Avoid the Yandere Constellation

Chapter 21

3 weeks have passed since I got the hidden item. First, let me explain what happened over the past three weeks.

[The goddess who sees fate asks why she chose a statue other than herself!]

First of all, this guy has been chasing me all three weeks.

At first, the statue I picked shows the attitude that it is me, and then after a day passes, I immediately change my stance.

No, at first, you pretended to be cool, but now, why are you sooing

It feels like I’m becoming a yandere.

If I feel a sense of déjà vu for some reason, am I mistaken?

When I was playing the game, it felt like this as the constellation progressed towards the end of the game.

no. Maybe it’s the mood

yes. I will. Otherwise, I could be beaten down like Kim Soo-yong.

“Look. I told you. I just picked anyone without thinking.”

[The goddess who sees fate tells me not to lie.]

And the problem is this. Even if you say it like it is roughly, he doesn’t believe it.

Hmm… Shall we just be honest?

For a moment, I imagined saying, ‘I picked something else for your f*cking Mac’.

······no. F * UCK. I don’t think there’s anything good to say.

It’s the last pad lip. There was no such thing as a real mother, so there wasn’t much reaction, but I don’t know what will happen to that.

Of course, they may or may not want to kill me, but I can get more and more attention from him for nothing.

Anyway, the first one is this and the second one is about Anje.

She agreed to support me, but Anjeo had to do something of his own, so he returned to the royal capital.

Turns out, she was a virgin.

She forgot what she was doing because she was not so quick to do it, but she has the highest status in the temple of the goddess who sees her own fate.

In fact, in terms of his status alone, he is not inferior to the royal family.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to support me all day.

Well, anyway, since the academy starts tomorrow, so we’ll see each other often.

By the way, Anje decided to keep it a secret that I was chosen (?) by the constellation.

Of course, the last time I went, she ominously smiled a yandere-like smile at me, but it must have been my misunderstanding.

yes. it will be

With that in mind, let’s warm up for training.

“Master! Master!”

Cage, covered with dirt, runs towards me with her eyes shining. Then he grabs my shoulder with both hands and shakes it.

“Save me! Use it quickly!”

“Okay. I get it. Stop shaking, you bastard.”

Hearing my words, Cage nodded with a satisfied smile. He looks at me with eyes full of anticipation.

I used the Hidden Item Holy Cross I got 3 weeks ago on Cage.

– Whoa!

A refreshing light permeated Cage’s body.

Her small wounds, the dirt on her clothes, and her fatigue all vanished in an instant as if nothing had happened.

“Really. I feel it every time, but the owner. That item is too much to buy.”

“Well, it isn’t.”

To be honest, I can’t even refute Cage’s words.

Divine Cross.

An item made by the operators for beginners.

To say that the item is for beginners is no different from saying that it is a dog buy.

how much to buy

This item completely heals any wounds, sicknesses, fatigue, magical powers, divinities, auras, etc. It’s literally no different than an elixir.

It’s not made for beginners for nothing.

In fact, you can think of it as adding one more coin to the game.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it can be used without limitations.

Even such an item has its drawbacks.

It can only be used once in 24 hours.

No, but. Should I call this a downside?

The same effect as the elixir can be used once a day.

In the game, ‘Oh. what. The cooldown is terribly long.’ I thought, but when it comes to reality, I think it’s the other way around.

To be honest, it was only in the game that it was possible to mass-produce an elixir if I wanted to, but in reality, even if I knew the recipe, it was impossible, so I felt that the item was even more fraudulent.

So while I re-evaluated the cross of divinity.

Cage, who has fully recovered, says with a confident face as he swishes his fists in the air.

“Okay. I’m completely healed!! I’m going to take revenge on that damn maid!!”

“Who are you taking revenge on?”

As soon as he appeared, Riche looked at Cage with a bloody smile from behind. Not only that, but Riche’s body was pulsing with magic.

When Cage saw such Richie, he smirked and gasped.

He really feels it every time, but if he stays still, he’ll go half way.

Richie scans Cage’s body and speaks in a soft tone.

“Huh~ Junior. I think the master has recovered. Then we will go to training right now.”

“Huh? Right now?”

“Yeah. Did you just say Bok. Wed?”

Richie looked at Cage, emphasizing the word revenge. She looks at me with the desperate eyes of the world.

“Master? Stop that maid!! You roll me too much!!”

“Are you ready, Richie?”

“Of course. Master.”

Richie’s eyes met. We nodded without saying anything.

At the same time, Riche grabbed the crown of the cage without hesitation.

In a blink of an eye, the two disappeared from their sight.

– Master traitor aa!!!

Of course, I heard Cage’s scream somewhere, but I must have been mistaken.


After Cage was dragged by Richie, I naturally looked in the mirror.

I’m really not used to it.

Unlike the skinny body I had seen for the first time, my muscles started to stand out quite a bit.

