Ascension of the elder

Chapter 166: Terrible on the knees

"Welp he gonna kick somebody ass."

Kyle looked towards the source of the voice and saw Dylan standing there looking a little apprehensive.

"Yes Dylan you are correct. You're in charge of the local defences, everyone else who's interested grab a falcon and head to the forward base while I go collect Miranda and dish out some justice."

Kyle's parents and uncle smiled at this as usually leaders would be expected to stay back and would only appear in the direst of circumstances but here they were going to rush in like a bunch of Dylan's.

Susan was looking between Kyle and his parents before she spoke up.

"I'll stick with you Kyle; I want to see how strong you are with your breakthrough. Plus Miranda would never forgive me if I let you outta my sight."

Kyle simply smiled and began walking out of the hall followed by Susan before he thought of something and turned back to Dylan.

"Have the messenger imprisoned I want to have a word when I get back."

"No problem boss and have fun."

Kyle led Susan and the rest out to the lawn in front of the grand hall and looked up to see Rih and his brethren were still playing in the air.



Everyone reacted like they were watching a fireworks show seeing these beasts flying together with such skill. Kyle however didn't bother with the mood and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Oi stop screwing around and get down here you big turkey."

Rih made a 180 degree turn and made a nose dive towards the ground making everyone except Kyle step back; suddenly Rih spread his wings shedding his speed before softly landing right in front of Kyle.

Kyle looked at Rih inspecting his changes and was curious as to how strong and fast Rih was in comparison to previously. Now having four legs and his wings up towards his shoulders Rih's combat strength would obviously be increased just from a physical standpoint.

It had yet to be seen how much his magic would be affected by this change but Kyle suspected it was not a small increase and would instead be a qualitative change. The feeling around Rih had also changed, it was more primal and ferocious now but in front of Kyle it was subdued as he saw Kyle as his one true master.

Those who would accompany Kyle to the front line also called down their falcons and found they had grown larger and stronger as well, just not as powerful as Rih.

"Kyle why have our falcons got bigger?"

Harris asked while stroking the beak of his own falcon that seemed to be enjoying the attention.

"Best guess is they took in some of my mana during my breakthrough, but due to them being joined with you through the blood bond they only took in a small amount. Once you guys start breaking through we'll know for certain."

Everyone took this in and were looking like they wanted to breakthrough right now but understood they still had a way to go.

"Alright everyone mount up, you're heading for the forward camp. Just fly that way for a few hours and you'll spot them. I've got to go pick up my date."

With that Kyle jumped on Rih's back and pulled Susan up before taking wing and heading out.

"Um does anyone know how Kyle knew where the army is?"

Landon asked with a confused look on his face only for Harris to come over and put his hand on his shoulder before saying.

"With everything that has been happening recently that is the thing you're worrying about."

With that everyone just shook their heads before mounting up and heading in the direction Kyle indicated.

Back with Kyle and Susan, they were enjoying flying up high amongst the clouds although occasionally another flying beast would approach. Luckily one look from Rih was enough to make them scatter before they got to close.

"So Kyle how are you going to rescue Miranda all on your lonesome?"

Susan asked in a teasing voice, Kyle didn't even deem it necessary to face her and spoke out his plan while still looking forward.

"First I'm going to make a flashy entrance secondly beat the living snot out of anyone who gets in my way third free Miranda and finally I plan to wing it for the rest of it."

Susan thought about this plan for a minute before giving her verdict.

"I like it simple and to the point without any excess fat, but what will I do while you're having fun?"

This made Kyle turn around and look Susan square in the eye before he responded.

"You can watch me being awesome."

With that Kyle turned forward again leaving Susan with a bemused expression on her face. Only Kyle could bring this expression out of her and he always enjoyed it when she looked like someone had smacked her in the face with a fish.

They flew on in silence for an hour and a half before Kyle made Rih begin circling an area within a large forested area. Within this small area Susan could see a clearing with several tents and fires located around them.

This was obviously the enemy's base. She looked over to Kyle who was observing the area with a great deal of concentration.

"So we're here so what are you planning on doing."

"Super hero landing."

With that Kyle jumped off of Rih's back much to Susan's shock who immediately followed his descent with her eyes.

In the camp life continued much as it has done with the small addition of the young girl trussed up like a prize chicken. Camp life was largely boring but guard and other duties must be done. As the soldiers continued with their daily lives the quiet was broken by a sound from above.


This shout drew the eyes of everyone. They were all surprised to see a figure falling from the heavens cloaked in what appeared to be fire and lightning. Those with better eyes may have seen the strange figure further up in the air with a small lady on its back.

Hearing the shout a small Sergeant came out of his tent with a big smile on his face while looking around before he spoke with what suspiciously sounded like an Irish accent.

"Where the bitches be then boys."

Before the guards or anyone else could respond Kyle hit the ground. When he struck the ground the energy surrounding him blasted outwards. The Irish sergeant was one of the first to be struck by this energy and was blasted away at speed.

The general in charge had just grabbed a padded armour shirt and exited his tent just in time to see a small guy flying almost horizontally past his tent flap and he could swear he heard him say something along the lines of.

"Eh I was leaving anyways."

Seeing this the general only shook his head and looked towards the source of the chaos and saw a young man standing up from a crouch while being surrounded by a few downed men while the rest were running around in a panic.

"Run away."

"Fight don��t retreat."

"Let's get the bloody hell out of here."

"Did I leave the oven on?"

"Right ya bastards let's be havin ya."

This scene of trained soldiers in a panic from the arrival of a single person left the general with only the option of face palming before he slowly approached Kyle.

"Greetings young man, I assume you are here for a reason but if I may ask just to cure my curiosity how did you get through the protection field without anyone noticing?"

Kyle looked at this general and was impressed with how the man just accepted what he saw and instead engaged Kyle in conversation.

"You don't shield from the air."

Kyle responded simply, this wasn't fully accurate as they do have alerts setup for attacks from above but with the speed Kyle came down they didn't get a chance to respond.

"Okay I guess now how may I help you young man?"

"You have someone close to me and I've come to retrieve her."

When the general heard this he understood what was going on and felt the best chance for his men to survive this was to simply agree to Kyle's demands.

"Yes we'll just retrieve her for you but can you promise not to hurt my men."

Kyle raised a brow at the general.

"Why have you accepted so quickly, surely you should be attacking me or something?"

"I'm not stupid, seeing the damage you've already done we wouldn't stand a chance."

Kyle on hearing this smiled devilishly.

"Good choice, okay as long as she isn't hurt in any way you'll all survive."

With that the general shouted some orders and a few soldiers ran away to retrieve her, these soldiers quickly returned with Miranda tied to a stick being carried between two of them like a pig ready to be roasted.

Kyle looked at the general with a strange look and the general felt like he needed to explain.

"Don't look at me like that, no one has touched her but she is dangerous."

Kyle nodded before going to Miranda and released her from the bindings and she quickly grabbed Kyle and kissed him.

While they were making out under the slightly uncomfortable gazes of the soldiers there was a terrifying sound heard.


"Well that's a big puppy."

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