Azarinth Healer

Chapter 887: Arcane

Ilea looked at her list, her eyes hovering over the possible replacements for the Arcane Eternal.

- The Azarinth Myth (healing a city, azarinth though)

- The Death Chosen (soul and death, kinda whacky)

- The Arcane Apocalypse (Pure arcane, straight upgrade probably. Good option)

- The Cosmic Immortal (Astral+Arcane hybrid? Seems like a good option too)

- The Storm Remnant (Arcane lightning – Strong option)

She smiled at her extensive and detailed documentation.

So, the last three are valid options. Kind of want to keep my focus on arcane, seeing how well it’s worked out so far. Started by the change of the Bluemoon Grass.

She scratched her cheek.

Apocalypse seems like the easy option, but Cosmic Immortal…

Attuned to both arcane and astral magic. That has to be rare. And I’ve yet to hear of cosmic magic at all. Plus there’s a mention of reconstruction specifically, whereas Arcane Apocalypse just mentions having an arcane based spell in the Fourth Tier.

Ilea didn’t overthink. She couldn’t find any red flags with the Cosmic Immortal, and it sounded powerful. If not more so than the Arcane Apocalypse. Differing from the latter, it mentioned her Reconstruction, and it was unique, something arcane, but also new. Compared to a simple upgrade to her current powers, with a chance of possibly less focus on healing.

She wistfully glanced at the option of Storm Remnant. Perhaps if I had gotten you at five hundred. Who knows.

Ilea selected her evolution for the Arcane Eternal, messages appearing in her mind’s eye.

The Arcane Eternal

Vitality +50

Strength +15

Dexterity +15

Intelligence +100

Wisdom +200

Body enhancement magic is improved by 400%

All healing magic skills are improved by 300%

Natural health regeneration is increased by 1% per minute

Food, water and sleep needed to sustain yourself are no longer required

You do not age

Your mana capacity is tripled

You can absorb and use 15% of the ambient mana around you

All mana regeneration increases by 1% to a maximum of 100% for every second you are not hit by an enemy attack

Excess generated mana instead charges a second mana pool equaling your total health [0/125400]. Mana from this pool can be transferred into your main mana pool at will

You may infuse any barrier, wall, or magical armor with arcane energy

‘ding’ ‘Class change: The Arcane Eternal becomes The Cosmic Immortal

The Cosmic Immortal

Vitality +100

Strength +25

Dexterity +25

Intelligence +300

Wisdom +500

Body enhancement magic is improved by 500%

All healing magic skills are improved by 500%

All cosmic magic skills are improved by 250%

Natural health regeneration is increased by 1% per minute

Natural mana regeneration is increased by 1% per minute

Food, water and sleep needed to sustain yourself are no longer required

You do not age

Your mana capacity is multiplied by five

You can absorb and use 25% of the ambient mana around you

All mana regeneration increases by 1% to a maximum of 100% for every second you are not hit by an enemy attack

Excess generated mana instead charges a second mana pool equaling your total health [0/125400]. Mana from this pool can be transferred into your main mana pool at will

You may infuse any barrier, wall, or magical armor with cosmic energy

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

She couldn’t quite contain her smile, already feeling the added power flowing through her.

Skills changed by The Cosmic Immortal

Active: Archon Strike [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Send a destructive pulse of mana into your enemy with every attack using your arms, fists, fingers, legs, feet, or head. Your Intelligence stat enhances the damage potential.

2nd stage: The amount of mana used per strike can be regulated with a maximum of 1000 mana per strike. You may charge each strike with 1000 mana per second to a maximum of 5000 mana.

3rd stage: You may choose to use Archon Strike as a non intrusive attack, instead sending a wave of destructive healing onto your enemy. Due to the healing nature of Archon Strike it partially ignores protection against Mana intrusion. You may heal allies with Archon Strike. If used as a wave, the range of Archon Strike increases by 5.5m.

Category: Healing Magic

[Archon Strike] becomes [Cosmic Deconstruction]

Active: Cosmic Deconstruction [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Send a pulse of deconstructing cosmic power into an object, spell, or creature within your domain with every motion using your arms, fists, fingers, legs, feet, or head. Your Intelligence stat enhances the damage potential.

