Asura Conqueror

Chapter 68: I Only Need Three

What Marcus said shocked both his classmates and Hedi. Who would believe a young-looking teen like Marcus could wield a weapon properly?

Hedi sneered "Go ahead, but if you can't, I'll go to the office and get you expelled."

Hedi hated being challenged like this, but thinking how the kid would be humiliated and would be able to learn his lesson, he played along.

Marcus sighed. He already made sure not to release an aura of rank 7 Elite to not attract unnecessary attention, but now he got himself into this mess.

He's not afraid of people finding out, it's just that he wants to first let the nightclub open.

"Remember, no use of magic whatsoever." Hedi gestured to the nearby shed and told him what to do to receive a weapon.

The young adults nearby were conversing amongst themselves.

Among them was a male teen who had hair that reached his shoulders. He was talking to his friend who had wavy blond hair.

"Hey Reno, you think he can pass?" The black-haired teen asked both himself and his friend.

Seeing someone challenge the teacher on the first day was not something you see every day. These two have been friends since high school, and they have never once seen this kind of thing happen before.

They have seen someone shit their pants in public, they have seen people eating each other out in public, but this was something new.

Reno shook his head."He probably has a plan. If not, it'd be such a waste. The dude just got in and he has to be kicked out on the same day. Nedo we should do something as cool as that."

Nedo shook his head "That's not our style. You can hardly talk normally to people, how much more like that in front of a crowd."

"Fuck!" Reno cursed at his friend "I didn't mean we should do something that big right away. What I meant was we should get off our asses and go around town during the weekends. Go drinking, hang out with girls, or even do a bit of sport and not just hang out at home playing video games all day. Look at that guy, now wonder how many chicks he already banged."

Nedo and Reno had been friends since they were young. They were somewhat cut from the same cloth. Both of them were bad at socializing, they both love playing video games, and they only have a very small circle of friends. For short, they're introverts.

Nedo Lavan and Reno Xalia were both nerdy-looking in high school. Most of the time they would just stay on the side and talk about comics, games, and animated adult videos. Both of them were also pretty chubby when they were in high school. Because of all these traits they never had a girlfriend before.

However, a truck known as puberty hit them. They now looked pretty handsome, but they were still a pair of introverts. Seeing Marcus stand up like that to the instructor made Reno want to change himself. He wants to have that confidence.

"Alright, this weekend let's do what people our age usually do." Nedo thought about it for a while and figured that it was time for some changes.

"Hahaha" Reno laughed. "Perfect, my cousin told me that there might be a bar opening this weekend. Let's level up and finish that campaign so that we won't have anything on our minds this weekend other than having fun."


While Nedo and Reno were talking Marcus was making his way towards the nearby shed.

There was a rectangular box-like machine placed in the center. Marcus did what Hedi told him and said what kind of weapon he wanted.

"Bow and arrows!" Marcus shouted. He doesn't really know how this works so he just made his voice loud so that the machine could hear him.

A portion of the rectangular box-like machine slid open. A normal looking bow and a couple of arrows were gently spat out and landed on the side where there was no hole. Shortly after, the portion of the rectangular box-like machine that was open, closed.

Marcus grabbed a bow and the given arrows. He then slowly walked his way back to where the instructor and the others were.

The bow was on his left hand and he was clutching the arrows on his right. His vermillion eyes shone under the bright morning sun.

Hedi's brows rose a bit. He was not expecting the kid to use this weapon. Normally, he would see a lot of students wield swords at the beginning of the course. A lot, but not all since there are students who prefer other kinds of weapons.

"I hope you won't go back on your words." Marcus now stood a few meters away from Hedi. He wanted to have the option to go to class late so he could chat with Emily after everyone goes out. This is a chance we would never let go of.

"I don't go back on my words." Hedi never planned it to escalate like this. He was not serious about expelling Marcus if he failed this test. For him, Marcus was somewhat like a rebellious teenager who probably has problems. So Hedi wanted Marcus to learn a lesson.

Marcus did a quick nod. "What's the test?"

"It's simple" Hedi pointed towards the nearby drones "With no help from any spells, you have to hit targets that's 140 meters, 240 meters, and 450 meters far."

The students who heard that had their mouths agape. This was just plain insane for a teenager.

Hedi thought that Marcus had some skill in wielding a bow since he was pretty confident. It's the reason why he upped the level of difficulty quite a bit.

Marcus looked at the drones. They were the size of a grown man's hands. He turned towards Hedi and nodded.

"Seems doable. Let's start, I hate being under the sun." Marcus stuck four of the five arrows on the ground while holding the last one.

Hedi's eye twitched after hearing what Marcus said. He thought his ears were playing tricks on him.

Marucs' classmates had different kinds of reactions.

"It was fun at first, but now he just sounds cocky." One said.

"I know right. Sometimes people just don't know their limits." Another said.

"If he wants to show off, I think that he chose the wrong place to do so." a woman said.

"Who cares about him, I need to go to the bathroom." A guy who stood behind them whispered.

While the others were talking Nedo and Reno were too.

Reno pointed at the guy "See that! We should ask him to share a bit of his confidence with us."

Nedo chuckled "All I see is someone who might get expelled. I have no hate though, I would want to see how he could pull this off, if he could pull this off."

"Since you brought 5 arrows with you then you'll have five chances." Hedi set the drones up with a controller and they soon began to fly at a distance. He also made a line where Marcus is not allowed to cross.

Marcus walked forward and stopped just in front of the white line. "I only need three."

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