Asura Conqueror

Chapter 70: Your Table is Really Tabley

Marcus stood outside of the classroom door. He hurriedly walked here and didn't even give his classmates a chance to interact with him.

Seeing that there were no more students, he knocked twice and opened the door.

He then looked at Emily sitting in front of her desk, using her computer.

"Busy?" Marcus asked.

Emily stopped typing and looked at him. She fixed her glasses and said, "I might need a couple more minutes, I'm sorry."

Marcus chuckled "What are you sorry for? I'll check this school's cafeteria out, just ring me when you're finished."

"Mhm," Emily nodded and watched him walk out of the room.


'She's working pretty hard on mundane things.' Marcus thought as he made his way through the halls.

The pathway was well moped almost every hour since robots were the ones doing it. There were large photos hung on the walls and trophies inside pedestals.

Marcus did a couple of quick turns and arrived in the cafeteria, It was a pretty large place. The one's doing the cleaning were machines but the ones serving were people.

In this era, one can know if a large restaurant or a luxurious hotel is of top quality when there are lots of people working there and not machines. This does not mean that there are no top quality restaurants that's mostly reliant on machines though. In a first rate state there is a 12 storey building where they mainly serve drinks and you just need to tap a button on the table, pronounce your order clearly, then the drink will pop up from the table.

Marcus ordered a burger with a rank 2 beast meat and normal fries. He found himself a seat and leisurely munched down the tasty burger while using his watch. A minute or two later, footsteps could be heard moving towards him which made him look up.

Marcus recognized these two. He didn't mind the company so he pushed the fries towards the center of the table and said, "You can sit as long as you don't take too much of it."

Nedo and Reno looked at each other and sat down.

Reno spoke first. "That was pretty cool back there."

Reno, who was from a rich family was a bit more sociable compared to Nedo, just a bit though.

"Thank you" Marcus stopped fiddling with his watch and looked at them. He thought that it might not be polite to use it while conversing.

"Have you practiced archery for a long time?" Nedo asked.

"Yeah" Marcus nodded. "I've been practicing it ever since I can remember."

"Awesome indeed" Nedo was awed. Aside from casually practicing the sword from time to time when his parents of grandparents told him to, he never held any other weapon.

"Are you both into archery or any other weapons?" Marcus asked.

The two shook their heads and Reno spoke "We hardly do any sports. We're what people call nerds, geeks, and weebs."

"That's an interesting combination, I guess." Marcus didn't know how to reply.

"But we're actually going to try something new. Do you know that club opening this weekend? We'll try that place out." Reno had an excited tone.

"I've also heard that they'll be serving the best drinks not only in Estra but in all of the 2nd rate states." Marcus tried to market.

The two looked at Marcus before they looked at each other and laughed, but then Reno tilted his head.

"You've heard of it?" Reno was sure that not a lot of people know about this.

"I have, from the owner himself." Marcus smirked.

"That must have been quite an experience meeting someone of that caliber." Nedo, who also heard of this news from Reno, said.

"Mhm, he's incredible." Marcus didn't even have a tiny bit of shame on his face.

"Are you on any social media?" Nedo asked.

Marcus shook his head. "No, although I think it's time for me to make one."

He never had time to make one since he was usually busy or engrossed with cultivation.

He quickly made an account on 'IceBerg', the famous social media app, and set his account to private. They followed Marcus and Marcus did the same.

The three continued talking until Emily sent him a message.

Marcus bid them goodbye and made his way back to the classroom.

He didn't mind making a couple of acquaintances here in school as long as he can vibe with them.

"Shall we?" Marcus asked, seeing Emily still on the computer.

"Mhm" She turned it off and grabbed her coat. Emily looked towards Marcus and felt that the atmosphere wasn't that awkward.

They made their way out of the building and straight to the gate, attracting a lot of eyes in the process. Marcus already ordered a cab since he didn't bring his car to school today.

Emily wasn't that shy, she is course, an adult. She's just worried about Marcus' reputation in school.

Seeing that Emily had a look that he knew all too well, Marcus smiled "Don't mind them. They're just jealous that I get to go home with a teacher."

Emily looked at him and giggled "That's a weird way to phrase it, don't you think?"

They got in the cab while Marcus was remembering how Emily not only hated being around people but also hated talking to them. Now, she's a teacher.

'I bet this attitude will once again revert when she gets back her memories.' Just like Eva, Marcus thought that Emily will slowly revert back to her past self once she gets her memories.


In a restaurant two women and a man were talking, actually it's just the two women. The man, Nexus sat there devouring meat dishes.

"Thank you so much. It really means a lot." Maya bowed her head. Her eyes were teary.

Eva politely smiled "No need to thank me. How does it feel to be both a big investor and model for a company."

She thought of having Maya be the face in one or two of their drinks in the near future. It won't only be Maya though, they'll find others too.

"An emotion mixed with thrill and nervousness. I didn't even expect to be here." Maya wiped the side of her eyes.

"Forget about your past failures. You're now going to start a brand new journey." Eva wanted to have a close relationship with Maya since she's going to be a board member.

The company will be growing rapidly, and it's always better to have more people on your side.

Maya smiled hearing what the kind woman said. She considered herself to be extremely lucky to have found herself in this position.

She looked at the man beside Eva and was about to say something but Nexus raised his left hand and shook his head. He didn't even look up.

Nexus swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "It's better if you don't ask about what happened to the guy. You won't be able to stomach it."

Maya slowly nodded.

A waiter approached them. He looked at Nexus and the tower of plates near him.

"Sir, I would like to do a quick survey. What do you think of this restaurant?" The waiter asked.

"Uh," Nexus looked at him. "I guess, your table is really tabley."

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