2nd stage: The amount of mana used per pulse can be regulated with a maximum of 5000 mana per pulse. You may charge each pulse with 5000 mana per second to a maximum of 25000 mana. Once cosmic power resides within a target, you can rip it out with a reversed motion to cause additional damage. Cosmic power within a target stacks, depending on their defensive measures and structure.

3rd stage: You may choose to use Cosmic Deconstruction as a non intrusive attack, instead sending out a broad wave of deconstructing energy from you at the center. The same motion requirements as in the first tier apply. If used as a wave, the range of Cosmic Deconstruction is equal to the range of your domain and is more effective against magical constructs.

Category: Healing Magic – Cosmic Magic

Ilea read through her old skill and the changes of the new one. She raised her arm and looked at a random chunk of rock a few dozen meters away. Waving her hand, she activated the spell and saw a near invisible force manifest within her domain, flowing down into the rock, her target not exploding or hammered into powder but dissipating into mana itself, its matter returned into the surroundings, as if its very self had been unmade.

She raised her brows and tried with a few more rocks, trying different movements too. With her fingers, arms, even her head. She could target anything she perceived in her broad dominion. With some of the larger rocks and the ground itself, her Cosmic Deconstruction dissipated only a part, until the mana she put in was used up. The more she used, the more matter would dissipate.

The force that makes and unmakes all. Returned to nothing. Or to mana, I suppose.

She looked at her hand and made a fist.

Guess I made the right choice, she thought with a smile.

No requirement for touching anymore either. She didn’t know for sure how she felt about that. There was something about hand to hand fighting she still very much enjoyed, but lately, her ash and fires had been her main focus already. And when she got in close, it wasn’t exactly a nuanced battle of skill, more just a delivery of intrusion magic. This would just simplify that process.

Though that Oracle was a fun fight. Maybe I’ll find a few more beings like that in the wild.

Standing up, she started shadowboxing, aiming at the ground nearby where invisible cosmic forces dissipated bits and pieces of rock and the ground. She activated the third tier and punched forward, a strange wave of pale blue and white near flickering energies spread out, leaving a layer of the ground entirely gone, dissolving the very air as it traveled forward, to the very edge of her dominion, spreading out and weakening as it went.

I wonder what it does to something that it can’t just dissolve.

She eyed the dragon corpse but decided that disintegrating dragon scales may not have been the best idea she’s ever had.

Active: Sentinel Reconstruction [Enhanced] – 4th tier:

Send a healing pulse of mana into yourself or your ally with a touch. This skill can be channeled.

2nd stage: Your control is increased greatly, you can now focus your healing on specific parts of the body. As long as mana and health remains, your Sentinel Reconstruction will restore your body. Lose your head and see for yourself! Health loss and critical blows are recalculated due to the nature of your healing.

3rd stage: You have healed your body time and time again, knowing every cell and where it belongs. Sacrifice a large amount of mana to rush your healing to unprecedented speeds. Lack of knowledge about your body may result in heavy damage. Effect can be used on allies.

4th tier: You have healed yourself thousands of times. Have regrown lost limbs, have reformed lost organs. You have healed and protected your mind, all in pursuit of greater power. Healing to shield you. Healing to allow an exchange of blows, with those you would not otherwise be able to fight. A core ability for the Azarinth Healer, a terrifying tool for the Arcane Eternal. You have grasped the nature of Reconstruction. Not the healing spell of a savior, but a necessity for the battle healer you have become. Through the fourth tier, you have enhanced this ability to the pinnacle. Once active, the arcane will surge within your body. Not to heal wounds you have sustained, but to keep you fighting whatever enemy you face. To overwhelm the foes no other could dare stand against.

