Asura Conqueror

Chapter 89: Interview

The crowd cheered as Marcus finished casting 'Lightning Blast'. The ring now looked nothing like it was a few hours ago when Marcus just started fighting.

Dark black stains could be seen all over the ground where the dozen or so consecutive battles took place. To add to that, Blood and torn clothes littered the ground.

Marcus stood in the middle. He of course had to act tired. He looked like someone who had just gone through hell and back. Cuts could be seen all over his body. The upper part of his battle suit had been torn, displaying his upper body to all the ladies in the place.

Marcus had battled 30 individuals, all were older than him. He made sure to make it look as though he was having a hard time.

For the people watching, Marcus was someone who overcame all obstacles in his way. He braved through all the spells that were thrown at him and won every single match. Though Marcus asked for a five-minute break every after a fight, no one criticized him for this. Especially after his 20th match.

They were also awed at how Marcus conserved his mana and how he was skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

At first, there was only a normal amount of crowd. But almost every person called their friends who were currently available and invited them to come and watch.

Even the media who needed a good follow-up scoop about 'The Corner' and 'Asura' came.

The news nowadays is filled with content on rebellion, kidnappings, and other sorts of awful activities. Some would say that it's pretty normal for stations to be covering those kinds of news. It probably is, but a lot of the people in Estra wanted something else.

Marcus and his company arrived in the nick of time. The media could now cover something fresh for the people.

"End of the match!" An announcement sounded.

"Would you like to fight again?" The referee asked for the thirtieth time. For the last 6 or so hours, he had been repeating this same question.

Marcus had reserved the ring to be used by him for 10 hours. He, of course, paid good money for it and asked Zoey for a bit of help whose family owns Brawlrena.

Marcus shook his head. "I'm done for the day."

He didn't plan on finishing the whole 10 hours. He still has to meet up with his acquaintances back at his house.

The referee sighed in relief. He was the closest one to the battlefield and was awed at Marcus' conviction to carry on after every fight. He also thought that this teen was punishing himself which is why he felt relieved when Marcus said that he's done.

Before Marcus could even reach the staircase, he was already crowded by several reporters.

He already saw them coming towards him, but he didn't stop their approach. Instead, he welcomed each and every one of them. As for the questions they'll ask, he only planned on entertaining the ones pertaining to his company 'Asura', and his club 'The Corner'.

"Mr. Marcus, there are a lot of people who are guessing your age, could you please confirm it to everyone?" One of the female reporters asked.

"I am 17 years old," Marcus answered. He didn't mind telling them his real age.

The reporters were shocked but that didn't stop them from asking questions.

"A while ago you defeated two rank 7 Elites. Someone your age shouldn't be that strong. Is there a secret behind your strength? If there is, are you open to telling this secret to everyone?" Another reporter asked.

Marcus nodded. He looked at the camera and placed his mouth closer to the microphone held by the reporter. "It's no secret really. I'm sure that you guys have heard of the new club that my parents own. I drink the beverages there daily. Of course, the ones I drink have zero alcohol."

"So you're saying you can credit your strength and current cultivation to drinks that your club sells?" Another reporter with a skeptical look on her face questioned.

"Yes," Marcus answered. "As I said, what I drink are non-alcoholic beverages and not exactly the ones sold in 'The Corner'. They do have similar effects, it's just that the ones I drink don't make me drunk."

A few reporters chuckled. Some sounded genuine while others sounded forced.

"Will we be expecting those non-alcoholic drinks sold and distributed to other places and not just in 'The Corner'? Or will all the drinks be exclusively sold only at your club?" The first reported who spoke, inquired.

"Uh, from what I hear," Marcus replied. "It depends on the sales of 'The Corner'. If it's doing great then we'll probably start distributing in a month or two."

"And if it's not?" The same female reporter asked.

"What's the point of distributing it if it isn't a hit right?" Marcus chuckled.

Another reporter shoved a microphone near Marcus' mouth. "Just to make it clear, you will be releasing new drinks in the near future?"

"Yes, we will." Marcus nodded. "'The Corner' is relatively new and the range of drinks it offers is still few. So expect that there will be a lot of new drinks with different kinds of effects released from time to time."

Before anyone could even ask another question, Marcus hastily spoke. "I'm sorry but I still have to go somewhere. I probably won't be seeing any of you again, so goodbye."

Marcus walked towards the staircase where he initially planned on going down before he got swarmed by reporters.

The ones left on the stage didn't mind, he already answered a few important questions so there was no need for them to pester him.

Marcus walked towards the exit. He got his watch from his pocket dimension and saw that Reno texted him 20 minutes ago. Reno stated that they didn't know where his house was.

Marcus chuckled and sent him the location. He also texted Nexus to let the four of them in.

Before he got on the elevator, Leo came jogging towards him.

Leo halted in front of Marcus "I forgot to update you, I've already started searching for the person. I have thousands of people looking for her. Zoey also offered to help. She asked her father to send around ten-thousand people and inquire about the whereabouts of the woman you showed me."

Marcus was warmed by what Zoey did and thankful for Leo's hard work.

"Thank you," Marcus sincerely said. "If you have any news about her, send it to me right away."

Leo nodded. "Don't worry, I will. Just give it around 2 or 3 months, we'll definitely find her."

Given how widespread human civilization is, 2-3 months is a pretty short time.

"Good luck Maya." Marcus proceeded to enter the elevator.

Leo smiled. He wasn't expecting the 'serious' Marcus to also know how to say things like that.

Leo also didn't ask who the person he was tasked to look for or how important the person was to Marcus. He focused on looking for her and finding out when the time comes.


Nedo, Reno, Pia, and Brina arrived in front of Marcus' house.

"We're actually neighbors, kinda." Pia looked at the fountain that placed a couple of meters behind the gate.

Nedo chuckled. "All three of you are. I mean, this is where families of your caliber live."

"Enough of that." Reno walked towards the column beside the gate. "Marcus said someone will let us in and that he'll be here in a few minutes."

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