Asura Conqueror

Chapter 104: Kin's Plan

Kin Strongwald walked out of the house. He lowered his head as the bright morning sun hit his face. He went to his car and got in. 

"Meet me at the restaurant. Bring your friend with you." Kin said to the person he was calling.

He had been given a hard task by his father to which he had racked his brains all night to find a way to perfectly complete. The worst thing is that he had to do it by today.

"That bastard!" Kin cursed as he looked down from the window of his car. He and his father were never close. His father, for him, was just an ATM that he could use to withdraw money at any time of the day.

Not long, Kin arrived at the restaurant where he would meet his chosen accomplices for this mission. He fixed his clothes as he got out of the car and started walking towards the door. 

He entered, walked to the second floor, and entered a room. 

There sat two individuals. One of which was his friend and the other one was a friend of his friend.

Kin sat down and surveyed both of them. He focused on the person his friend brought.

"Do you know what you have to do?" Kin asked.

He had been explicit about the instructions. Once they are there, turning back is no longer an option.

The person Kin asked, nodded. The money offered was enough for him to take this risk. After this plan succeeds, he would be rich. 

"Good, what should I call you?" Kin asked as he ordered a few dishes from the pop-up menu.

"Ned, you can just call me Ned." The person beside Kin's friend replied.

Kin nodded. He then looked at his friend. "It's amazing how you found someone so quick."

His friend, Pete, smugly smiled. "Of course, that's just how good I am and my connections are."

Kin lightly chuckled. "You'll also have a part to play in tonight's act. Make sure you do it right."

Pete placed his right hand on his chest. "You already told us how important this is. So how could I not be serious with the preparation?"

"Show me the drug," Kin spoke in a low voice.

Pete took out a circle white pill from his spatial ring and handed it to Kin.

He had gone through a lot just to get this pill. He had exhausted a few connections here and there. However, for him, it's worth it. He owed Kin quite a lot so if he could help this friend of his then it doesn't matter.

Kin studied the pill. "This will do."

He then showed it to Ned. "Remember to place this into your drink right after you arrive at your table. The cure will be handed to you after everything is over. I'll be giving you this tonight."

Ned nodded as he saw Kin keep it in his spatial ring.

"How did you even get into this Kin? 'The Corner' isn't something you should mess with right now." Pete, his short haired blond friend, asked.

"Just don't ask. It's none of your business." Kin spoke with an irritated tone.

Pete raised his hands. "Woah, easy there. If the reason is private, you could have just said in a less aggressive way. What's gotten into you man?"

Kin nodded. He doesn't want to talk about how his father forced him to do this. If this fails, his reputation would go down the drain.

He of course didn't want to do it this way, but with his dumb brain, this is all he could think of.


Marcus woke up. Beside him lay a very naked Emily whose right hand was on his bare chest.

He opened the curtains and saw that the sun had already set. He kissed Emily's forehead and stood up. He made his way to the bathroom, but as his feet touched the cold floor, arms were suddenly wrapped around him from behind.

"You were awake?" Marcus softly asked as he held the back of her hands.

"No, but I am now." Emily tightly held on to him.

Marcus turned towards her making Emily loosen her hold.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked.

Marcus bridal carried her up. "I'm going to take a bath and you're coming with me."

He planted his lips on her nipple and used his tongue to play with it. A soft moan came out of Emily's mouth as she placed her hand behind Marcus' head.


Kin, Pete, and Ned arrived at the location where 'The Corner' was in.

Kin wore a black blazer and a white shirt inside. Pete wore a grey-colored long sleeve which he rolled up. Ned wore a blue polo shirt.

Kin walked in front, his two accomplices followed close behind.

They skipped the long line of people waiting to get in. 'The Corner' was packed and it couldn't accommodate everyone in Estra. 

For Kin, however, this was not a problem. As someone from the five big families, he could do whatever he wants, especially since his father is one of the main leaders of the family.

Kin approached the guards and showed him his id. The guard checked it, and with a shocked expression on his face, he let Kin and his friends in.

"Why can he get in?!" A person who was in line shouted.

"Yeah! He just skipped us" Another one chimed in.

"We've been standing here for quite some time, how come he gets to go in first?" One close to the front asked with an indignant tone.

"Hahaha," The bounder laughed. "Anyone who is born from one of the five big families can come in right away."

The bouncer paused as he looked at the people in front of him.

He continued. "Come on, if any of you are from the five big families step up. I'll let you in right away."

The people in line looked at each other. They all turned silent. None of them were from any rich families, how much more the five big families.

Kin and his little gang of misfits strolled in the club. He checked his blazer if there were anything wrong with it, seeing that there was none, he proceeded forward.

His group found a table on the sides with sofa seats and sat on it.

"How do we start?" Pete asked.

Kin didn't answer Pete right away. He first spoke to the person beside him. "Ned, go order a few drinks and then bring it back here. We'll wait for a while, make it seem like we're having a great time, and then we do it." 

Ned nodded. He stood up and went straight to the bar. 

There were numerous people around. The dance floor was stacked and most of the tables were taken. 

"Are we really gonna go with this? Don't you think this plan is stupid?" Pete asked.

"Fuck you! You don't know what I'm going through so just shut up and do this job, and do it right!" Kin's eyes angrily looked at Pete.

He, of course, knew that this was not a good plan. However, he was not given time to plan. His father only gave him until tonight to actually do something about it. He thinks that the reason why he couldn't make up a good plan was that his father hadn't given him much time.

"What's with you today? Sheesh," Pete scratched the back of his head. He couldn't understand why this friend of his would lash out twice, in one day.

"We just need to do this by tonight. Don't ask any more questions." Kin started bouncing his right leg up and down. 

Pete nodded and placed his hands on the back of the couch.

Ned came back with three beverages. He passed it to the two people and sat down.

"Here goes," Ned mumbled as he received the white-colored pill from Kin and placed it in his drink.

"Good, after you finish with that, go with Pete and dance in the sea of people over there until that drug works." Kin pointed to the place where the dance floor was.

"Got it," Ned stared at the drink before asking. "You are going to give me a cure, right?"

"Of course, what do you take me for? I'm someone from the five big families. I keep my word." Kin smiled as he assured Ned.

Ned nodded "And the money?" 

"I'll send it right after we do this. Just go there, collapse, and we'll take care of the rest." Kin took a sip of his drink.

The three talked about mundane topics for ten or so minutes until Kin told Ned that it's time.

Ned breathed out. 'I can do this. He'll just feed me the cure later on. Drink, dance, collapse, money. Simple.'

"Alright, alright, "Ned chugged his drink. Every single drop traveled through his throat and went all the way down.

"Let's go. I want this to be over as fast as possible." Ned stood up. He looked at Pete and gestured to him to come.

Pete followed him after Kin patted his shoulder twice.

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