Asura Conqueror

Chapter 87: Ohario

"You guys don't even need money." Marcus didn't mind actually doing it.

"Of course we don't. The money won't go to us but to charity." Pia wiped her mouth with a napkin nearby.

"That's actually a bright idea." Marcus thought that it would be great for Asura to own one or something similar. It would not only raise their prestige but it would also bring them closer to the people.

'Now is not the time for that.' Marcus told himself. Asura still needs to solidify its ground in Estra.

"Hey Reno, do you want to complete that dungeon tonight?" Nedo asked.

Reno nodded. "Su-"

"Are you boys back to playing those video games? Didn't you stop?" Brina asked.

"Woah, stop is a strong word. More like lessen the hours of playtime. Right, Nedo?" Reno nudged Nedo's rib.

"Ah," Nedo didn't get to dodge. "Yes, that is absolutely right."

Pia sighed. "Boys."

"Why don't you two play with them and see if you'll like video games?" Marcus asked. He then looked at Reno.

Brina shook her head. "I'm not sure if those kinds of activities are for me."

"Ahem," Reno got Marcus' signal. "How bout this, you try playing video games and we'll try out any sport of your choice."

"That sounds fair," Pia told Brina who sat beside her.

"How about tonight?" Nedo hurriedly asked.

Brina helplessly nodded. "Alright."

Pia stood up together with Brina. "We'll be seeing you guys tonight at Reno's home then."

"Or we could go to Marcus'?" Reno suggested.

"You guys are discussing like we have no classes tomorrow." Brina sighed.

The girls slowly walked away.

"Thanks for the assist" Reno bowed his head to Marcus, followed by Nedo.

"Are you two even getting closer to them?" Marcus chuckled.

The two shook their heads.

"I might have someone that could help you. Now if you would excuse me, I have to go somewhere." Marcus stood up, walked away, and slightly waved his hand to the two.

Nedo and Reno also started going to class.


Marcus walked into an almost empty hallway. In front of him was a man with short blond hair that stood around 5'10 feet tall.

Marcus had been following this man from the canteen. When Reno was talking with Brina and Pia, he overheard a conversation from a table adjacent to theirs.

Marcus heard a name that struck a violent chord in him.


He was the person who had been harassing Emily and went as far as to hit her with a spell. Albeit it didn't leave any serious damage, Emily was still hurt.

Marcus would have let Emily take care of Ohario, but her memories aren't back yet. She might only dish out a soft punishment and set him free.

However, Marcus doesn't want that. He thought that giving Ohario light punishments was not enough.

Ohario made his way to the comfort room. Marcus followed while using his watch, trying to avoid suspicion.

The two stepped on white clean tiles. There was not a single stain of any kind and the light green wall was free of vandals. On the ceiling were four white bulbs powered by magic.

There were around 8 stalls lined up and a row of faucets on the other side with a mirror on the wall.

Ohario went into one of the stalls.

Marcus proceeded to lock the comfort room door. There were no cameras inside here as it was prohibited by the government to place one. Even for a school as grand as this they still have to follow the rules set by the government of the country.

Marcus waited for a while. He walked towards the sink and began turning on every single faucet. If detectives ever search for prints, they'll never find a match as Marcus' prints weren't on their database.

Not long after, Ohario went out. His brows scrunched seeing all the running water.

He looked towards his left where a vermilion-haired teen stood near the entrance door.

"Did you do this?" Ohario asked. His thin brows scrunched. He didn't recognize Marcus.

He had been trying to breakthrough the Commander Stage for months now, and every weekend he'd go into short seclusion.

After he left his room this morning, he finalized his lesson plan and then hurried to school as he had to teach two consecutive classes. He hadn't even read the news or opened any social media apps. Ohario still has no idea that the woman he tormented is now a bigshot.

"I'm just as shocked as you are." Marcus lifted his shoulder. "A student went in, turned on all the faucets, and ran out, closing the door in the process."

Ohario nodded. "That explains the low-sounding slam I heard a few seconds ago."

He went to the faucet to wash his hands. "Rich kids these days, you know what I mean?"

Ohario guessed that the one who must have done it was someone from the big family, who else would have such guts?

"I do," Marcus chuckled. He then asked. "Aren't you also rich sir? I've seen you before and also heard your name from my fellow classmates."

Ohario smiled. "Yes, my family is quite rich, but not the type of rich where I can do anything I want here at Estra University. You said you heard of me from your classmates? What did they say about me?"

"They only told me how great of a teacher you are and one of the best new teachers this year." Marcus didn't want to give too many compliments as he already felt disgusted saying this.

Ohario, who dried his hands with magic, had a smug look on his face. "That sounds about right. I probably can't compare to those female teachers which is why they said 'one of the best. I mean females are always better at handling kids."

'Either that or you just suck.' Marcus smiled. "Probably."

Ohario walked towards the door. He grumbled in a low voice. "Yeah like that slut Emily."

Marcus' Asura blood boiled. He planned on letting Ohario be as close as possible before attacking, but hearing the last sentence that Ohario uttered, he changed his plan.

Seeing that Ohario was close enough, he made his hands transform into that of an Asura. He dashed with his left hand forward.

Ohario opened his mouth. He was about to react, but it was too late. Marcus' hand was already in his mouth, clutching his tongue.

Marcus destroyed Ohario's watch just to make sure.

"What did you say?" Marcus slowly asked.

Ohario wiggled out, he tried to cast a spell, but all of it was for naught. Marcus destroyed each and every one of them before they could even deal damage.

"Answer me!" Marcus raised his voice, it wasn't so loud that it would attract attention from the outside.

"Ahh!" Ohario couldn't speak. A hand was still in his mouth, not letting go of his tongue.

"If you don't answer, I'll cut off your arm." Marcus threatened.

The kneeling Ohario couldn't understand what was going on. His eyes were full of both anger and disbelief. They had a civil conversation just a while ago and suddenly this happened.

"Still not going to talk?" Marcus created a portal with chaos magic. An oval with a vermilion-colored opening appeared.

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