After three weeks of strength training and strength training, my body definitely improved.

Well, to be precise, there’s no way it’s going to get so much better in just one month.

I turned on the status window for a while.

David von Kane. (while taking experience potion)

age 20.

Traits: game setting ability, death regression.

Talent: None.

Point 600.

Yes. I’m currently training while doping.

It’s totally sweet.

The potion I am currently taking is a lower version of the double experience potion, which is worth 500 points from cash items.

In my mind, I want to buy a lot of double potions, but due to my mental reaction, I only had 1,100 points left, including the one I got for avoiding death last time.

So, I was a little worried about what to buy and eat raw.

The method that came up with that was mass production.

If you think about it in common sense, it is impossible because there are only 1,100 points, but after the Anje incident, I thought that we should not have a stereotype of the game too much.

In the game, this is an impossible method unless you do a lot of smart work. But this isn’t really a game. Reality.

I don’t know how it was made, but there is no law that it can’t be mass-produced in real life.

So, I went to Karin to check the status of the store with that potion.

At that time, Karin was extremely excited when she saw the potion I had brought.

How excited were you?

‘Where the hell did you get these potions? Kane? I have some expertise in this field, but this is the first time I’ve seen something like this!! Where the hell did you get it? No, secondly, who made this? I’d love to meet you once!!’

He came close enough to kiss my lips while saying that.

It’s just so different from when we first met.

If you think about it, does it make sense?

Unlike before, she is now the owner of the most popular potion shop in David Youngji. But before that, she is an alchemist. The double experience potion is an item created by the system, so it will be the first time for Karin to see it.

For Karin, it’s like discovering a toy that a child sees for the first time.

So, I roughly answered her questions, talked about each other’s current situation, and suggested to Karin if it’s okay to fail, so I can make it.

She accepted my proposal without hesitation, with a look of excitement on her face.

However, even if she has a knack for potions, it was impossible to fully implement it, so 1.5 times the limit was the limit.

Of course, you can only make up to two 1.5 times a day, but if you think about it, where is that?

That item was obtained through the system. If Karin’s ability to make it similar was great, it was great, but it wasn’t a hindrance at all.

Of course, contrary to what I thought, Karin had an expression on her face that was very angry.

So I got rid of my thoughts and continued my usual training every day without fail.


next day.

For a moment I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked out the window.

The dazzling morning sun, the sound of chirping birds, and the perfect weather for school.

······· What the f*ck! I hate to go!!

Originally, it was time to go to sleep, but thanks to the damn academy, I woke up too early in the morning.

[The Goddess of Destiny is amazed at your early awakening.]

“No. What are you surprised by that?”

I can imagine how Kane would have lived at the academy, but I don’t know why he’s surprised when he sees me every day.

As I made a face that did not understand, the constellation sent me a message.

[The goddess who sees fate says that you wake up late every day.]

oh but. I think so.

Come to think of it, even when I was possessing this place, I didn’t wake up quickly.

There was no reason to do that in the first place.

To be honest, who would wake up early since it’s vacation?

Anyone can, regardless of being Kane.

yes. I’m never lazy

by the way. Why am I answering that guy?

After a month of chattering every day, I answered a message that said normal words without my knowledge.

Well, once in a while, it doesn’t matter.

I ignored the guy’s message again and took the things I needed in the subspace ring.

School uniforms, plain clothes, unexpected recovery potions, holy water, money, equipment, etc.

I don’t know anything else, but money and holy water are essential.

Not to mention money, holy water is now indispensable to me.

Without that, how can I deceive Anje?

As I am packing all my belongings in the subspace ring, someone knocks on the door.

– Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Yeah. Come in.”

“Douin! Dajik! Are you bad at preparations?”

Cage, who came in after hearing my words, tilted her head with a piece of bread in her mouth.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s a real dog or just because he’s hungry, but whatever he does, he has a piece of food in his mouth.

“Are you eating alone?”

At my question, she crosses her arms with a serious face and ponders.

After 3 seconds have passed in that state, he tore a little bit of the bread he was eating and hand it to me reluctantly.

Still, he did not have a conscience or whether the bread was dripping with saliva.

“Because it’s the owner. I’m giving it. I know you’re grateful.”

······· Are you going to hit this bastard?

Giving a piece of bread that has been bitten in your mouth is embarrassing, but somehow it’s so absurd that you’re proud of something else.

Even the expression on his face is very simple, he raises one corner of his mouth as if he is proud of him.

just hit it

I put my fists on Cage’s temples and cast a fist turn.

“aah!! Why! You gave it to me!!”

“If it were you, would you want to eat it? You kid!!”

[The goddess who sees fate looks at the two and shakes her head.]

That’s when I was really educating Cage. Richie knocks on the door.

“Master. It’s time.”

“Okay. Then let’s go.”

After saying those words, we left the mansion and walked towards the warp gate that moved the royal road at once.

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