Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

126 – Nathan Reads Chloe’s Test

Chapter 126 - Nathan Reads Chloe's Test


Nathan Evenhart:

After 5 hours in that room, we were finally allowed to leave. I had finished much earlier, but the rules required us to stay until the time was up. I was a little tired, more mentally than physically, but the relief of finishing the exam was satisfying. During the test, the Goddess Athena sat next to me, reading along and laughing whenever I hesitated to choose the right answer.

"Are you going to mess up again?" she teased, her voice echoing through the room. At one point, the crazy woman took off her shirt, claiming she was 'hot,' and sat next to me like that. I had to take the exam with this lunatic half-dressed by my side while I tried to stay focused on the test.

I knew I had to get some questions wrong on purpose so as not to raise suspicion, but there were areas where I wouldn’t allow myself to fail—especially when it came to questions about war strategy and combat. My pride was at stake, and I didn’t hold back in those.

When I handed in my test, something unusual happened. They placed it on a stone slab and covered it with a metal plate. I waited in silence for a few minutes, unsure of what they were doing. Eventually, they returned the test and explained that an exact copy had been made using a device similar to a photo mirror, storing it somewhere else.

I was impressed—magical technology still managed to surprise me, even with everything I already knew. With my test in hand, we headed to the cafeteria, where we had to wait for the next part of the exam.

The cafeteria was buzzing with nervous energy. The whispers of other students filled the air, and it was impossible to ignore the tension on their faces.

“Chloe!” I called out as soon as I saw her. She still seemed anxious. I joined the line for food, and she stood quietly beside me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, trying to understand the source of her tension.

“Nothing…” she replied, turning away to hide her discomfort.

Did she do badly on the test? I doubt it… she's smarter than me.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you did great. You were always better than me when we studied at home. I remember how you memorized the names of all the kings and queens from the last 400 years across the three kingdoms.”

She let out a small sigh. “I think I did well, I’m just worried about something else…”

Could it be the upcoming combat test that's worrying her?

“Is it the battle part? You’re amazing with your element, there’s no need to worry.”

Chloe shook her head, her eyes filled with another kind of concern. “Nathan, who’s going to grade our test? Do you think a lot of people will see it?”

Her face was starting to flush, and she was visibly more anxious.

“Our future teachers will probably handle it,” I said, hoping to reassure her.

But that only made things worse. She went pale as a ghost.

“And the personality test… do you think they’ll really analyze it closely?” she stammered.

“Of course they will. That test is meant to figure out what kind of mage we are. I imagine they’ll attach it to our academy profile.”

As soon as I said that, her face drained of all color. Something was definitely off.

“Chloe, what’s going on? Did you leave something blank?” I asked, trying to figure out what was bothering her.

“N-No,” she stuttered, clearly on edge.

I glanced at the test in her hand and quickly grabbed it before she could react.

“Wait!” she exclaimed, but it was too late.

"Don't worry. Take my test. Let's look at them together, and you'll feel better. I was nervous about some of my answers too."

Chloe hesitated, holding my test, her eyes avoiding mine. "Wh-what did you put for the third question?" she asked, stammering more than usual.

"You can open it and see," I said with a smile, trying to ease her nerves.

Chloe quickly opened my test, her anxious gaze scanning my personality responses.

"This is about what I expected..." Chloe mumbled, glancing at my answers.

Before she could stop me, I opened hers.

"Nathan! You really shouldn't—"

"Now that you've seen mine, it's only fair," I replied with a slight grin.

Her face turned red as she desperately tried to grab it back. "Wait! Let me explain before you read it!"

I ignored her plea and started reading through the questions. Everything seemed normal at first. The first question was simple:

'Do you consider yourself a good person?'

Chloe answered 'Yes.'

The second question:

'What do you hope to achieve at the Apsalon Magic Academy?'

Chloe answered 'To become an excellent ice mage.'

Nothing unusual so far. The personality test was basic, asking about hobbies and preferences. But when I got to the third question, I understood why she was so nervous.

'What do you like most? If there’s more than one thing, you can write them all.'

I read Chloe’s answer once. Then again, because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

'I like Nate.'

'I like hugging Nate.'

'I like... being with Nate.'

'I like... Nate’s smell.'

I looked up at Chloe, shocked. She was completely red, barely able to look at me.

I felt guilty for reading it. It was such a personal thing that I questioned whether I should have insisted on seeing her test at all.

"I... I'm sorry," she whispered, clearly embarrassed.

Before she could say anything else, I pulled her into a hug. She tensed up at first, but then relaxed and hugged me back.

"It's okay, Chloe. This is normal. I like you too, and I’ll always be here to protect you. No one will ever hurt you as long as I’m around. You can always count on me to be by your side."

Her face somehow turned an even deeper shade of red, which I didn't think was possible.

"T-thank you, Nathan," she whispered, quickly turning away to hide her face.

I knew Chloe had feelings for me. After spending the last ten years together, it was hard not to notice. But this... this was evolving in a way I hadn’t expected.

She likes my smell? Is she like Cylla? I feel like I’m in trouble now.

At some point, I’d have to confront my own feelings too... but I wasn’t ready for that yet. Not after losing the only person I ever loved in my previous life.



Chloe Evenhart:

Did he just confess to me? Was that some kind of confession?

My entire body was exploding with emotion, and all I wanted to do was run. But I had to contain myself, had to stay in control… except I couldn’t.

Nate hugged me… but this time, it was different. He pulled me into his arms in a way that left me completely frozen.

I glanced back in line and noticed a few people had seen us.

I was embarrassed, but at the same time, I felt so happy I thought I might burst.

I couldn’t even look at him.

That idiot was vague again. He said he liked me and would always protect me, but he didn’t explain what he meant by "liking me."

I tried to gather myself. It didn’t matter if he was evasive. I was still glowing from hearing those words come out of Nathan’s mouth.

He said he’d be with me forever… and I hope that’s true, because I’ll always be by his side too.

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