Asura Conqueror

Chapter 110: Chaos Brings Disaster

Erika lied down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 

She wanted the ship to move faster. Her excitement could hardly be contained making it difficult for her to cultivate.

Erika, Marcus' second wife had retained her memories for more than a month now, and she too, was looking for Marcus and she's also keeping a lookout for people she might know in her past life. Her search brought her to different places. But, she was only one person and ships were incredibly slow making it feel impossible to find them.

She even went back to Kellar, but she achieved the same results. 

No signs of Marcus in any place she went to.

Until one day, she was approached by a group of people. Her guard was immediately up. However, she didn't expect them to actually flash her a picture of Marcus. The same Marcus whom she interacted with in Kellar.

She followed them, her guard remained up.

Now she was on a ship setting sail for a place the people call Estra.

"If I sleep now, when I wake up, the ship will land," Erika spoke to herself.

She tried to convince herself to think of something else for her to fall asleep, but she couldn't.


Marcus threw a 'Chaos Lightning Bolt' to Nexus, traveling at extreme speed. Marcus had been practicing inducing his spells with chaos mana. Once a spell gets introduced to chaos mana, it becomes a lot more powerful, more destructive. 

Nexus lifted his arms towards the direction of the 'Chaos Lightning Bolt'. He then moved his arms to the side making the 'Chaos Lightning Bolt' move a few meters away, missing.

Nexus smirked as he showed how fast he was. He dashed towards Marcus, his claws out. He then jumped into the air and controlled his body to boost himself forward. 

Marcus moved back after placing a lightning rune on the ground.

Nexus who was up in the air, controlled his body once more and threw it forward, making the lightning rune useless.

As inched closer, Marcus rolled back making Nexus fly forward. 

Marcus stood back up. His hands turned red and so did his arms. He rushed forward as he casted 'Emotion Manipulation' on Nexus. He pumped Nexus' veins with emotional exhaustion. 

Nexus, who was standing up, felt his shoulders turn heavy. He didn't feel like fighting anymore.

He looked at Marcus. "Fuck! Stop playing dirty!"

Marcus laughed. "It's a spell, it's not considered cheating."

Marcus had more control over his 'Emotion Manipulation' now that he brokethrough Commander Stage. He had access to more kinds of emotions and not just the basic ones. He could pump it deep into a person and make them really feel the change in their emotions.

Nexus, however, was strong-willed. He didn't back down even after being injected by the chaos spell that Marcus threw.

His obsidian-colored claws swiped forward as Marcus' right fist came charging towards him.

Their attacks met, sending shockwaves inside the training room.

The two ladies at the side calmly watched the fight happening in front of them.

"Are you excited to see Erika?" Eva asked. 

Emily nodded. "She and I have been through a lot together, knowing that she's coming here safe and sound makes me feel happy."

"It's too bad she didn't come here earlier." Eva sighed. Erika would have also reached Commander by now if she was with them when the room with the glowing white ball opened.

Emily shook her head. "She's still strong either way."

Emily had experienced Erika's strength first hand when they first met. 

The two girls weren't on very good terms with each other when they were first introduced. Well, mostly because Emily, at that time, couldn't accept Marcus having another woman. 

Erika had no qualms with Emily being the first wife, but since Emily wasn't told about this whole harem situation first, they fought.

They stopped after a few days of fighting after agreeing that Marcus was the one who's scum. 

Emily realized that she wasn't really angry about Marcus getting another woman, but she was mad because Marcus didn't consult her about it first. 

She and Erika got closer after the fight. They became like true sisters.

Marcus, who was called scum by both Emily and Erika, had to kneel in front of his own palace for close to a month. A few of the faction members would visit and look at him. They would laugh and call him out but Marcus didn't listen. He continued to kneel on the ground, not sparing them a single glance.

Nexus who was inside the palace at that time threw large blue and white eggs at him. He laughed as he saw Marcus drenched with egg yolks.

