Ascension of the elder

Chapter 156: Going to the bath house

"I want a creampie."

"*Sigh* Of course you do Susan I would expect nothing less from you."

Responded Kyle with a long suffering sigh. You could hear the tiredness in his voice when he responded to Susan's newest proclamation. Not all of the younger people who heard this pair understood what was implied in this statement while others snorted into their drinks.

Clyde was laughing quietly to himself as he stood with a red faced Beth and a confused Neil. Neil looked to Clyde and wanted to know why so many people were laughing.

"Clyde what's so funny there bud?"

Clyde looked at his older cousin and realised that even though he had trained and served with the imperial army he was rather innocent; deciding to screw with the new couple Clyde decided to dump this on Beth.

"Look your girlfriend seems to know, why don't you ask her?"

Clyde stated before running away to watch from a distance. Neil turned to Beth with a raised eyebrow which forced her to look around for assistance. Seeing Kyle and Susan were still talking she had an idea.

"Why don't we wait for your cousin and his friend to finish talking, context is important in these situations."

Neil nodded before paying attention to Kyle; Clyde could only think to himself 'well done' to the way Beth dealt with his older cousin.

Back with Kyle and Susan the crowd was watching as this third level cultivator who was known as the 'seer' was being treated like an unruly child by a well child.

"Susan do you say things that that can be misconstrued accidentally or did you take classes."

"Oh no it's a god given gift. With this mouth I can make a 50 year old whore blush."

"Of that I have no doubt so why do I always end up being the straight man for your comedy skit."

"Well for one you don't blush and for two you're the only one who can keep up with me."

"Fine but now we've got stuff to do."

The surrounding people watched this and most of the outsiders had similar thoughts, along the lines of why is this third stage cultivator like this. While they were speaking a voice fell from beside them.

"Why would you want to make a 50 year old prostitute blush?"

From out of left field it's Elena. This made everyone almost fall over when they heard her question. This shouldn't be what you are asking, the high and mighty of New Grange City were looking to each other unsure of what they should do or say when the awkward situation was broken by a voice filled with mirth.

"Yes this is what people should be doing rather than fighting with each other, we should be having fun and working together to build a brighter future rather than ending up like them."

Landon had turned this situation into a political boost and indicated to the hole in the wall where the noble father and son had struck earlier. During the cake war they had sloped off unnoticed by everyone barring Kyle who had kept his senses on them in case they tried anything.

Kyle nodded towards Faye who responded with a thumbs up indicating that 'steel lotus' was already monitoring them and gathering evidence that could be used against them.

"Now I think we could all do with getting cleaned up, I hoped to discuss our plans further but I'll arrange meetings with several of you at the same time over the next few days."

Landon was arranging to speak to multiple members at the same time so they all knew what they were dealing with and could act as witnesses for each other, ensuring no one received special treatment or privileges.

"Now if you'll excuse me I think I need another bath. Talen, Leonard you and your families can use our facilities because I would still like to speak to you before you go home."

"No worries Don I'll use the baths at little Kyle's place come on Tal you gotta try the open air bath's the kids got."

Leonard had a habit of shortening down the names of those he was close to or considered friends, in this case he had taken to calling Landon Don and Talen Tal much to their annoyance, but Landon had come to know of Leonards personality and knew he didn't mean anything by it.

"Yeah I'll join you in a bit Lee, Talen you had better go with him or you won't hear the end of it."

"Okay I suppose."

Talen responded while being a little confused. He knew that the Black and Powell families were close but he hadn't realised just how close they were, this surprise was mirrored by the other noble families.

Who amongst them would freely use the bathing facilities of the other houses where they would have no means to defend themselves or escape if anything happened?

"Neil you and Beth can also use the facilities at my bastion as Uncle Leonard has apparently volunteered them to use. Harris you'll come along as well yes?"

Kyle decided it would be better if everyone went together. The open air bathing area in his bastion was segregated by gender so there was no problem with having everyone over for a pool party as such.

"What the hell I'm in."

Harris responded without really knowing why Leonard was so excited about the open air baths. As this was happening Kyle noticed Clyde was turning away with a sad look on his face. Kyle could feel his emotions and could tell that he didn't think he had a place in the family anymore, well that wasn't going to happen.

"Clyde where are you creeping off to? If I have to deal with this bunch old degenerates you aren't escaping."

Kyle rushed over and wrapped an arm around Clyde's neck and began dragging him back towards the family. Landon and Harris saw this and realised what Kyle was doing, they decided it would be best to let the younger generation deal with this while they helped where they could.

"Yup little cuz you ain't getting out of this plus we need to get you a girl. I'm sure Beth has some friends she can set you up with."

Neil had also rushed over when he saw Kyle man handling Clyde back towards their group and now it looked like they would bodily carry him if he tried to escape again.

"You'll have to forgive our youngsters, they've always been very close."

Landon directed this to the nobles who were still milling around waiting for Landon to call an end to the evening. They saw what was intended by this, that Clyde was still part of their family regardless of what his father did earning them a good evaluation from almost all those present.

Unknown to them at this point the servants would spread this amongst the commoners gaining their respect as well.

"Well we'll head out so I bid you men a good evening, just remember we are planning on making a new empire were all prosper and you are all welcome to join us."

With that Landon led his family out while Kyle and Neil hoisted Clyde up a little higher taking him to the head of the column. Beth had been surrounded by the girls and they had begun questioning her and laughing together.

Talen saw this and was happy with how quickly she was being accepted into what had every chance of being her new family. He always regretted not having a son but he loved and doted on his daughter.

Luckily she wasn't stuck up or had her head turned by all the finery in her life. Her mother had been raised as a merchant and Talen also had talent as a merchant so she had been raised mixing with commoners and nobility as the need called for.

She was well matched with Neil as he was raised a noble but had experience in the army working with commoners and had even been saved by them during subjugation expeditions. This meant he didn't look down on them either.

Talen looked over this mixed and eclectic group and could only smile. Landon saw this and approached him.

"It's a strange group isn't it?"

"Yes but it seems to suit you well."

"Yup but it'll fit you before you know it."

They turned and looked back at their group with a smile. Suddenly Neil got a strange look on his face before looking at his father.

"Dad what's a creampie?"

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