facing Landon to hear his speech.

Most of the people also turned to Landon to hear what he had to say with a few whispering to each other. Kyle also noticed Willem standing to the side with his mother, sister and a couple of the surviving elders who Kyle had granted mercy to.

"My friends as you are aware momentous events have happened in these last few days. Those who wished harm to all of us and our citizens have been routed. Now is the time to rebuild, or it would be but my friends I have received some information I feel I must share with you."

Landon began his speech, while looking over everyone. Kyle appeared to be watching his father attentively when in truth he was using his abilities to observe the crowd and their reactions as he knew his dad was about to drop a truth bomb on them.

"My friends the reason behind the recent trouble and also the lack of assistance we are receiving is due to the betrayal of the empire. We have recently discovered the empire has been losing ground at the Berreth pass and have decided to abandon the northern territories."

When Landon said this a wave of whispers was heard from the crowd as they spoke about what was just heard but Landon quickly halted this.

"Please wait until I have finished, you can discuss this shortly but there is more you need to know. The Miles family discovered this with the assistance of the imperial overseer and decided to seize control. My family and our friends have decided to forge a new empire ourselves and we are now offering you the chance to join us in its creation."

Landon didn't attempt to stop the talking at this point and merely stepped down so he could mingle and answer some questions. Leonard of the Black family and his wife were also accosted by those present.

The head of the Tor family was also present but had a worried look on his face. Beth was also with him and Neil was standing to her side holding her hand. Kyle decided to speak to the head of the Tor family.

"Hello sir how are you doing?"

Kyle asked politely while nodding to Beth and Neil to whom he received a smile from Beth and thumbs up from Neil.

"I'm doing well Kyle just a little surprised about the information we received. I knew the empire's movements were strange but didn't realise that was the whole impetus behind this little scuffle. By the way you can call me Talen."

"Okay Talen but what do you seem to be worried about?"

"Well I know my family isn't as powerful as yours and if you want you can just roll us over with no real effort. I just fear what will happen to us during this change."

"I think father will be speaking to you all individually over the coming days but I can give you some details of our plan. We are not seeking to usurp your individual authority instead we want to expand the human sphere of influence. Let me ask you, do you know how many cities we've lost over the last five hundred years?"

Talen was thrown by the sudden question, but began to think. He could remember there were 5 mid sized cities that had been lost along with 30 or so small cities within his lifetime. He hadn't thought of this due to the intervening years between them but thinking like this it was a lot.

"That we can find we have lost almost 150 cities and that has meant our territory has shrunk accordingly. We plan to reclaim this land."

Talen was caught up while Kyle spoke passionately before he noticed a problem.

"How will you defend these cities?"

Kyle smiled at this before looking out of a window towards the wall.

"Each city we recover will have a wall like this. I believe father will show you some of the features of the wall so you should see the features of it before you make any decisions."

Talen nodded while those around them had been listening in on their conversation with attention. Kyle shook Talen's hand before moving into the crowd greeting people here and there. He heard his father discussing with some old men about their cultivation technique and that if they took the seals they would also be able to receive the benefits from this.

As Kyle moved further away from the older people he began to encounter members of his generation before he reached Willem and his family who were still haunting the perimeter.

"Will how are you doing?"

Kyle greeted Willem familiarly while smiling at Lilith and Rose who were looking much better although they did seem to be trying to avoid contact with other men.

"I'm well thank you Kyle; it looks like you did what you set out to do."

"I'm afraid it's only the start and I'll need your help with this."

Willem knew Kyle was trying to give him some standing for the upcoming years and was thankful that Kyle would have his back and quietly swore to himself that if Kyle needed him he would be there.

"Yo guys what's up."

As they were talking Bruno approached them, he didn't have any animosity to Willem and didn't look down on him simply because Kyle had told him not to. Bruno had decided a long time ago just to follow Kyle's lead and this choice had yet to steer him wrong.

"Not much just chatting, where are the girls?"

Kyle asked suddenly looking around as he had left Bruno with them in an attempt to prevent some horn dogs approaching them.

"Oh they were just talking to some of the other girls over there.���

Bruno pointed but as they looked over they saw some swaggering muppets approaching the girls.

"Oh should we step in?"

Bruno asked as he saw Alena's face take on a cold countenance while Kyle's girls looked much the same as usual.

"Nah it's time these pillocks learnt not to mess with my ladies. Willem who's your money on for getting kerb stomped first?"

"Um I'm thinking the twat with the cravat."

"Bruno what about you."

"I've got a fiver on the one with the quiff."

"Okay I'll take scarf boy."

Lilith and Rose were surprised by the apparent lack of worry the boy's had for the girls safety but they didn't realise just how strong and crazy the girls could get.

As they watched the young men approached their women before quiff boy leaned in and said something to Alena. Her face went white then red with anger, Bruno clenched his fist which made a cracking sound as the muscles tensed.

Alena said something back and the other girls laughed, this seemed to incense the men and suddenly scarf boy lunged at Alena. Before he moved more than a foot Miranda kneed him in the gut before moving back out of the way as Clara made a back flip catching scarf boy on the chin sending him ass over tit finally Elena stomped on his package finishing the job.

"Oh why always the balls."

"They think it's all over, well it is now."

"I have the weirdest boner right now."

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