Asura Conqueror

Chapter 108: Madness

"I'll definitely do it!" Kin hurriedly said. His heart raced as he thought of himself as somewhat the chosen one. 

The figure in front laughed. "Good, good, I was not wrong in choosing you."

Kin had a bright smile on his face, but the smile didn't last long. He then felt dizzy and fell down on his bed.

The figure slowly emerged from the shadows. He poured himself one more drink and said in a soft voice. "Salud."

He then walked towards the bed and grabbed the glass. 

The figure, Marcus, walked towards the window and scoffed. "Dumbass."


Marcus arrived home. He had just succeeded in fooling Kin. When he was having a conversation with him awhile ago, he could hardly stop himself from laughing a few times, but he controlled himself and released a few chuckles.

Marcus thought that the best way for them to get out of the Strongwald's crosshair was to throw in the Frey family. The two are not on good terms with each other, so Marcus just had to drop a few gallons of oil to the fire, in this case, use the president's son, Luten Frey.

Marcus walked into the house feeling happy. He could not forget the look on Kin's face.

It proved to be quite a challenge finding Kin's room, but it was all the tiptoeing was worth it.

Marcus went inside the Stone of Destruction and found Eva and Nexus inside the alchemy room.

Nexus was sitting cross-legged while Eva was practicing her alchemy skills.

Nexus opened his eyes. "How was it?"

"Tonight was a success. We'll still see how everything goes tomorrow." Marcus had to go to school tomorrow for this plan to work. He has to be there when Luten and Kin meet,

"Baby Brother what are you planning?" Eva stopped and turned towards Marcus.

Marcus laughed. "Hahaha, you'll find out tomorrow Big Sis." 

"Look at you acting all mysterious." Eva smiled. "We just finished visiting Carmen a few minutes ago. It looked like she's doing fine."

Marcus nodded. "That's good. I'll go and visit her right now."

Marcus left and went to Carmen's room.


The night didn't last long. Soon the sun rose and the birds started chirping.

Marcus opened his eyes. He took a deep breath. The chaos mana inside his body multiplied every single day. He stood up from his cross-legged position and went out of the Stone of Destruction. He took a quick shower and went down.

As always, Eva, Nexus, and Emily were already there sitting at the dining table.

Marcus walked towards the three and greeted them good morning.

"I have to go to the company early today," Eva said as she stood up. She decided to pay the families of those who died last night. 

Marcus nodded. "I'll also be going in a while."

Nexus and Eva proceeded to their car.

"Looks like you'll be the only one who'll be left here," Marcus spoke to Emily who sat beside him.

Emily already quit her job at Estra University after she got her memories back. She felt that she wouldn't do a good job if she goes there and teaches now that she hates interacting with people.

"I don't mind." casually said. "I can focus on cultivating, unlike yesterday."

Marcus grinned as he stood up and started to go to the door. "It was good though, right?"

Emily rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Be home early," Emily said before placing the food in her mouth.


Marcus arrived at school. He wore his blue long-sleeve outfit.

Walking on the stone pavement, he passed by the place where the fountain was located. The water was now changed and the spike on top was now clean.

He hasn't heard anything about the news covering Ohario's death. He thought that it must have been covered in a channel that was much more local.

Marcus continued to walk towards his first-period classroom, but in the end, he changed his mind. Thinking that he'd just fall asleep in class, he turned and went to the library. 


Kin walked into his classroom. He could hardly contain the excitement that he felt, but he calmed himself down.

'Nothing good happens to those who don't wait.' Kin reminded himself.

The things said by the figure last night still echoed in his heart. It budded an ambition he never knew he even had. He wanted to stand on top of the world. To be above everyone so that no one would tell him what to do.

Luten was already in the classroom.

Kin walked to his seat which was a row away from Luten's. This was only a one-hour class so he didn't have to wait long before he could finally find out why he had to bring Luten to the comfort room near the library.

'I'll lead my family to glory. I'll be the reason why we'll be able to defeat the Frey family.' He happily thought as he tapped his desk with his finger.

The class didn't consume the whole hour. The professor only covered one topic and immediately rushed out of the classroom.

Kin stood up and walked towards Luten who was talking with his friend.

"Hey, Luten!" Kin called.

Luten turned around and was surprised to see who called him.

The people around turned silent. They all knew about the situation between the Strongwald's and the Frey's. 

"Yes?" Luten felt awkward talking to someone from the Strongwald family. Especially since the one, he's talking to right now is a son of a leader.

"Can I talk to you in private? I have to tell you something and it is really important." Kin's voice sounded in the silent room.

All eyes were now on Luten and Kin.

Luten had a puzzled expression on his face. He and Kin were never close to begin with, so why was there suddenly something important that they'd have to discuss?

"Can't we just talk here?" Luten asked.

Kin shook his head. "It's not something that these people should hear."

Luten thought for a while before he nodded after telling his friend something. 

"Lead the way," Luten said. He wasn't worried about Kin doing something to him as he was the son of the current President of Estra

Kin smiled and left the room together with Luten under the gazes of twenty or so people.

"Do you think they're going to fight?" One asked.

"Are you stupid?" Another responded. "If they do fight and something goes horrible, what do you think will happen? Luten is the only son of the President as of the moment, if something happens to him, I'm sure his reaction won't be pretty."

"You're right." The first one who spoke nodded his head. "Should we follow them?"

A few people turned their heads towards him. 

"What? I know all of you are interested." The one who suggested chuckled.

In the end, a lot of people slowly followed behind, they were careful not to be too close.


Kin and Luten arrived at the comfort room near the library.

Luten turned to Kin as they arrived inside. "Why here?"

"Where else? As I said, I wanted to talk in private." Kin said.

"Alright, you brought me here, now spill." Luten still has another class and he doesn't want to be late since people will think that he's abusing his privilege as the son of the President. 

"I'm getting to that." Kin looked around, waiting for the magic to happen.

Marcus, who was in one of the stalls, started casting chaos magic. Vermilion-colored fog floated around his hand, he then sent it straight towards Kin. 

Marcus just casted 'Emotion Manipulation'. 

He wasn't finished. Marcus once again casted 'Emotion Manipulation' for a few more times and threw it all towards Kin.

Excitement, bliss, joy, interest, and lust. Marcus pumped it all into Kin's system.

Kin's heart raced from all the emotions he suddenly felt. He looked at the person in front of him and he suddenly turned into a full-on predator.

Marcus who was in one of the stalls chuckled as he opened a portal and went back to the library.

Luten who saw that Kin was rushing towards him moved back. "What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to start a war?!"

Kin didn't answer, saliva dripping from his mouth. His eyes shone with lust as he jumped on Luten. 

Luten tried firing a spell but was blocked by Kin. 

"Help!" Luten shouted as Kin ripped his clothes off.

The students who were outside by the door panicked.

The one who was currently taking a video of Kin and Luten turned to everyone. "Go call one of the professors. Hurry!"

Two students dashed towards the library to see if there was a professor staying there or even the librarian would do.

The events happening inside the comfort room turned intense. 

The students couldn't bear to watch. They turned their heads and some of them walked a few meters away from the comfort room.

"Holy shit the Strongwald's and the Frey are going to war!" One of the students couldn't keep it in anymore. 

"This is madness! What the fuck is Kin thinking?" Another spoke.

They didn't want to go in and implicate themselves with whatever was happening inside, so they just stayed outside where it's safe.


Marcus hummed as he got out of his car and walked towards his house.

'Now those bastards will leave us alone for a while.' Marcus opened the door and went towards Emily's room.

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