Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

108 – Celestial Eyes

Chapter 108 - Celestial Eyes


In that wooden cabin, the silence was interrupted only by the constant sound of rain and the crashes of thunder. Sisika had spoken deep and enigmatic words, and I was still trying to grasp their meaning. It felt like she was talking about something far beyond my understanding.

“What did you mean by that? What are Celestial Eyes?” I asked, curiosity and confusion mixed in my voice.

Sisika got up from the floor and sat on the bed. She patted the spot next to her, indicating I should sit down. I walked over and sat beside her.

“These eyes are a power that can help you face the challenge ahead,” she explained, with a tone of seriousness. “I transferred something to you that had been hidden with me. They are the eyes of my best friend, but she was killed in the war before she could fully awaken their potential. Now, I’m passing to you the peak of our species’ Celestial Eyes.”

“What exactly are you?” I asked, the restlessness evident in my voice.

Sisika looked away, her expression heavy with deep sadness. “I’m your friend, Nathan. I will always be your friend and stand by your side. But now, what kept me here is no longer working. Little by little, I will start to be taken away. I need you to listen closely to every word I say. Can you do that?”

“Why are you dying? What are you? How do you know me?” The questions spilled out all at once, the urgency in my voice unmistakable.

She shook her head, a gesture that showed her reluctance to reveal everything. “I’m afraid to tell you what I am because it will only deepen my sorrow as I leave. I need your attention now. The knowledge I have will soon be lost with me…”

I stayed silent, watching her closely.

Sisika held my hand, her touch radiating warmth and comfort.

“The Celestial Eyes are far beyond the Special Eyes. I also have Celestial Eyes, and you’ve already seen some of their powers in action. But the ones I’ve passed to you are even more powerful. They are alive and have the potential to evolve into something beyond. My friend was the previous bearer of these eyes. Our enemy killed her before she could master their power, and before she died, she gave them to me so no one else could take them. Now, I’m passing them on to you.”

“Why are you giving me these eyes?” My voice was full of confusion and apprehension.

“They can’t leave with me because they’re not mine. I had to pass them to the only person I trust,” she replied with a sincerity that surprised me.

“Why do you trust me?” I asked, the doubt clear on my face.

“I know you well, Nathan Evenhart. I know you better than anyone; you just don’t realize it... yet. I’ve seen your past, I’m with you in the present, and I care about your future,” she said, her voice revealing an intimacy I hadn’t expected.

Suddenly, an intense pain started pulsing in my head, as if several hot blades were being driven into it. I tried to scream, but my voice seemed to have vanished. The world around me lost all color. Sisika pressed a finger to my forehead, and a soft, soothing warmth eased the pain.

“I’ve stopped the painful effect, but the process is still ongoing,” she informed, the reassurance clear in her voice.

Exhaustion hit me with overwhelming force. My vision began to blur, and I almost gave in to sleep. “What’s happening…” I tried to say, my voice weak and broken by fatigue.

“It’s alright, my little beloved,” she said softly and tenderly. “These eyes are connecting to your soul and will render their judgment.”

I tried to get up, but she gently placed her hand on my chest, making me lie back down. Darkness took over my vision, and the pull of sleep intensified. Sisika leaned closer, placing my head in her lap with a protective gesture.

“I’ll stay here, easing the pain. Don’t worry,” she promised, her presence providing a sense of safety.

The darkness finally consumed my world, and I surrendered to deep sleep, utterly exhausted.

I found myself in a completely empty space, engulfed in darkness. My mind had taken me far away, and in that shadowy place, two enormous white lights began to glow.

“Eyes…” I murmured to myself.

They were the eyes of something colossal. Something in the darkness was watching me, and the eyes fixed on me again.

‘Thump’—a gigantic step echoed through the space.

‘Thump’—another immense step reverberated.

The ground beneath my feet trembled with the force of these steps. The darkness seemed to follow the white eyes, whose glow was as intense as the sun.

Suddenly, the being in the darkness rose, and the eyes grew even larger. I was being watched by this monstrous entity, and a wave of heat blew across my face. Something immense and terrifying exhaled in my direction.

Before me, a colossal creature emerged from the shadows. It was the same feeling I had when I was confronted by Carnellian. Something was judging me, imposing a killing intent upon me.

An overwhelming pressure tried to force me to collapse to the ground, but I planted my feet firmly, resisting the weight of this oppressive force. The eyes continued to stare at me, and the gravity seemed to intensify, becoming almost unbearable. The gigantic being drew even closer, still hidden in the shadows, while its glowing eyes remained fixed on me.

The ground around me began to give way under the crushing force of gravity, but I refused to succumb to the overwhelming presence.

“Well… you have potential…” the deep voice in the darkness echoed.

The killing intent intensified even more.

“Thunder user!? What a twist of fate… I once fought a powerful thunder user,” the voice continued.

The white eyes began to glow brightly, and a brief flash of light illuminated the space. I couldn’t see clearly what it was, but I caught a glimpse of a colossal white creature. The vision was fleeting, and soon the darkness reclaimed control, hiding the giant being that was still watching me.

“What… what are you!?” I tried to ask, but even moving my mouth was an enormous effort. The gravity made the simple act of speaking a challenge.

“A World Destroyer!” the voice responded, its tone resonating with unshakable authority.

I chuckled at the irony of the situation.

“I guess there are two world destroyers here…” I forced myself to say, struggling to stay on my feet.

“There are not two… for now, WE ARE ONE!” the voice boomed like an explosion.

‘BOOOOM!’ A thundering explosion filled the space, and stars appeared in every direction.

The gigantic eyes moved even closer.

A massive white hand emerged from the darkness, and a giant finger pointed at me. The creature’s claw was immense, larger than I was.

“My eyes are immortal, and no one has ever managed to make them evolve. The last wielder who tried to tame me failed… we’ll see if you have better luck, boy.”

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