Awakening Chronicles (A World Creation Novel)

Chapter 11 Weapon Creation

I have spammed filled my back logs! So I have returned with more chappies <3

My world swirled around like I was caught in a drain. For a few seconds I felt nausea twist my stomach in knots. But just as quickly as it came I felt the comforting touch of ground under my feet and it vanished. “What were you saying about my class?” I asked as I tried to calm my nerves again. This instantaneous transport was rough on the mind and body.

“It’s not a bad class. It’s a nice blend of everything. A lot of potential if you ask me.” He patted my back as I pulled myself up. “Now check it out! See what goodies you have at your disposal.” He pulled away from me, and created another chair on the plain of grass. What a lazy being this man was.

Class: The Blossoming Spear

Level: 1 (0.0 % to the next level)

Known Skills:

Entropic Strike: Your spear head manipulates entropy, and sucks away usable energy, empowering your own.

Negentropic Strike: Your spear head manipulates the polar opposite of entropy, forcing more energy into a system at the cost of your own.

Cinder Step: As life lives, it slowly dies. In its wake is the ash it leaves behind. Using that you can dash short distances.

Passive Skills:

Razor Petals: The fallen petals of plants flow around you. The edges are as sharp as any blade. With enough thought you can direct them.


My eyebrows crept upwards as I read and caught up with Athurias. "What even is this class?"

He chuckled as he stood up, his chair vanishing behind him. "The Blossoming Spear is a unique class. It’s one of the only ones that can manipulate the energies of life and death in the way it does. It will be hard to pull off, but once you do, you will stand alone.” He waved his hand a giant stone wall materialized from thin air and dropped to the ground, causing the land to tremble. At this point I wasn’t shocked anymore by how they seemed to manipulate reality.

Ah, well, I was going to have fun with this class regardless. It was interesting, and I don’t really remember a class like it in any game I’ve played. “Hey, while we go to wherever, can you answer a question for me?”

“That depends on the question.” He replied as he reached his lanky fingers out to the wall. The stone was repulsed like liquid as his fingers sank into it.

“What did Alpha mean when he said he will not and can not interfere with the other Administrators?” I thought back to when I met him, but those words weighed heavily on my mind. What was stopping him?

"Administrators are children given the powers of a god. While he could step in, he won’t solely because then he would be a tyrant and open himself up to be killed. Which would be bad for all of us, since there is a relative level of peace that hasn’t happened in many years. So instead he implements laws that are both binding, yet free enough for us to do as we wish.” He paused as the wall unfurled like a flower, revealing a beautiful interior. Anvils lined the ground, and chandeliers hung from the ceiling casting warm rays of orange lights onto a beautiful mahogany floor.

“Unfortunately however, you will find that as much as we are caretakers, we are also politicians amongst our own kind. We have allies and we have enemies as frustrating as that may be.” He shrugged as he stepped into the forge. “Regardless, I’m sure Malek can explain more in detail when you return, but for now, let's get your gear made.”

I followed close behind him and I looked at the walls that contained suits of armor, and various weapons I had no clue even existed. Some looked like large tubes of pointed steel, while others were claw shaped with straps that dangled from there. There was even one that was a large ball of metal connected to a flexible piece that looked like a tail.

But as I looked on my mind wandered a bit. There really was a lot more to it than just creating life. Why was there such strife amongst beings as powerful as an Administrator. Was seeking power such an ingrained desire in all species? I didn’t know, and it didn’t bode well for the future. “Who created all of this?” I wanted something that would take my mind off the relatively bleak future that seemingly waited for me.

“Amarina. She is one of the finest black smiths you will ever meet. Speaking of, give me one moment.” Arthuras paused before snapping his fingers. The wall of weapons in front of us turned to dust, and fell away revealing the grime stained interior of a forge. The metal was blacked and smoke clung to the ceiling. Piles of burning embers filled the room, and there were thousands of partially finished weapons just laying around. But in the center of it all was a woman, hammering away on her forge. As we got closer, I could see dirty blonde hair tied up in a bun, and sweat glistened on her ashen cheeks as she drove the hammer into the anvil. She was covered in so much dust that I couldn’t tell what she was. But I knew that she wasn’t human.

The sounds of a hammer crashing into metal resonated with every step we took until we were just a few feet from the seated women. Next to me Arthuras was suddenly drenched in sweat, but all I felt was a pleasant heat, much like clothes that were freshly pulled out of a drier. I must have some heat resistance built into my species then.

The woman turned her head and looked me over, giving me a cold glare with her icy blue eyes. "Who's the welp?" She asked as she spat out a wad of black goo. She dropped the hammer, causing a loud crash to fill the room before standing up. The woman towered a solid head and a half over me. As she eyed me over, her upper lip in disdain, revealing yellowed teeth.

"Ahh miss Amarina, my dear, this is Kairos, one of the newest additions to this galaxy's administrators." Althurias patted my back as Amarina continued to size me up.

