Ascension of the elder

Chapter 158: Bath talk

"Why do I have an afro?"

"Pervert girls get an afro Susan, by the way were you trying to peek at my son?"

Kyle could hear Maria with anger and amusement in her voice, Kyle noticed she left Elena alone as she was a young girl and also one of his "fiancée's".

"Maria my dear student that wasn't my intention."

"Oh so you were planning at looking at my Bob?"

"Or my Bruno?"

"Or my Neil?"

"Anyone got an axe?"

"Who the fudge nuggets was that?"

"Don't worry about that Winona we have some very gifted but eccentric people around us. So Susan returning back to you, who were you trying to peek at hum?"

Kyle could almost picture Susan backing up against a wall as the other girls surrounded her. This wasn't far from the truth but to maintain a certain level of decorum Kyle contacted the house spirit through a nearby command array and asked it to produce a silencing formation on the dividing wall to isolate the sounds between the two areas.

While all this joy and happiness was going on a few more people entered the baths including Ash and Zak. Zak had a few bottles with him to enjoy while soaking.

"Hi Zak how are you doing?"

Kyle asked as he hadn't had a chance to speak with him much in the last few weeks and only received his reports on their progress which only gave him numbers.

"I'm doing very well, we've got some new people joining us of their own volition and as you directed we've allocated a full half of our required staffing to the slums district. These people have been directed to use 2 days a week to help building and repairing facilities in the slums. With others now getting involved and the wall protecting them we should have a new fully functioning district in a few months."

Kyle could see Zak's pride at this; Kyle had given basic instructions to Zak and the available masons and builders who would oversee this project. The day to day management and allocation of resources rested largely on Zak however, so for all intents and purposes this was Zak's project while Kyle was the financier.

While some would see this as an unnecessary expense Kyle didn't think like that. With a fully operational district crime would go down and taxes and commercial revenue would begin rolling in. This was how Kyle had been operating since he had arrived in this world.

Its tactic of emplace and advance, make sure what you already possess is defended and completely in control before moving to your next target. While some of the situations had forced his hand, he still largely followed this creed.

"Excellent do you have numbers for people currently in the slum?"

"Rough estimates are at 140,000 but that is very rough, we have also the issue with the orphans. We have several orphanages active now allowing for about 2,000 residents but with our estimates there should be between 20,000 to 30,000 orphans and un-homed children in the slum zone right now."

"Okay, okay let me think for a second. Right move up the priority of the academy, with that in place we can use that as a temporary home for about 12'000 once it's in place. For now open up any free property on our land and I'll speak to the other nobles about freeing up some space in their areas."

As Kyle and Zak were speaking Landon, Leonard and Talen approached them. They had heard what they were talking about and decided to join.

"Kyle I thought we were supposed to be on a break at least until we exit the baths?"

"Sorry dad I just wanted an update and you know how these things go."

Landon looked at his son with pride before turning to Tal and Leo.

"See you guys this is how a noble should act, he worries about the people first. Remember what we spoke about before how the new empire will run, Nobles lead they don't rule and in turn we are supported and protected by the populace."

"Yes we've already heard this Don, but it's good to see it in action. Kyle my Tor family will open any free properties for your use and I'll see if any of our people are willing to take in any of the youngsters.

"Kid me and mine will do the same, ARCHIE get over here we're having a proper mans discussion you should hear this as well."

"Neil, Clyde as future leaders you should also join in."

With this everyone was now resting at the edge of the baths discussing and laughing while planning ahead. This was strange as many ideas and plans were thrown out some interesting and some weird but all were considered.

Gradually more people filtered in and joined in, this included Willem who also agreed to open his properties on the promise they would be returned as and when they were needed. Kyle also discussed with him about adopting some of the orphans into his family and giving them his family name due to their low numbers.

The discussion eventually came around to the academy that Kyle intended to have built over the previous overseer's property.

"So this academy you are planning on teaching your cultivation technique freely?"

Willem asked incredulously.

"Yes but only the first level. You are aware that without the subsequent levels they will eventually plateau, but this will give them a good starting point and once they reach the age of 12 they can decide to take the secret seal to receive further training."

"What else will the academy cover?"

Leo asked with interest as he knew there would be more to this than just marital training.

"Of course we will train them in the use of weapons and magic as needed but only up to a certain level. These people will become part of our home guard. Everyone is a cultivator and as such should take up arms to defend their homes when needed. We will train men and women equally as all need to be able to ensure their own survival."

All those present nodded at this because if there was a beast outbreak they wouldn't care if you were a man or woman they would attack regardless.

"Also there will be elective courses in all professions this will include the top end like alchemy, arraymanship and blacksmithing, but we will also cover building, manufacturing even hunting and exploration."

The others were surprised at this as they never considered teaching large numbers of people these vocations.

"Why do you want to train people freely in these forms and what will we do for labourers?"

It was Talen who asked this, as a merchant he knew about the means of production and the time it took to learn the skills to manufacture goods.

"Not everyone will want to continue to learn so there will always be people who take on the roles of labourers. There will be systematic testing and those who can't pass will not continue their education once they have reached the minimum criteria. I will also be introducing a new profession through the academy 'scholar'."

Kyle looked at everyone as they were thinking about what he said and couldn't find fault with his school plan but some had questions about this profession.

"Kyle I know a scholar is a learned man but how can that be a profession?"

Landon asked as he hadn't spoken with Kyle about his far flung plans yet as they had been so caught up in the here and now.

"That is basically what it is; we will search for the best minds in the younger generation. We will provide them with the funding and support to research and develop whatever field they are gifted in. This will be whether it's in blacksmithing to cooking anything that can help us develop should and will be invested in."

The others hadn't thought along these lines but thinking of how powerful Kyle was becoming and how he did this through experimentation and investigation they couldn't refute his stance on development.

"Alright we've got your back right everyone?"

Landon asked while everyone nodded their heads.

"Great now I'm going to get out otherwise I'm going to start pruning."

Kyle said with a smile as they had been talking for an hour or two for now and Kyle could really do with getting some sleep. Once he was dressed in a soft bathrobe he exited the baths and headed to his room only to be greeted by something unexpected.

"What happened to your eyebrows??"

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