Following benefits and changes will apply during use of the fourth tier:

- All damage sustained is dealt to your mana instead of your health

- The first stage of Sentinel Reconstruction will generate mana instead of health

- All mana generation and absorption is doubled

- Your body is pushed to the limits of arcane power, enhancing all of your abilities

- Your body sustains heavy damage from this flow of arcane power. This ability will deactivate when your health drops below a certain point [1% - Set value] and cannot be used again for twice as long as it has been active

- You cannot use the third tier of Sentinel Reconstruction on your own body

Category: Healing Magic

[Sentinel Reconstruction] becomes [True Reconstruction]

Active: True Reconstruction [Enhanced] – 4th tier:

Send a healing pulse of cosmic power into yourself or creatures within your domain. This skill can be channeled. In addition to health, True Reconstruction restores mana and heals damage to your soul.

2nd stage: Your control is increased greatly, you can now focus your healing on specific parts of the body. As long as mana and health remains, your True Reconstruction will restore your body. Lose your head and see for yourself! Health loss and critical blows are recalculated due to the nature of your healing. You may restore magical constructs and enchantments with True Reconstruction.

3rd stage: You have healed your body time and time again, knowing every cell and where it belongs. Sacrifice a large amount of mana to rush your healing to unprecedented speeds. Lack of knowledge about your body may result in heavy damage. Effect can be used on any creature or magical construct. Limited to 10’000 mana per use.

4th tier: You have healed yourself thousands of times. Have regrown lost limbs, have reformed lost organs. You have healed and protected your mind, all in pursuit of greater power. Healing to shield you. Healing to allow an exchange of blows, with those you would not otherwise be able to fight. A core ability for the Azarinth Healer, a terrifying tool for the Cosmic Immortal. You have grasped the true nature of Reconstruction. Not the healing spell of a savior, but a necessity for the battle healer you have become. Through the fourth tier, you have enhanced this ability to the pinnacle. Once active, cosmic energies will surge within your body. Not to heal wounds you have sustained, but to keep you fighting whatever enemy you face. To overwhelm the foes no other could dare stand against.

If you reach 0 points of health, all remaining mana is used to activate True Reconstruction, containing your essence in a set of powerful cosmic barriers protecting your remains from harm and restoring your life. This effect may activate once every 24 hours.

Following benefits and changes will apply during use of the fourth tier:

- All damage sustained is dealt to your mana instead of your health

- The first stage of True Reconstruction will generate additional mana and health

- All mana generation and absorption is doubled

- Your body is pushed to the limits of cosmic power, enhancing all of your abilities

- Your body sustains heavy damage from this flow of cosmic power. This ability will deactivate when your health drops below a certain point [1% - Set value] and cannot be used again for twice as long as it has been active

- Once the 4th tier deactivates, a set of seven cosmic barriers appear around you to protect from enemy blows. You may control these barriers or allow them to automatically react to enemy attacks

- You cannot use the third tier of True Reconstruction on your own body

Category: Healing Magic – Cosmic Magic

That’s True Reconstruction alright. Mana and soul restoration in the first tier, and the domain is mentioned instead of the other way around. Ilea formed a large sphere of ash and used her Deconstruction on it, finding a part of it dissipating with the spell. She activated her True Reconstruction and watched as the sphere reformed into its original shape, without her using any ash related magic.

That sphere formed quickly too… faster than usual.

And I can heal spells and enchantments now, hmm.

Does that mean…

Ilea summoned a golden barrier and sent an ash spear into it, webbing cracks forming after the second spear. Instead of using her Azarinth Barrier skill, she focused her Reconstruction onto the barrier and watched the cracks wane and vanish, a pristine golden barrier all that remained.

Alright that’s pretty useful, coupled with the spell now giving mana too. It’s basically just more natural regeneration at this point, generating more mana than it costs.

She grinned to herself, feeling the constant flow of healing. It felt more potent too, likely due to the straight upgrade but just as much due to the added Cosmic Magic category, providing another added 250% increase in the spell’s power.

And I can use the third tier against enemies now. That’s pretty scary.

Wait. If I reverse the spell… if I heal health, mana, and my soul… does that mean.

Ilea decided to test that later. Against something with a strong soul.

I don’t know what to think about that straight up resurrection in the Fourth Tier.

Cosmic barriers that protect my essence, then the spell revives me?

What kind of message does someone receive if they kill me?

I suppose I wouldn’t be dead really.

It also uses all of my remaining mana just like the Primordial Flesh at one point of health. That’s kind of problematic. Maybe.

