Azarinth Healer

Chapter 879: Request of the Meadow

Ilea waited for her mana to recover in Kohr, as she had done so many times in the past weeks. Of course she trusted her friend, but after having seen all of that magic, she just wanted to be ready.

She sat down on a chunk of salt stone and checked her messages.

‘ding’ ‘Bulwark of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 24’

‘ding’ ‘Spear of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 15’

‘ding’ ‘Space Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘Wood Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 19’

Maxed out space.

She smiled to herself. I really did fight it this time, didn’t I.

And I survived.

‘ding’ ‘You have destroyed the Desert Obelisk – One Core skill point awarded’

‘ding’ ‘You have survived the Domain of the Meadow spell – One Core skill point awarded’

It just used two? Pretty sure that barrier I saw in the end was another Fourth Tier. Or something close enough, the mana was insane.

Ilea opened her gate and stepped back out onto the battlefield, and the outskirts of the Meadow’s domain. She saw that most of the damage had already been mended, though some of the deep furrows in the landscape still remained, parts of them still glowing with heat. The barriers were gone, as was the tree she had been tasked to destroy.

She took in a deep breath, almost expecting another glowing rock to slam into her.

Instead, she felt the telepathic connection.

“And she returns. Visibly unharmed and back to her full power,” the Meadow sent.

Ilea smiled. “I did use up quite a bit of my Meditation.”

“So that is what fueled your magic. I assume that was your Fourth Tier of Ash creation?”

Ilea nodded. “I didn’t get through. That barrier was also a Fourth Tier spell?”

“It was,” the Meadow sent. “I did not expect you to make me use it. To think you pushed past even my space magic. Your Fourth Tiers synergize well.”

Ilea sighed. “I still failed.”

“You didn’t fail. I set you up to fail. Did you honestly expect to break through my defenses?”

Ilea lied down on the ground, looking up at the skies. “I did think I got close there, in the end.”

“Closer than I thought. But no. Your Ash creation coupled with your other Fourth Tiers create terrifying large scale offensive potential, but you still lack the sheer magical power.”

Ilea turned to the side to look in the Meadow’s direction. “If you knew that already, why do this whole thing?”

“I wanted to see you not only try to survive. I wanted to know what you could do in a real battle.”

“You didn’t use two of your Fourth Tiers. I assume you have two more? For your other magic? Life and Wood,” Ilea said.

“I do. But they are not meant to destroy. Using them in this bout would’ve been pointless.”

“So what was this all about? You wanted to test me? To see if I was ready?” She paused. “Am I?”

The Meadow didn’t answer for a few seconds.

“You are.”

“That’s wonderful. Care to tell me what this is about then?” Ilea asked and sat up.

“It is about you, Ilea. About your power. About your growth. About your gates. Your Fires of Creation. Your Primordial Shift.” The Meadow paused. “When you came to Erendar, I was out of options. I was running out of time. You took in the survivors of my domain and you stayed back to help me prevent the Daughters of Sephilon from reaching your realm. From reaching those I chose to protect. Those I helped awaken.

“I was prepared to remain. To fight until nothing was left, until all of me was consumed by the spirits. But you offered another way. You brought me here. Brought new purpose to my existence. These lands are thriving, full of life. Once again, I will do my utmost to protect it all. To guide the beings here to awakening, and to guide them beyond, with what wisdom I have.

“But I never forgot the realm where I had come into existence. I never forgot my failures. I never forgot the eclipse, and the Daughters of Sephilon, in their unending hunger. I have seen the rise of power within the Accords. I have seen Nes Mor Atul, Owl, and Isalthar, have seen the power of the Taleen and their machines. The existence of Sources, the knowledge that can be achieved through this alliance. What I have learned of the Fae, about creation, about life and awakening. And even with all that. It seemed far into the future, to even consider plans for the lost moon of Erendar.”

Ilea started smiling.

“And then you killed an Elemental. You killed Elven Oracles. And now you have faced me, and you survived. Your fires are fascinating, but I don’t know if it will be enough to truly kill a high level spirit. Owl believes it may be possible, and even the Fae have remained intentionally misleading in regards to this question.

“Ilea. I don’t know where to begin with Erendar. I don’t know if there are any beings still alive, and I don’t know if removing the spirits will lead to change. But I will not let my home remain in the hands of these mindless creatures, if there is anything at all that I can do to change that. So what say you? I hear you are always looking for new hunting grounds.”

Ilea stood up and cracked her neck.

She summoned herself a bottle of ale and cracked it open. She took a sip and smiled.

“Oh, dear Endless Meadow. Fuck yes.”

“And you are aware of the risks?” the being spoke. “This is no minor request. To even go there.”

