Avoid the Yandere Constellation

Chapter 8

Following Richie, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Rice, you did a great job yesterday.”

“yes. The master worked hard too.”

“By the way, what happened to that guy?”

“now. I’m in the family’s prison.”

As expected, Richie is the owner.

I told David von Thomas what happened yesterday.

Even if the people in my family and Thomas may not believe me, they won’t listen to Richie, who is my senior.

The reason Thomas is calling me now is sure to ask about what exactly happened yesterday.

And that will determine my disposition.

please don’t get kicked out

I prayed earnestly in my heart and followed Riche, and at some point I arrived in front of the house.

Riche said with a blank expression on her face, as if self-guided was over, and lowered her waist slightly.

“You can come in, Master.”

“okay. You did a great job guiding me.”


Richie put on a complicated and subtle expression at the words of my hard work.

She still can’t hide her expression because my behavior is awkward.

I ignored her reaction and knocked on the door to the cellar.

– Knock! Knock! Knock!

“This is David von Kane. Dad, I’m going in.”

“okay. Come in.”

A low-pitched voice answered my words.

I listened to Thomas and slowly opened the door.

– Kick!

Like the office where I worked in my previous life, the room had only papers on the desk, and in front of it were two luxurious sofas and a table.

I went inside and turned my gaze to Thomas.

He had black hair, a curly beard, and a slightly masculine look. The muscles are visible even though they are covered by clothes.

He is a middle-aged man who has exercised quite a bit in the eyes of anyone.

Thomas was wearing a sword around his waist to be prepared for any unexpected situation.

But… you don’t look a lot like Kane, do you?

Of course, the Kane I possessed isn’t ugly. No, actually, except for the slightly torn eyes, he is almost perfectly handsome. As a bonus, the hair is plentiful.

To be honest, I can’t even compare it to my original appearance. Even the hair is full of…

Feeling miserable for some reason, I automatically raised my hand toward the top of my head.

– Shh.

I feel rich and happy to touch my hair, and Thomas looks at me with a puzzled expression.

“Have you got anything on your head?”


Thomas looked at me and opened his mouth.

“okay. Don’t say it outright. I heard that the guild you created was destroyed.


I’m also talking about this.

In this case, it is necessary to perform facial expressions as much as possible.

I bowed my head with a look of dismay at Thomas’s ice-cold voice.

As expected, Thomas has a slightly surprised face.

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Manna is good at one thing about this.

Obviously, thanks to possessing a maniac, they only showed a natural appearance, but everyone tends to see it differently.

That’s why images are so important.

In fact, if I had possessed a person with a good image instead of being an idiot, I would never have shown such a reaction.

To be honest, it’s only natural for me to show myself reflecting on my wrongdoings, but who would react like that?

What would you do if you were Kane?

I thought to myself with a remorseful expression on my face. Obviously, if he was the original guy, he would have gone out shamelessly, giving all kinds of excuses.

Well, it’s not my part-time job now.

“Yeah, I see you are reflecting differently than usual. But apart from that, I tried to kick you out of the ‘original’ family.”

Thomas went on to say:

“by the way. From what I heard, Riche said that you caught a spy planted by the Church.”

“yes. That’s right.”

“okay. But Richie tends to be on your side, so I wouldn’t believe it without proof. So, bring the evidence.”

As soon as I finished saying that, I took out the wiretap from my pocket.

Seeing this, Thomas looked at me with questionable eyes.

“Isn’t that a wiretapping machine?”

“yes. you’re right.”

“How are you going to make evidence of that?”

To his question, I explained step by step what happened yesterday.

“Then it means there is a recording there.”

“yes. I’ll put it on right now.”

I pressed the button next to the wiretap.

– Phu ha ha ha. okay. that look. I wanted to see it. angry expression. Noble aristocrats are always confident that they won’t be assassinated. So, why did you act like a denomination? If you stay still, you’ll be half gone.

Vilg’s excited voice came from the wiretapping machine.

I checked it once yesterday, but it’s still well recorded.

In fact, yesterday, I put a wiretapping device in my inside pocket. It was because it seemed like he would tell all kinds of gossip the moment he thought he killed me.

Of course, I didn’t think he would say something like that with a 100% chance.

To be honest, I was sure of catching Bilg, but the recording was close to a gamble.

Considering his setting, I expected him to say something like that, but there is no such thing as unconditional in the world.

When Thomas hears the recording of the wiretapping device, he looks a little surprised.

“Yeah… Richie was true. But how did you find out that Bilg was a spy?”

I thought you were going to ask that question. And to that question, I listened to the recording yesterday and thought of an excuse in advance.

I did not even saliva on my lips and spit.

“yes. Actually, I didn’t think Vilg was a spy. just. I thought the denominations would be after me.”

