Asura Conqueror

Chapter 73: Brina and Pia

The bright morning sun rose on the horizon. The gang got in a white car and made their way to Estra University.

Emily, who was told by Eva about every single detail about Marcus and Nexus except for the reincarnation part, was still in the process of digesting the information. Being told that there were higher and stronger beings was simply too great to take in.

She kept glancing at Marcus and Nexus. The latter, who sat on the front seat, didn't mind her.

On the other hand, Marcus who was beside her looked at her with a playful smile on his face and said, "Don't you think you should pay your respects to the prince sitting beside you?"

Emily glared at him "Prince or Pervert?"

She didn't get to cultivate properly last night because of all the things that were circulating in her head, so she went to a room in the Destrcustone and slept. Yes, Eva gave her a ring and told her about the Destrucstone. She turned and turned but she couldn't sleep, which is why she's quite cranky right now.

Marcus chuckled. He missed teasing this woman, in more ways than one.

Eva looked at them through the rearview mirror. "Emily, I remember you had a lot of questions last night. Why don't you ask Marcus?"

Emily blinked once, twice. Why does it feel like her Big Sis was pushing her towards Marcus?

'Why didn't she even react yesterday when she saw us together?' Emily wondered.

"Ask away," Marcus placed his thigh on the seat and turned his body, facing in Emily's direction.

"What's the heavenly realm like?" Emily, with a soft voice, asked. Although she believed it since it came from her sister, it still felt vague.

Marcus took a deep breath. "It's not so different from the mortal realm. The density of mana, is, of course, a lot better up there. Inhabitants of the heavenly realm are also keen on making themselves stronger. We do have entertainments like zither performances and such but tv-series and movies aren't really our thing."

Marcus continued to speak about the heavenly realm.

The group soon arrived in front of the school. Emily and Marcus got off while Eva and Nexus went towards their company building.

"You will soon be able to wrap your head on the fact that there are higher beings." Marcus smiled.

"Mhm," Emily gave an absentminded nod.

They were only a few students in the classroom as it was still early. Marcus went towards his seat from yesterday and checked the social media app.

Nedo and Reno recommended a couple of people and places to follow, the school included. He ended up checking all of them and only followed a few. He checked the school's recent posts, one of which was a picture of the dean posted a minute ago.

Seeing that there was no one who commented on it yet, he decided to add one.


Marcus typed in a single word. He then turned his watch off since Emily is about to start her lecture.


It didn't take long before the students who had no classes and followed the school's account saw the post and the sole comment.

They checked the account named Marcus Kauffman. He had no posts and only had 2 followers. His bio didn't say anything about him, it only stated that he is the "Eiffel Tower King".

Students of Estra University had mixed feelings after seeing the comment. Some thought Marcus was a troll, others thought it was disrespectful, the one thing they had in common right now as they were waiting for the university to respond.

However, it wasn't the university that was the second to comment.

Leo, who was bored in class, opened the social media app and saw the post on top of his feed. He didn't mind it at first, but as he was about to scroll down, a name caught his eye.

He saw Marcus' comment, its likes were only around 3000 but that's still a lot considering it was a school's post.

Leo added a comment that said, "Estra University, this is the most traffic your account received ever since that scandal. You should be thankful."

He liked Marcus' comment, followed him, and turned his watch off.


Marcus stood under the heat of the sun together with other students.

He was now in Hedi's class. Although Hedi was finished with the lecture, there were still questions that he would ask which was why Marcus is still here.

Hedi, who stood in front, looked at his students. "I have one last question to ask before I dismiss you."

The students had an excited look on their faces.

"Do you believe in immortality? Why or why not?" He asked.

The students looked at each other. They couldn't understand the point of asking the question. It seemed irrelevant.

Nevertheless, a few students raised their hands.

"You" Hedi pointed.

"I don't believe in Immortality and that is because I believe in the law of entropy. Someday, all of us will just die." A student answered.

Hedi slowly nodded a couple of times before saying, "Alright, you're all dismissed."

'Finally.' Marcus walked towards the building where Emily was, and the same as yesterday, she still had a couple of things to do.

He wasn't in a rush since the meeting is still this afternoon so he went to the cafeteria and saw Nedo and Reno.

They sat together and were soon joined by two ladies.

"Hi, mind if we sit?" A woman, who had short dark blond hair tied to a ponytail, greeted. She has brown eyes and a good figure. This was one of Marcus' classmates, Brina Flavus.

The woman beside Brina, who had blond hair that reached her shoulders is her best friend Pia Minser. She had hazelnut-colored eyes and a good figure. Both girls were pretty sporty which explains why their body looked, for the lack of another word, hot.

Nedo's heartbeat quickened when he saw Pia, the same goes for Reno when he saw Brina.

Marcus, who saw the reactions of the two, inwardly chuckled.

"We'd love the company." Marcus smiled.

Pia sat beside Nedo and Brina beside Reno while Marcus sat at the edge of the rectangular table.

"You must be Marcus, am I right?" Brina began eating.

Marcus nodded.

"What are you two doing here?" Reno turned to his side.

"You and Nedo are the only ones we know in our class. We aren't eager to make new friends so we have no choice but to be here," Brina answered.

Pia looked at Nedo, "We haven't been properly introduced yet, I'm Pia Minser, you can just call me Pia."

Nedo quickly wiped his sweaty hand and extended it. "Nedo, Nedo Lavan."

Pia chuckled seeing Nedo flustered. She had seen him a couple of times before but they have never interacted.

Marcus looked at them and suggested, "Why don't you two invite the two ladies this weekend to go with you."

Brina and Pia looked at the two boys beside them.

Brina thought it was a miracle that they would step outside during a weekend. Reno, Brina, and Pia might not be close but they would still see each other from time to time at parties. The two women knew of Reno's personality.

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