“I’ve been thinking about that for the past few days. Been thinking about the why. About my involvement with the Accords. But this isn’t fear. This is my friend, asking me for a favor. The least I can do, is try. And if I fail, I’ll try again, and again.”

She sat down on the ground. “First I’ll get my Meditation back up to a hundred. I assume you have a way to get me to that realm?”

“I still have anchors in Erendar. But I do not wish to open a gate. It will be a one way trip, your own anchors here the only thing that will get you back.”

“I sure as fuck won’t open a gate there either. After that terrifying shit you did with mine earlier,” she said.

“You told me about the Oracle and its Fourth Tier following you into Kohr. I warned you before, about opening gates to other realms. I doubt there are many that can do what I did, but if there is one...”

“There can be more,” Ilea sent back. “Just have to find a way to counter it. Maybe we can try it at some point. Hey! This means I can find Icy.” She had sometimes thought of the ice elemental, still stuck in Erendar.

“It has been some time, and the spirits hunger for magic. Do not expect her to remain alive.”

“She’s alive until I confirm otherwise,” Ilea said with a wide grin. “Do you still have the tear I used to find her last time?”

“I do, but when we traveled to this realm, it lost any connection it had and drained of mana. A memory now, and a remnant of an elemental. If you wish to find her, you will have to do so yourself,” the Meadow spoke.

“I’ll keep my eyes open,” she said with a grin.

“I did wonder. Why didn’t you use your Fourth Tier abilities back then?”

“The spirits hunger for magic. Had we shown no restraint at all, we would not be here right now, nor would the Plains remain as they have.”

“Kind of want to take you with me,” Ilea said.

“I lack mobility, and while I can defend myself, I do not know how many there are, nor the extent of their magic. You however, can move around and escape the hordes. But it won’t be easy, not even for you.”

“I’ll need a few hours to meditate. How much preparation do you need?”

“A few seconds to prepare a magic circle,” the Meadow sent.

“Perfect,” Ilea answered and sat down.

No stat points to distribute. But I do have a bunch of Core Points. Should I wait in case there will be more options to unlock 4th Tier general skill points?

It said I could only get one. Suppose I can collect more if the option ever presents itself again.

Core Skill Points available: 11

[3rd tier Class Skill Point]

[Stat Gain]

[Skill Boost]

[Add Class Modifier]

[Skill Enhancement]

[4th Tier General Skill]

[Derivative General Skill]

[Mythical Title]

She checked for derivative general skills but found there were no new options available.

Stat Gain or Class Modifier seem like the best options.

So straight stats or a random modifier added to an existing Class. Let’s roll the dice.

[Add Class Modifier] – [Add a random additional Class modifier to an existing Class - Cost: 10]

She quickly checked her current Class modifiers.

The Arcane Eternal

Vitality +50

Strength +15

Dexterity +15

Intelligence +100

Wisdom +200

Body enhancement magic is improved by 400%

All healing magic skills are improved by 300%

Natural health regeneration is increased by 1% per minute

Food, water and sleep needed to sustain yourself are no longer required

You do not age

Your mana capacity is tripled

Regeneration, aging, insane mana boost.

The Ashen Titan

Vitality +200

Strength +50

Dexterity +20

Intelligence +20

Wisdom +15

Body enhancement magic is improved by 400%

All Ashen magic skills are improved by 200%

All fighting styles using hand to hand combat are more refined

Your will is ash and embers

You cannot be stunned by enemy attacks

Your bones and muscles have increased density

Fighting and body enhancements I suppose.

The Primordial Arbiter

Vitality +50

Intelligence +30

Wisdom +50

Space Magic is improved by 300%

Resilience is increased by 500%

Body Enhancement Magic is improved by 100%

Flesh Magic is improved by 150%

Healing Magic is improved by 100%

Mind Magic is improved by 100%

Ice Magic is improved by 100%

Lava Magic is improved by 100%

Earth Magic is improved by 100%

Your Soul has been strengthened by the Flame of Creation

That’s the widest range. Would rather go with Eternal or Titan. Regenerative and mana related bonuses would likely be the most helpful. Or I’ll just get some more stats, maybe a percentage increase to something.

Ilea selected the Core skill point option and chose The Arcane Eternal.

‘ding’ ‘New Class modifier added to [The Arcane Eternal] - You can absorb and use 15% of the ambient mana around you’

Well. I mean it’s a bonus. Added to what Sentinel Core gives me I assume?

She used a bit of magic to test and watched the surrounding magic. Alright, that more than doubled what I can absorb. Compared to her regeneration, it wasn’t major, but in battles with high level creatures like the Meadow, there was a lot of magic in the environment.

Not exactly tripling my available mana though, she thought with a smile.

