Azur Lane: Savior

Chapter 87 – Underground Facility

As the two settled into their seats, Sovetsky Soyuz held out an envelope for Greynar to open.

"This is the official order from the Azur Lane Command regarding your temporary reassignment, Commander," she said, her tone formal and measured.

The Commander nodded and took the envelope, carefully reading through its contents. After finishing, he closed it and looked at Sovetsky Soyuz.

"So, this is an official transfer to the Northern Parliament? Did both the SD Command and NY Command approve this?" he asked, seeking clarification.

Soyuz nodded, her expression serious. "They did. The higher-ups have thoroughly discussed your stay here and deemed it necessary. There's also been an incident at the Canal Stronghold about five days ago, around the same time you were engaged in battle at the Siren Stronghold in the Aleutian defense line."

He leaned back and sighed. "A temporary transfer, huh...? Does the Royal Navy know about this?"

Soyuz shook her head. "Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, hasn't been informed yet. The decision was made shortly after you finished your engagement at the Siren Stronghold," she explained.

"Let me get this straight," Greynar leaned forward and clasped his hands together. "So, in order to ensure my safety while they investigate the incident, they temporarily transferred me from the Pacific to the Northern region?"

The silver-haired woman nodded. "Yes, that was also a suggestion from the Northern Parliament. We hope you will assist us in the future against the Siren."

Greynar nodded with a determined look on his face. "Got it. As the Commander, it's my duty to help where I'm needed," he said, offering her a reassuring smile.

"In the meantime, why don't you explore a bit? I'm sure you'll find something interesting here in the Northern Parliament," Soyuz suggested politely.

Greynar considered her suggestion before responding, "That sounds great, but this place is a bit too large for me to navigate on my own. I think I'll need a guide for my sightseeing."

Soyuz nodded in agreement. "Since Rossiya will be occupied with the battle report, I've assigned another personnel to guide you."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. A mysterious voice from the other side spoke up, "Soyuz, were you looking for me?"

"Come in," Soyuz replied, her tone warm and welcoming. "We have a temporary guest today."

As the door swung open, a figure with long azure-blue hair stepped into the room. Her purple eyes scanned the surroundings before settling on Greynar. "Is this... the person you were talking about?" she asked, her gaze locking onto him with a mix of curiosity and familiarity.

Soyuz introduced the newcomer with a composed smile. "Commander, this is Voroshilov, a Kirov-class cruiser and one of our stationed shipgirls here in the Northern Parliament base."

Voroshilov gave a respectful nod, her demeanor calm but with a certain strength behind it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander," she said, her tone measured as she studied him.

"Likewise," Greynar responded before turning to Soyuz. "So she'll be the one guiding me?"

Soyuz nodded. "Yes, that's correct. Our fleet is stretched thin with many ships on the front lines against the Sirens, so there aren't many available to show you around. However, Voroshilov is highly knowledgeable about this place and will be your guide."

The elegant woman took a step forward, her eyes glinting with curiosity. "I heard you've met Kirov," Voroshilov began, her tone carrying a mix of intrigue and admiration. "She spoke highly of your abilities, claiming that your prowess is beyond even hers. I'm quite interested in hearing the story behind such high praise."

Greynar glanced at Soyuz, then back at Voroshilov, still processing the unexpected praise. "It's really just an exaggeration," he replied modestly. "I was simply doing my job, making sure everything ran smoothly and that no one made any critical errors during the operation."

Soyuz smiled warmly. "Surely that's also because of your skill in commanding the ships. They wouldn't have been able to achieve anything without your leadership."

Greynar chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Ahaha... I guess that's also part of it," he replied, scratching his cheek as a hint of red touched his face.

"In any case, it's time for me to depart and discuss our next movements with the council. Comrade Commander, we welcome you to the Northern Parliament, and I hope our service meets your expectations," the lead ship said with a formal nod. 

After bidding farewell to Soyuz, Greynar walked alongside Voroshilov. As they strolled, Voroshilov asked him several questions, which he answered with a polite tone, occasionally slipping in a light-hearted joke to keep the conversation lively. Voroshilov then guided him to various places within the facility, including the cube laboratory. The lab was situated in a long hallway filled with robotic arms, each one seemingly part of a testing chamber used to experiment with Wisdom Cubes. 

Next, they found themselves in a battleground testing area where the girls' rigging was put to the test. Voroshilov explained that once a Northern Parliament shipgirl completes the rigging test, it's common for someone to initiate a mock battle to compare which rigging performs better. In these tests, the shipgirls command their rigging as if they were pets, engaging in simulated combat to evaluate their effectiveness. The environment was designed to push the rigging to its limits, ensuring that each piece of equipment was battle-ready.

