Asura Conqueror

Chapter 91: Nexus' Wisdom

Pia and Brina didn't respond right away. They looked at each other.

"It is a lot better than hanging out with the boys." Pia chuckled.

"Alright," Brina nodded as she turned to Eva. "We'd love to learn."

Eva smiled as she led them to the kitchen. "Have you had any experience in cooking before?"

Both teenage girls shook their heads. They both come from rich families. They didn't have to worry about cooking as they could just ask for food whenever they were hungry.

"Not even once?" Eva tilted her head.

"Well, there was that one time where we had to cook because of a subject we had years ago," Brina recalled.

Pia vigorously nodded indicating that she too had one.

Eva giggled. "It's fine, I'll just teach you the basics then."


While the girls were in the kitchen, Marcus, Nedo, Reno were left in the living room with Nexus.

"Oh right," Marcus remembered something. "You two had trouble getting those girls right?"

Nedo and Reno had an embarrassed look on their faces.

"I didn't say that to insult you." Marcus chuckled. "As I said before, I know someone who can help. He'll be able to give you tips and such."

This caught the two nerds' attention.

"Are you serious?" Nedo was quite skeptical about it.

"You're not playing with us are you?" Reno looked desperate.

'Bunch of horny teenagers.' Marcus thought. "Just go to that guy."

Marcus pointed to Nexus who yawned lazily as he sat on the couch.

"Him?" Nedo and Reno's brows twitched.

"Hey, remember who he bagged?" Marcus looked towards where the girls were.

The four girls, yes Emily joined them, happily conversed in the kitchen while cooking.

"Alright, but will he even teach us?" Nedo asked.

"Try, I don't know myself." Marcus chuckled.

He then sent a voice transmission to Nexus. "Teach them a thing or two about women."

"Why did you even bring these two here? They're just crowding up the house." Nexus complained.

"At my age, it is important to have acquaintances," Marcus said. He read that this was normal behavior of teenage humans. He also didn't mind having people here from time to time.

"By the way, we'll be hosting a party this weekend here at home. The Strongwald and Frey are both invited. There are also other big people who are invited." Nexus lazily spoke.

Marcus smiled. "Make the party grand, as grand as we possibly can."

Nedo and Reno arrived beside the couch where Nexus sat.

"What do you two want?" Nexus pretended as if he didn't know.

A lengthy silence followed his question as the two teenagers looked at each other waiting for either one to speak.

In the end, Reno cleared his throat. "Uhm, so, sir, uh, we were told by Marcus that you could maybe help us with our problem."

Nedo then followed. "The problem isn't that big, it just involves women."

"Hahaha!" Nexus loudly laughed. The ladies in the kitchen halted what they were doing, but Eva just shook her head and told them that it was nothing important.

Nedo and Reno looked at the floor.

"Alright," Nexus breathed. "I'll stop messing with you two. I'm guessing you want me to teach you how to make those two fall for you"

The two teens nodded.

"To be honest with you," Nexus turned to them. "I don't exactly know-how. I usually just go to a woman and ask them to fuck."

Nedo and Reno blinked a couple of times. They couldn't believe that someone could get a girl by just going up to them.

"I'm guessing you have doubts." Nexus chuckled.

The two teenagers stayed silent. Fuck doubts, they downright thought he was lying.

Nexus composed himself.

"Don't be too eager." Nexus adopted a serious attitude.

Nedo and Reno began to listen seeing as Nexus wasn't playing anymore.

Nexus continued. "You'll come off as a creepy asshat otherwise."

The two teens nodded.

Nexus continued to instill wisdom unto them.

He taught them about what to do and what not to do. Nexus reminded them to be watchful of their movements and reactions. Nexus also added a tip at the end when the two will be in a relationship. He said that when fighting with someone with who you're in a relationship with, make sure to make it clean. The dirty parts will be done in the bedroom later on.

"Dirty parts, sir?" Nedo didn't get what Nexus meant.

"Choking, slapping, hair pulling, and other similar acts. You get my point." Nexus clarified.

The two nodded.

"That's all I can teach you. In all honesty, I've only done all those things to one woman. The ones who came before, well, I just drilled them after asking for their consent." Nexus smugly said.

"Uh, how many women have you had sex with, sir?" Reno had been wondering halfway through Nexus' lecture.

"How many huh? Hmm," Nexus thought for a while. "Would you believe me if I told you that I've fucked over a million women?"

The two were dumbfounded at first and then began laughing a second later.

"Sure you did sir." Nedo chuckled.

"Thank you for the lessons that you've given us today." Reno bowed his head, followed by Reno.

"There's no need to be so formal. Now buzz off, you've already taken up so much of my time." Nexus shooed them away.

The geeks walked towards Marcus.

"How was it?" Marcus asked as he saw them neared him.

"Profound." Reno summarized it in one word.

"You guys think you'll be able to make those two ladies fall for you now?" Marcus chuckled.

Nedo nodded. "Chances are probably higher now that we know all these things."

The ladies soon finished cooking. They then served dinner and ate. After everything was over Reno and the others got ready to go home.

The girls thank Eva and Emily before leaving while the boys thanked Nexus.

As they were about to leave, Reno spoke. "What happened to us playing video games?"

"I actually forgot about our main purpose of coming here." Nedo shook his head.

"We still had fun though. I mean, I don't know with you guys, but we two had fun." Brina interlocked her arms with Pia.


Marcus' classmates left leaving only the original residents in the house.

Marcus called out. "Big Sis, we should prepare for this Saturday."

"Don't worry Baby Brother, Nexus and I prepared a couple of countermeasures," Eva assured Marcus.

Emily who was listening to their conversation was shocked at how much her sister changed over the past month or so. Eva was not like this. Before she, Emily, left Kellar, Eva was still quite meek and a pretty silent woman.

Hearing that, Marcus smiled at Emily. He then went back to his room. His unfinished business is still waiting for him.


Marcus went into the Stone of Destruction. He appeared in the living room where the white couch and red carpet were located. He slowly made his way to the chamber where he kept Ohario.

Marcus walked opened the door and walked inside the poorly lit room. He took a deep breath and stopped in front of the cell where Ohario was located.

"How's the cell treating you?" Marcus asked. His eyes staring at the powerless-looking man whose ass is on the floor.

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