Back at her full capacity of her Meditation Fourth Tier, Ilea stood up and rolled her shoulders. She took in a deep breath and opened her eyes.

“I’m ready.”

“That you are,” the Meadow answered.

“You were there during the last eclipse. What should I expect?”

“You have faced Elementals and Oracles. Brace yourself for the worst,” the Meadow answered as a broad circle in the stone nearby flattened, runes forming within.

She stepped onto the circle when it was done, deactivating her space magic resistance as she took in a deep breath. She hadn’t been on Erendar in quite some time. A realm beyond Elos, beyond Kohr. She couldn’t help but be excited.

Ilea stood with the layers of her mantle forming atop one another, her wings spreading on her back, her resources full, and her Fourth Tier spells available. “Resistance is down. Send me out.”

Space magic thrummed to life, flowing into and through the runes etched into the earth.

“Ilea. Do send my regards.” The words reached her mind as the magic took hold, a bright flash as she was moved through the fabric.

The spell was smooth. Perfect in execution and near instant.

Ilea felt her ears pop. She fell and spread her wings to keep herself afloat against the strong winds of freezing air laden with sand. She couldn’t see, bright flashes illuminating dark clouds all around in a pale blueish hue. Thunder cracks resounded, distant howls and screeches from deep below. Ilea took in a sharp breath, heat gathering within her as she flew through the sand and lightning storm, bracing herself when she came into a massive whirlwind.

The air whipped on her wings as she fought to keep herself steady, the magic all around chaotic and unbalanced, the sand grating on her ash. She could see parts of her dominion entirely devoid of magic, and others brimming with power, as if the storm itself was a creature lashing out. Her resistances prevailed and the massive whirlwind moved past, pulling with it entire parts of the storm itself.

She hovered, the clouds near her opening up to let her see the kilometer wide tornado, lightning flashed up and outwards in the distance, not merely downwards but upwards to the gray skies and heavy clouds. She summoned a set of golden shields against a gust of freezing wind and hail, chunks of ice as large as her torso leaving cracks in her barriers.

She turned and raised a set of ashen walls when beams of astral light slammed into her defenses. Spirits hovered with and through the sand laden storm clouds, pale blue skin and limbs with no hands. Ilea charged her wings when she saw two massive forms break through the storm far below, hundreds of meters away, a black worm like form burning with green death magic entwined with the flying form of a blue serpent, its skin smooth, wings cutting through the storm before they both vanished with a roar of magic.

She grinned, feeling the astral spells of the spirits burning into her as they approached.

Let’s join the fun, shall we.

Ilea shot out towards the creatures, splattering through the first one with her momentum alone. Bits and pieces of blue flesh and dark blood fell into the lightning storm as she shot off to the next one. Ilea flew straight through the astral beam, her mantle resisting before her ashen limbs ripped the creature into a hundred bits and pieces.

Both were below her own level. Not worth my time, she summoned a shield of golden light to block the spells of the other monsters, seeing a few dark winged spirits of death impact one of the Astrals. Her wings moved as she aimed downwards, ignoring the mana drain of the few nearby creatures, quickly engaged again with the Death Spirits instead of herself. Ilea twirled in the air when a bolt of lightning flashed past, zigzagging downwards and vanishing within the clouds of sand. She could feel the heat and smiled, following the roaring trail of death and astral magic left by the two enormous creatures.

They led back into the thundering storms, her only visibility her dominion. She didn’t need to use Eternal Huntress, the trail of magic so enormous, anyone would feel it, and likely disintegrate in its heat of astral powers and lingering magic of death. She smiled when the space before her exploded with near rainbow colored lightning, the clouds of sand set aflame as the death spirit roared, a sphere in the storm cleared out as Ilea shielded herself with golden barriers and walls of ash, all broken through by the wave of astral lightning.

She grit her teeth as the energies wracked through her, white flame lighting up as blue runes came to life on her mantle, the rest of the destructive energies burning mana instead of her health. She charged her wings and looked at the four winged serpent biting down into the roaring spirit of death with jaws large enough to bite through a Trakorov.

Ilea floated in mid air as the storm all around started to reclaim the lost territory, lightning flashing out from both the serpent and the skies. She raised her arms as mana flowed into ash, a single lance large enough to strike the massive creatures manifested to her will.

Last time she had been here, Ilea could only hope to survive. To support both Icy and the Meadow in their endeavors.

But things had changed.

She felt a pulse of magic emanate form her own form as she sent the lance flying, the ash projectile impacting the pale skin of the massive spirit, skewering both the roaring being of death, and the winged serpent alike.

She watched them fly down into the maelstrom of blue lit whirlwinds and clouds, and followed with charged wings, her own form brimming with heat and power.

It’s good to be back.

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