Avoid the Protagonist!

Chapter 73 - A Sister or a Girlfriend? (1)

Ch.73 A Sister or a Girlfriend? (1)

As night approached, the city lights shone brilliantly in the darkness.

In particular, the Chens’ villa was as bright as day due to Grandpa Chen’s birthday celebration. In the bright, spacious banquet room, Weng Yinlin and Aunt Song were busy greeting the guests, while on the floor above, Grandpa Chen and Chen AnーChen Sinan’s fatherーmet with old friends whom they hadn’t seen in ages.

The spectacular lobby was filled with mingling guests. It was a truly magnificent display.

After spending a few moments entertaining their guests, Weng Yinlin looked around for Chen Sinan without any luck. Just as she was about to call out for him, Chen Sinan suddenly appeared behind her.

He had returned immediately after completing work for the day. After greeting a handful of the elderly guests, who were well-acquainted with the family, he made his way to Weng Yinlin. “Mom, where are dad and grandpa?” he asked.

Weng Yinlin nodded her head towards the floor above. “On the second floor, talking to your uncle.”

“Alright.” Just as Chen Sinan was about to leave, Weng Yinlin pulled him back and said, “You’ve been at work for the whole day, go change into a new set of clothes first. Then go see your grandpa, because I have something important to announce.” She smiled meaningfully, cluing her son in on the big news.

Chen Sinan examined her expression, trying to guess what she would reveal during the banquet.

After changing into fresh clothing, Chen Sinan arrived on the second floor only to find that all the guests had cleared the room. All that remained was Grandpa Chen, Chen An, and Weng Yinlin.

“Happy birthday, grandpa.” Chen Sinan did his best to show his grandfather respect, which was considerably rare. He realized that he left his gift in his car, and was about to leave the room when Weng Yinlin stopped him. “Wait, Sinan. I’d like to tell you something.”

Chen Sinan turned to look at her.

Weng Yinlin gave Grandpa Chen and Chen An a huge smile,, and said, “Dad, I’m planning to use the party to introduce you to a girl.”

“Which family’s child?” Grandpa Chen asked.

Chen Sinan watched Weng Yinlin silently. His gut already warning him that something was terribly wrong.

And just after Chen Sinan had a slight premonition, he heard it come true. “She is the daughter of the Xin familyーXin Siyue,” she stated.

Chen Sinan furrowed his brow as he heard that accursed name.

Weng Yinlin didn’t seem to notice the change in his expression and continued obliviously. “I saw her right outside Sinan’s apartment once, and she gave such a good first impression.”

As she talked, Grandpa Chen and Chen An shifted their attention to Chen Sinan in near unison. “This could be the one,” they thought after seeing his intense demeanor.

“I also traveled to A City two months ago and ran into her at a hospital. We kept each other company for the next few days, and… I really felt a connection to her. Dad, I’d like to take her in as a goddaughter, as long as I have your blessing.” After finishing, she turned straight over to Chen Sinan and said, “You know, I always wished for a daughter. Who would’ve thought that I’d have a troublesome son instead? She’s quite easy to get along with, so I imagine you’ll come to like her too when you meet.”

“What do you guys think? Dad?”

“No,” Chen Sinan answered. He did so before the two that were asked even had a chance to respond.

Both Grandpa Chen and Chen An’s eyes flashed with anger at Chen Sinan’s outright refusal and blatant display of disrespect. “What’s the reason for such an answer?” Grandpa Chen asked with a grave tone and a deep voice.

Chen Sinan had no expression and kept quiet, despite Grandpa Chen’s question still hanging in the air.

Weng Yinlin pretended to be shocked. “But last time you returned from A City, you said that there wasn’t anything special going on between you two! You’re not a couple, and I want to take her as a goddaughterーyou don’t have anything to lose. And you even get a sister out of this!”

“She’s not fit to be my sister.”

“Then what is she fit to be? Your girlfriend?” Weng Yinlin teased, not once forgetting to smile.

It was only then that Chen Sinan realizedーhis mother was digging another hole for him to jump into.

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