After a moment, she wiped her hand on her blacked tunic and held it out towards me. "Ahh. Well, Kairos, it’s good to meet cha." Her voice rang out deep, and gruffly punctuated her words with a thick accent that I've never heard before. I reached out and took her hand, noting how it was well calloused and blackened from soot.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well," I replied to her. Honestly, I was beyond happy with how much deeper my voice had grown since my change. It lacked that level of human weakness, and I appreciated the strength it brought.

She pulled back her hand and settled back into her chair, grabbed her discarded hammer and placed it on top of the anvil. In one smooth motion she reached her hand into her stained tunic, and pulled out a thin silver metal ingot. "I'm the forge mother. I create starting weapons for the Administrators, so they aren't as defenseless as a newborn when they receive their first world." She grabbed a wad of a plant-like substance and placed it in her mouth, then snapped her fingers, causing a wooden stool to appear from the air behind me. "Take a seat and tell me what class you chose so I can make a weapon for you."

I sat down quickly, and ignored how uncomfortable the wooden stool was. "I chose The Blossoming Spear." She nodded her head and quickly brought up a screen. She typed something into the air and then threw it towards me. At first I was shocked but I saw the familiar violet background of a screen. I reached out to it, and I felt my fingers brush its surface, and it snapped into my vision.

"I suggest you look through that list before telling me. I only do this for free once." She grabbed the handle of her hammer and gave me a glance before she went back to what she was doing

Weapon Motifs available for The Blossoming Spear at your level

Dark Elf


High Elf




This list was easily the smallest I’ve seen since I got here, and that was a breath of fresh air! The best part is, that I finally understood most of the list without having to take guesses! But still, I wanted to check each to make sure.

The first motif option was dark elf. When I touched it, I saw a long black spear that had red tones that spread the half like small streams. The metal was like black vines that crept up towards a long barbed spear tip that flared into a longer spear tip than I was used to. The entire thing retained the beauty of elvish crafting, yet it contained that deep malice that I know most dark elves have. This one was definitely on the top of my list, purely for my bias.

Next up was a human spear, that was well, a bit of a let down. It looked like any spear that I’d find in a common fantasy setting. A solid reliable metal haft, with a spear tip built into it. There was nothing wrong with it mind you. But compared to other species, it was lacking.

The third option was the high elf motif. This was a spear composed of golden metal with brilliant silver undertones. It was a long sweeping shaft that screamed regal elegance. It swept up towards a large spear tip that resembled the dark elf, but where that one was dark, this one was angelic gold.

"Elves really know how to make their weapons," I muttered to myself as I backed away from the motif. Maybe those games I played were rooted in reality somewhere. There was no way that they were that accurate just by sheer luck alone. Was Malek getting Earth ready to meet other species? Or in the past did he use them as soldiers? It was a harrowing thought for sure, to realize that you truly knew nothing.

The Drasghôul spear looked as if it was wrenched from the hands of an undead warrior. From the bottom of a rotted out shaft a long since rusted spear tip that curved back down the length of the shaft. I wasn’t sure what type of spear this was, but I knew at a glance that this wasn’t for me. The metal was rusted, and covered in god knows what type of fungus and other dirty things.

Up next was the saurian motif. I knew that this was a lizard race, and I was a little peeved that they didn’t slide through my mind when I was messing with the gene editor. But lets see what they had to offer! I selected the motif and a very strange spear appeared in front of my face. It was long, and covered in strange colorful clothes. There were reds, greens, blues, and oranges wrapped tightly around the handle. The spear tip looked like it was crafted from a strange metal and was barbed. It was strange, I half expected a tribal spear, but this was pretty cool. I wouldn't accept it though, since it didn’t really fit with what I had in mind.

The last one was labeled geese, and it brought a chuckle to my lips. The murder chickens were an actual race? I selected the template and glanced over the spear. This one was smaller than the rest, but across the shaft was a black fabric that looked like it belonged on a suit. Opposite of the spear tip was a white cloth that looked like a handkerchief, was tied off so it wouldn’t fly around. The tip though looked like a very refined metal, and glimmered softly in the light. Over all I’d rate this spear as very professional. It gave me very mafia vibes, and that concerned me greatly.

So these were my choices huh? I struck the drasghoul off the list, as well as the high elf. The first due to how it looked. I didn’t really like the sickly feeling that it gave off. It made me feel like I was some strange plague bringer. As for the high elves, that was more or less due to the fact that the spear looked too radiant for me. It screamed self righteousness and that pushed me away. That and i just hated high elves in general. They were far too stuck up for me to enjoy. As for the saurian, I struck that one off the list. While I didn’t mind saurians in the slightest the spear just felt weird. But it was in a way that I couldn’t explain.

That left the human spear, and the dark elf spear. While the human spear was good, I didn’t want it solely because I wanted something extra. Which the dark elf one brought to the table. While personally I wasn’t a malicious person, I just couldn’t deny the appeal that dark elves had in general. Man, they were all fucking sexy, and the dark aesthetic was to die for. With my choice made, I selected my motif and stepped back.

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