Emily chuckled as she remembered that time they had in the past. "I can't wait to see her again."

"You don't have to wait long and I'm sure that she too is excited to land here." Eva smiled. As the one who raised Marcus, she, of course, has met Erika and is close with her too.

Eva turned to look at the battle that was happening right in front of them. "Marcus probably proposed this battle to get the excitement off his system.

Emily nodded.

Nexus jumped sidewards avoiding Marcus' fist. He raised both of his arms forward and aimed them towards Marcus. He tried controlling him.

"Hahaha," Marcus laughed as Nexus' spell failed to work on him. "You cat, your tricks won't work on me."

Nexus furrowed his brows as he kept moving back, dodging the barrage of punches and kicks that Marcus threw.

Lightning coursed around Marcus' arm. It then traveled to his hands and turned into a javelin. He slowly induced it with chaos magic and threw it towards Nexus.

Once again Nexus controlled it and made it miss.

"When are you going to learn? None of your spells will land on me." Nexus smiled as the lightning bolt landed a few meters away from him.

Marcus smirked. He raised both his hands. Three vermilion-colored balls appeared in front of him, spinning.

Marcus gestured his hand forward making the balls fly towards Marcus. 

Nexus scoffed. He controlled them and made them land away from him. However, the vermilion colored balls didn't just hit the ground, it exploded. The explosion reached him and made him fly backward, blood dripped from his mouth.

Marcus laughed as he saw Nexus slowly standing up. "That's it for today, we still need to welcome Erika to Estra."

Nexus nodded as he wiped the sides of his mouth. "You were lucky. I also didn't know what that spell was."

Marcus tapped the side of his own head. "You need to be smarter."

"Fuck you!" Nexus cursed. He knew that Marcus was just provoking him. This happens every time he messes up.

Marcus looked at the two ladies. "Looks like both of you are ready to go."

"You should hurry, for all we know, Erika is already there." Emily walked towards him together with Eva.

"Leo said he'll just call when the ship is near." Marcus leaned in and gave a short kiss to Emily.

Nexus, who saw this, turned to Eva who also walked towards and gave him a kiss.

"The pain around my body faded," Nexus smiled.


Marcus went out of the shower and changed into his black long-sleeve outfit. He fixed his hair which was now pretty long. His height also grew and he's now 6 feet tall.

He went out of his room and went downstairs where everyone was waiting all dressed up.

Emily wore a blue and white sundress, Eva wore a skirt and a sleeveless shirt, and Nexus wore shorts, a plain shirt, and slippers.

The four went out of the house. Marcus rode with Emily in the vermilion-colored car. Nexus and Eva rode in the white one.

Dark clouds covered the sky together with thunder occasionally sounding. People would think that this was natural, however, it was from it. This was the effect of Marcus' chaos spell 'Chaos Brings Disaster.' 

"Her ship will be arriving in thirty or so minutes," Marcus spoke. Holding Emily's hand who sat beside him.

"Thankfully her ship arrived safely, unlike what happened to the ship you were on." Emily giggled.

Marcus pinched her nose. "I almost died you know. You would have never seen this face if something happened to me on that trip."

Emily removed Marcus' fingers from her cheek. "I'm sure they stood no chance."


Heavy rain poured outside as Marcus and the others waited inside the building of the space station at the area where Erika would exit her ship. 

Marcus felt as if he was over the moon when he found out that he could already cast 'Chaos Brings Disaster'. Now the sun would hardly shine on Estra.

Marcus looked in a certain direction. A few dozen ships landed together with a big one at the center. The large ship's entrance was slowly attached to a tube on the side of the building where there was a pathway.

Not long after, a woman came out.

She had long black hair, straight brows, and emerald almond-shaped eyes. Her petite body and c cup breasts made her look seductive.

She exited the tube pathway and looked up. Her eyes widened as she ran towards the people in front of her.

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