“okay. I just listened to the recording and heard that they were filming it. What happened?”

I nodded my head to answer the question.

“They offered me to exchange a piece of information.”

“What information did they want?”

“I didn’t want anything big, it was information about Kim Soo-yong.”

[The Goddess of Destiny says what you mean!]

no. why are you deceived

Even the constellation was being deceived, and he continued to say, absurd in his heart.

“There was only one piece of information I asked for. That was all about the spy in the family. Of course, they just told me that they didn’t reveal their identity.”

“Okay…but what did you ask about Kim Soo-yong?”

“····· Kim Su-yong asked if he was from another world.”

“So what did you answer?”



“It’s definitely changed just as Richie said.”

At first, I didn’t really believe what Richie said.

The behavior Kane has shown so far has been drinking, throwing things, and spending money on useless places every day.

However, he was not as talented as the other brothers.

Kane had only chosen to do things that disappoint not only Thomas, but everyone in the Davidic family.

So, of course, I thought that Richie, who was particularly sympathetic to Kane, was lying to cover her up, but that wasn’t the case.

Kane, who would normally have taken a blatant disrespectful attitude, showed a different behavior today than ever before.

Thomas closed his eyes and remembered what had just happened.

‘I said no.’

‘Right. But why did you answer that way?’

‘Is there any reason? People from another world aren’t even a local dog, honestly, that’s something that only comes up in novels, right? So I just said no and hit me with cursing as a bonus.’

Obviously, the denominations would have no one to exchange information with except Kane, an academy student like Kim Soo-yong.

That’s probably because Kane is almost the only person in the academy who is connected with the shadows.

He shrugged and continued.

‘Anyway, in the end, I thought that the denominations would assassinate me when they heard the information, so I was going to catch a spy after this. A spy is the best for a family to assassinate.’

After hearing all the explanations, Thomas nodded with a satisfied face.

‘Yeah, I see. As for your disposition, do not expel you considering this achievement. But don’t cut off pocket money and material support.’

‘yes. Okay. father.’

‘I hope to hear good news next time. Go out.’

After the flashback, Thomas could not help but marvel at Kane’s resourcefulness.

How the hell did you look ahead?

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Members of the family, including himself, tried to find out the spy, but to no avail.

However, Kane used an ambiguous exchange of information to catch the spy.

······What the hell happened between being attacked by Kim Soo-yong yesterday?

According to Richemall, he said that he changed while he was away.

No, let’s not be completely convinced that it has changed yet.

You may have a fluke at least once in your life.

Of course, it’s been a huge achievement for luck, but it’s still too early to conclude that Kane’s progress has been changed in this one time.

“Well, I’ll find out later if it’s a fluke or not.”

So Thomas grabbed the pen again and filled out the paperwork.


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Meanwhile at that time.

The goddess who sees fate looks at Kane on the screen with her eyes wide open.

This time too… I’ve escaped the fate of death.

This made sure Kane did not accidentally deviate from fate against Kim Soo-yong in the first place.

out of his own will.

Once may be a coincidence, but twice is inevitable.

When I think of that, the corners of my lips go up.

But how the hell do you get out of it?

It may be a bit harsh to say such a thing, but so far, there has been no case where his fate has gone astray.

Closing his eyes, he pondered over Kane’s actions.

10 minutes passed like that. A light bulb appeared at the top of the constellation.

ah! no way?

The constellation remembered Kane’s actions yesterday. From asking about Bilg’s identity to predicting his behavior, not just knowing his abilities.

······ Does that guy know how to see the future?

If so, it makes sense.

Assuming he can see the future, it makes sense that he was able to defeat Vilg so easily.


That doesn’t make sense.

It is impossible for the transcendental constellations to see the future like Kane.

Therefore, it is possible for him to see only the fate of people.

No, if you think about it, that guy has the power to create something.

What the hell is it?

It’s weird no matter how you think about it. When Kim Soo-yong is attending the academy. I saw Kane for a while.

It was no exaggeration to call it incompetence itself at the time. I didn’t have any special abilities like I do now.

Not only that, but his behavior was different from what he is now, and he didn’t show any effort at all, starting with his poor personality.

Is it because I didn’t look closely at that time?

Come to think of it, like Kim Soo-yong, I only skimmed through Kane, but never looked into it or researched it in detail.

So, don’t think that Kane’s actions at that time were everything.

okay. Let’s not be certain for once.

With that thought in mind, I looked at Kane on the screen.

I don’t know why, but he rolls around in bed with a bright smile.

After rolling without thinking like that, Kane eventually fell out of bed.


Falling on the bed, he grabs the back of his head and complains of pain.

Seeing this, the constellation shook her head.

[The goddess who sees fate says it is pathetic.]

Would this be okay?

The constellation sent a message to Kane without recognizing the beating heart that was beating faster than usual.

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