And then there’s the barriers.

Ilea activated the Fourth Tier and gasped, feeling the strange power flow through her. Slightly moving pale blue and white runes glowed on her body and mantle. She felt the rush, just like when she had first unlocked the Fourth Tier, and yet it was different. She felt like she was tapping into something that she didn’t yet quite understand.

She deactivated the Fourth Tier and saw seven slightly flickering blue and white barriers come to life. Small discs around the size of her hands, orbiting around her in a vague circle.

Another thing to test against someone. Might just be another trip to Erendar before I show off to the Meadow, Ilea thought with a smile.

Active: Azarinth Awakening [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Your body glows with the power of Azarinth, increasing your resilience, speed, Intelligence and Strength by 85% [850%].

2nd stage: Your sight, hearing and sense of smell is also affected by Azarinth Awakening

3rd stage: You are one with the Azarinth. The skill’s upkeep has been removed. Instead you may overcharge it with your life’s energy. The amount depends on both skill level and health used. Excess health regeneration and healing beyond your full health can instead be used to overcharge Azarinth Awakening.

Category: Aura – Body Enhancement

[Azarinth Awakening] becomes [Embodiment of the Arcane]

Active: Embodiment of the Arcane [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Your body glows with the power of the cosmos, increasing your resilience, speed, Intelligence, and Strength by 100% [1250%].

2nd stage: Your sight, hearing and sense of smell is also affected by Embodiment of the Arcane.

3rd stage: You are one with the Arcane. The skill’s upkeep has been removed. A static 25% of the base effect is applied to Wisdom. Does not affect the mana regeneration properties of the Wisdom stat.

Category: Aura – Body Enhancement – Cosmic Magic

Nearly doubled in power.


To Wisdom?

Ilea checked her status, her eyes going wide.

“What the fuck.”

She looked again.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Mana:558,299 / 1,525,425

She watched the number of her mana grow with every passing second, her Reconstruction still active of course as it now generated mana instead of using it, even without the Fourth Tier active.

Wisdom multiplied by Embodiment of the Arcane, then doubled by Meditation. That multiplied by five from the Cosmic Immortal.

One million.

And my regeneration is percentage based. It’s super fast too. Is that just Reconstruction?

Ilea couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she watched the numbers go up. Cosmic fucking Immortal, indeed.

What a bunch of bullshit, she thought with a wide grin. Endless mana.

And there’s more still…

Active: Transfer [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Immediately appear at a distant place. Distance based on the level of the skill.

2nd stage: The time between transfers is reduced greatly. No ground contact needed between transfers. Upon arrival, you may use up to 500 mana to create an arcane explosion damaging enemies and disrupting magical constructs and spells.

3rd stage: You may set five destinations you touch. You may change each destination once per week [18h]. You may travel to each destination once every day [1.28h]. Cast time is reduced by a static 50% for destinations you have already transferred to.

Category: Teleportation Magic

[Transfer] becomes [Teleportation]

Active: Teleportation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Immediately appear anywhere in your domain or anywhere you can see with reliable clarity.

2nd stage: The time between transfers is reduced greatly. No ground contact needed between transfers. Teleportation gains 3 charges, each with a separate cooldown. For 2 seconds after Teleportation is used, you may return to the original position in the fabric where the spell was initially activated.

3rd stage: You may set ten destinations you touch. You may change each destination once per day. This cooldown is static. You may travel to each destination once every 25 minutes [12.5 minutes]. Cast time is reduced by a static 50% for destinations you have already teleported to.

Category: Teleportation Magic

Ilea stood up and looked at the mountains. She focused on one of the peaks, kilometers away, and vanished.

She breathed in the comparably fresh air and looked around. She flew near the very peak she had looked at, seeing the distant dragon far below in the valley. She smiled and used her spell again, appearing and disappearing throughout the massive and devastated vale.

There was a limit, she found, but she didn’t yet exactly know how far it was. Visibility was a factor, and she could already tell that clouds or even strong winds could disturb the so called clarity enough for her spell to not quite reach the target she had in mind.

