Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

89 – The General vs. 4 Mages (Part 1)

Chapter 89 - The General vs. 4 Mages (Part 1)

“You're going to die, kid!” shouted the fat man. He slammed his hand onto the ground, and pillars of stone began to rise around us. I had to dodge, retreating as more pillars grew, reaching toward the ceiling.

“Feast of Red Waves!” yelled the fire mage, unleashing a massive wave of flames that surged toward me, consuming everything in its path.

This is going to be challenging...

I quickly jumped onto a pillar, embedding my sword into it.

“Pay attention, little boy!” shouted the bald man as he flew toward me, propelled by water at his feet.

He closed in with his axe, but I pulled my sword free from the stone and leaped to meet his attack, blocking it. He grinned and opened his mouth, unleashing a jet of water. I quickly raised my hand, forming a barrier of wind. We were falling toward the floor, now a sea of flames.

The water mage's body was becoming enveloped in a protective shield of water.

So they have coordinated battle strategies...

I spun in midair, kicking him to propel myself away.

“The wind becomes absolute if you know how to manipulate it,” I said, pointing my hand toward the ground. I generated a vortex of wind that sucked the flames into it, forming a tornado, and sent it hurtling toward the fire mage.

As I landed, the Lady of Threads descended from above, smiling, a dagger in one hand and likely holding the ends of her invisible threads in the other.

She landed in front of me, slashing her dagger to send gusts of wind that exploded the ground around me as I dodged.

“You've got decent reflexes,” she said, but I noticed the fire mage leaping to strike from behind.

Water was creeping across the floor, and the earth mage remained at a distance.

It's dangerous to let that earth mage stay at range.

“Time to teach four rebellious kids their place,” I said, raising my arms and touching something invisible.



I lunged at him, my threads anchoring to the ceiling, ready to pull me out of harm's way at my command. Phillip was closing in from behind, and James was beginning to summon water. We had him surrounded.

"Time to teach four rebellious kids their place," the boy said with a dismissive tone, moving his arms as if manipulating something invisible. Phillip was just about to reach him, and so was I.

"Zeus's Spear!" he shouted.

'BAM!' A bluish light flooded the room. Instinctively, I pulled myself upward with the threads, dodging the attack. As the light dissipated, I saw that Phillip had also managed to dodge. But what I saw in the boy's hands shocked me.

What the hell is that? Is that made of lightning?

"That's impossible, kid. How can you wield both thunder and wind?" Phillip asked, stunned.

"I am the impossible," he replied before leaping toward Phillip, and I followed close behind with my dagger ready.

A sharp stone pillar erupted from the ground, aiming to impale him, but he spun in the air, brandishing his spear of energy and shattering the pillars that emerged. As he closed in on Phillip, I saw my partner swing his flaming sword, clashing with the boy's bluish spear.

'Bam!' A resounding crash echoed as the two weapons collided.

"It’s going to be fun killing you,” Phillip sneered, a malicious grin spreading across his face.

“It’ll be fun watching you try,” the boy replied coldly.

I leapt toward him, throwing a tangle of sharp threads around him, trying to trap him. I lunged with my dagger, but he spun his spear, deflecting my strike and countering Phillip. We both attacked simultaneously, but the boy was fast, blocking each of our moves with the ends of his spear. He spun the weapon, and a powerful gust of wind launched him into the air, out of our reach.

He escaped our attack!

In the air, the boy used the wind to propel himself toward the wall, running along it while dragging his spear, which tore through everything in its path, leaving a trail of destruction.

“He’s heading for Paul!” Phillip warned, and we chased after him on the ground.

The boy leapt toward our earth mage as stone pillars erupted from the ground to intercept him. Water surged around us, forming a giant hand of water trying to grab him.

But he pointed his hand, firing a bolt of lightning that destroyed the water hand instantly. Then he launched himself to the ground with the wind, charging at James with his thunder spear. A wall of earth rose in front of him, created by Paul to shield him, but the boy shattered it with a single strike of his spear, and Paul emerged from the rubble with his giant sword, ready to fight.

The boy blocked the sword with his spear, and the two began exchanging fierce blows. James appeared behind him with his axe, while a giant water serpent descended from above, ready to crush him.

“I’ll get closer,” I said, shooting my threads into the wall and using them to gain momentum.

But as I got closer, the boy made a quick move, grabbing one of my threads and yanking it hard. I was thrown toward him and received a violent punch to the face, which sent me flying back.

“Son of a bitch!” I screamed in anger and pain.

He spun his spear and leaped into the air, with James chasing him right behind. The boy was trapped between the giant water serpent and James, seemingly cornered.

Suddenly, he stopped in mid-air, as if he were standing on something invisible.

A wind platform! The bastard knows an advanced spell!

“One down!” he said, spinning his spear before driving it into James’s face.

“Goodbye!” He snapped his fingers, and the spear exploded.

‘BAM!’ A blinding light filled the area, and water began to rain down on me—the serpent spell had been broken. When the light faded, I saw James’s headless body lying on the ground. The boy was advancing toward Paul, now with a sword drawn from its sheath.

Phillip and I exchanged a look of horror.

“He killed my cousin!” Phillip shouted, charging at him with uncontrollable fury.


Nathan Evenhart:

I managed to take down one of the criminals, but I found myself trapped between the earth mage and the fire mage, who was charging at me with fury in his eyes.

"Red Wave!" he shouted, unleashing a torrent of flames in my direction.

I quickly retreated, but sharp stone spikes began to sprout from the ground. I leaped high to avoid the spikes as the pillars spun, launching shards of stone in all directions. The ground ignited, and the Thread Mistress was darting from side to side, her threads anchored to the ceiling.

Wasting no time, I pointed my finger and released a powerful gust of wind, slicing through Isabelle’s threads. She fell but quickly regained her footing, sending her threads latching onto a nearby wall.

I rushed toward the fire mage, creating a vortex in the ceiling that sucked the flames upward.

"Swarm of Red Swallows!" he shouted, and the fire morphed into a flood of flaming birds that surged toward me.

Without hesitation, I charged into the forbidden spell and snapped my fingers, creating a bolt of lightning in the midst of the swallows that branched out, exploding around them. I grasped the lightning with my hand and swung it in the air like a whip, obliterating the flaming birds.

Now, a gigantic bolt of lightning pulsed in my hands.

"If I can’t reach you, my power will," I declared, swinging the massive lightning whip that shattered everything in its path.

The three remaining mages scattered, trying to dodge the wave of destruction. The lightning touched down and exploded, sending more electric blasts rippling outward.


‘Bam!’ The lightning exploded wherever it landed, tearing apart walls and ceilings.

The earth mage erected stone barriers to shield himself and raised pillars to block the movements of my thunder whip, trying to contain the chaos, but it was in vain. His giant sword was struck and shattered into pieces.

"I call this the Eel’s Fury!" I shouted, as I amplified the power of the lightning, obliterating all the pillars in the area. Moving my hand up and down, I had complete control over the environment, leaving a path of destruction in my wake.

"Shit!" Isabelle cursed, desperately dodging the whip’s lightning strikes. Wherever they went, I directed them with precision, following the trail of devastation.

"What’s wrong? Where’s your bravado? Don’t tell me you’re already thinking of running?" I taunted.

With a powerful swing, I sent the thunder whip crashing into the ceiling, ripping it open, and then slammed it down, exploding the ground beneath me.

‘BOOM!’ A crater formed in the middle of the mansion’s hall, and a bolt of lightning shot up into the sky.

The mages stared at me in horror.

"We’re just getting started," I said with determination.

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