The three charges were just the cherry on top, more than enough for her to keep up with any divine creature or eldritch monstrosity. At least she thought as much.

She tried the recall addition and appeared at her last location where she had used the spell. Ilea found that she could return to any original location used in the past two seconds, though the recall itself having a separate cooldown, effectively increasing her charges to four, with one destination being somewhat static.

But I don’t need to see it, so I can go in, attack, and escape again if it’s been less than two seconds.

Transfer was already powerful.

She looked at the twelve minutes cooldown for her long range destinations coupled with the ten locations. If I can still use it to travel to my marks…

She still felt them in her mind, and she could tell that they were available as well.

Now I can annoy everyone even more efficiently!

Active: Arcane Dominion [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Perceive everything in a sphere around you while this skill is activated. The higher the level the further the dominion reaches.

2nd stage: Arcane dominion opens your senses to the arcane. A paramount skill both on and off the battlefield. Elements and spells you control within your dominion have increased harmony.

3rd stage: You may use Sentinel Reconstruction on all beings within your dominion. Your element manipulation skills are improved by a static 50% when used within your dominion.

Category: Aura – Perception Aura

[Arcane Dominion] becomes [Limitless Domain]

Active: Limitless Domain [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Perceive everything in a sphere around you while this skill is activated. The higher the level the further your domain reaches. You may drain mana from creatures and spells within your domain.

2nd stage: Arcane dominion opens your senses to the arcane. A paramount skill both on and off the battlefield. Elements and spells you control within your dominion have increased harmony. You drain the remaining mana from creatures you kill inside of your domain.

3rd stage: Your element manipulation skills are improved by a static 100% when used within your dominion. Improves any of your mana absorption or drain abilities within your domain.

Category: Aura – Perception Aura – Cosmic Magic

“A mana drain as well. Not like I needed more mana,” Ilea murmured to herself. “Oh, and of course I also drain the remaining mana from creatures I kill. AND it’s all improved when inside of my dominion, sure.”

I’m not complaining. I just feel sorry for anyone who faces me in battle.

She nearly missed that the element manipulation bonus had doubled from fifty to a hundred percent.

I did think something felt different with my ash.

Oh. Sentinel Core as well. Let’s see. I just straight up don’t have to use mana to cast?

Passive: Sentinel Core [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Your body was changed by magic. All pain is reduced greatly. Your body is 55% [770%] more durable. You heal even fatal injuries without help of healing magic. Your natural Health regeneration is improved by 135% [1890%].

2nd stage: The magic of Azarinth settles inside your body. Your resistance to magical damage is increased by 25% [350%] and your bones are three times as heavy and dense.

3rd stage: Your body was battered and forged by magic. You absorb mana from enemy spells that hit you. Efficiency is determined by enemy mana used and your resistance to the type of magic. Mana cost for all skills reduced by a static 25%. Your body can absorb ambient mana. Amount dependent on availability and harmony.

Category: Healing – Body Enhancement

[Sentinel Core] becomes [Catalyst Core]

Passive: Catalyst Core [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Your body was changed by magic. All pain is reduced greatly. Your body is 75% [1387.5%] more durable. You heal even fatal injuries without help of healing magic. Your natural Health and Mana regeneration is improved by 150% [2775%].

2nd stage: The magic of the cosmos settles inside your body. Your resistance to magical, physical, and soul damage is increased by a static 35% [647.5%]. Your bones and muscles are five times as dense.

3rd stage: Your body was battered and forged by magic. You absorb mana from enemy spells in your domain. Efficiency is determined by enemy mana used and your resistance to the type of magic. Mana cost for all skills reduced by a static 35%. Your body can absorb ambient mana. Amount dependent on availability and harmony.

Category: Healing – Body Enhancement – Cosmic Magic

Right, figured. That mana regen was ridiculous, even with Reconstruction. How could I even spend all this? Spell cost in reduced by another ten percent too, and I don’t need to be hit anymore by enemy spells. Just the sheer presence of them is apparently offensive enough to be absorbed, she thought and giggled to herself, once more sitting on the initial chunk of rock she had chosen.

“Thanks for this,” she spoke, glancing at the dragon corpse. But then I suppose it’s really thanks to everything I’ve done. Everything I’ve fought. Everything I’ve survived.

Two more spells.

Passive: Eternal Sight [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Increases your perception and reflexes while fighting. To keep up with your faster moving body, the Arcane Eternal has to control it.

2nd stage: Eternal Sight spikes for two seconds, should you be about to receive a blow that would take 50% or more of your health, or should your mind be incapacitated with an incoming blow. This can happen only once per hour.

3rd stage: Your resilience and speed is doubled during the spike in perception. Increases usage to thrice per hour. Spend a static 25% of your mana to increase the effect of Eternal Sight by one second. You gain the ability to gauge enemy mana usage and may learn how strongly a direct hit of a spell will impact you. Increased ability to gauge incoming damage depending on your familiarity with the respective magic type.

Category: Body Enhancement

[Eternal Sight] becomes [Timeless Perception]

Passive: Timeless Perception [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

Vastly increases your perception and reflexes.

2nd stage: Timeless Perception spikes for two seconds, should you be about to receive a blow that would take 50% or more of your health, or should your mind be incapacitated with an incoming blow. This can happen only once per hour.

3rd stage: Your resilience and speed is doubled during the spike in perception. Increases usage to five times per hour. The effect duration is increased to three seconds and can be activated at will. You gain the ability to gauge enemy mana usage and may learn how strongly a direct hit of a spell will impact you. Increased ability to gauge incoming damage depending on your familiarity with the respective magic type.

Category: Body Enhancement – Cosmic Magic

Alright, I feel like this one is a little more reasonable. Three seconds and five times per hour. And…

She tried it, activating her Timeless Perception. Instantly, she felt as if everything around her slowed. The three seconds passed as if in slow motion, the difference more pronounced than before.

Coupled with Perfect Synergy, it’s pretty crazy.

Passive: Arcane Circulation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

You have learned of Archon Strike and Sentinel Reconstruction. Now you will learn of their Reversal.

Upon activation, Archon Strike will send a part of the struck enemy’s mana into yourself. No mana will be released on impact, rendering Archon Strike’s offensive potential to zero.

Upon activation, Sentinel Reconstruction will send a destructive force of channeled mana into yourself or an enemy you touch, the healing aspects are reduced to zero.

2nd stage: You may have both the original and reversed aspects activated at the same time. When an enemy partially or fully resists either Archon Strike or Sentinel Reconstruction, you absorb the dissipating mana.

3rd stage: Healing, power, resilience and speed. All requires balance. Your respective Destruction and Reconstruction spells have their potency increased by a static 25% of your lowest stat. [150%]. You may channel health in addition to mana into the respective offensive uses of Archon Strike and Sentinel Reconstruction. Health cost to activate effects is reduced by a static 20%.

Category: Body Enhancement

[Arcane Circulation] becomes [Cycle of Creation]

Passive: Cycle of Creation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30:

You have learned of Cosmic Deconstruction and True Reconstruction. Now you will learn of their Reversal.

Upon activation, Cosmic Deconstruction will send a part of the struck enemy’s health and mana into yourself. No mana will be released on impact, rendering Cosmic Deconstruction’s offensive potential to zero.

Upon activation, True Reconstruction will send a destructive force of channeled mana into yourself, a creature or magical construct within your domain, the healing aspects are reduced to zero.

2nd stage: You may have both the original and reversed aspects activated at the same time. When an enemy partially or fully resists either Cosmic Deconstruction or True Reconstruction, you absorb the dissipating mana.

3rd stage: Healing, power, resilience and speed. All requires balance. Your respective Deconstruction and Reconstruction spells have their potency increased by a static 25% of your median stat value. [488.75%]. You may channel health in addition to mana into the respective offensive uses of Archon Strike and Sentinel Reconstruction. Health cost to activate effects is reduced by a static 20%.

Category: Body Enhancement

Health and mana steal, and I can reverse heal spells. Sure.

Hey, maybe that’ll be helpful when I meet Savien again, she thought with a smile. The change from lowest stat to median stat didn’t surprise her anymore at this point.

This Class is ridiculous. Let’s see what the other two have in store…

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