As they ascended slowly to the surface, they found themselves in another area. Voroshilov explained that most of the underground facility was meticulously designed to ensure the integrity of the environment above, particularly the icy surface. The facility's structure was intended to prevent any environmental damage or disruption to the surface. She also emphasized that every fleet personnel was held accountable for their actions within the underground facility, as maintaining the delicate balance of the environment was a top priority for the Northern Parliament.

Even though they are fond of vodka, the Northern Parliament fleet has strict rules about drinking it. First, they only drink when there are no major missions scheduled for the next two or three days. Second, they must not have any current tasks on hand. Lastly, they take turns leading the vodka party, with each member having the opportunity to organize it periodically.

As they stepped outside, a snowstorm hit them with biting cold. Voroshilov quickly closed the door and turned in the opposite direction. She sighed heavily, "This is getting more troublesome than ever."

Greynar smirked. "I guess you're not too fond of the snowy weather, huh?"

Voroshilov lazily glanced at him. "Let's just say I prefer things to be practical and straightforward. Snow complicates that."

"Speaking of the cold, do you happen to have a hot bath around here?" Greynar asked, glancing around curiously.

Voroshilov chuckled. "We do, but it's been out of commission for a while. The pipes broke during one of the snowstorms, and they're still under maintenance. Who knows when it'll be up and running again?" She gave him a troubled smile.

"That's too bad... I was really hoping for a hot bath," Greynar joked with a grin.

Voroshilov returned a slight smile. "Well, Commander, have you ever heard of an onsen bath?"

"An onsen?" Greynar raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I've experienced it during my stay with the Royal Navy, but why bring it up?"

Voroshilov smiled softly. "Well, I heard the Polar fleet recently decided to refresh themselves in an onsen. You should consider taking a break sometime, too."

"Instead of a hot bath, you suggest an onsen, huh? I like the sound of that. Can you show me the way?" Greynar asked with a hint of enthusiasm.

Voroshilov nodded, she led the way with a sincere beautiful smile. "Of course, Commander. Follow me."

She led him deeper into the facility, away from the harsh, snowy weather outside. They crossed a bridge, the atmosphere gradually growing calmer and more serene as they moved toward a secluded area, untouched by the storm.

As they walked, Greynar couldn't help but ask, "By the way, how do you guys have an onsen in the middle of the Northern Parliament? Isn’t it always cold here?"

Voroshilov chuckled, glancing at him. "Thanks to our research into wisdom cube technology, we’ve managed to create an artificial onsen using the cube's energy source. We connected the seawater to the facility’s underground system, where we neutralize any impurities. This process produces the purest form of water, which we then restructure to simulate a natural hot spring. We often used it during our break time or after mission from the front lines."

"That's interesting," Greynar hummed, clearly intrigued by the thoughts of artificial onsen existing at this era.

After a while, they walked to a place where echoing laughter filled the room. Voroshilov's eyes perked up at the sound, while Greynar raised his eyebrows in curiosity. The voices were unmistakable—it was the Polar fleet.

"Ah, so they're already here?" Greynar mused aloud, glancing at Voroshilov. "Is there, by any chance, a separate onsen?"

Voroshilov shook her head. "We don't really have gender-separated onsens since it's rarely used by anyone," she explained with a calm expression.

Greynar shrugged at the expected answer. "Can't be helped then. I guess I'll either join them or wait until they're done." He said with a lighthearted tone.

Voroshilov silently took his hand and pulled him inside. "Then let's go together. You're our comrade now, so there's no need to be shy. Or is it because you're trying to be extra respectful toward the ladies, Commander?"

The Commander chuckled dryly. "I'm just here to relax and unwind. And of course, I respect your privacy."

Voroshilov decided to tease him a little. "So our comrade here is quite the gentleman," she chuckled. "But I’m sure no one would mind you joining them. In fact, they might just invite you themselves."

"I might as well test it out, then..." Greynar shrugged, deciding to just head inside the onsen.

Hearing the muffled sounds of conversation from within, he quickly changed into nothing but a towel, preparing himself for a relaxing dip. With a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped inside, the warm steam greeting him as he entered the room.

The girls immediately turned toward the open door, their surprise quickly fading once they realized it was the Commander who had entered. Without missing a beat, they resumed their activities.

"Comrade Commander!" Gangut, standing proudly without a shred of modesty, called out with enthusiasm, waving him over to join them in the onsen.

Greynar swallowed hard at the unexpected sight of the girls, but since he was already there, he decided to continue and join them. Walking towards the steamy onsen, he eased himself into the warm water, settling between Gangut and Rossiya.

"Haaa~ this is the best thing after a long mission," Gangut commented with a content sigh, stretching out in the soothing bath.

"Indeed, this is just what we needed, a bliss of warmth in this chilly place," Rossiya agreed, leaning back against the side of the onsen and resting her arms.

"My, my~ looks like someone's a bit nervous being around us here," Chapayev teased with a playful chuckle, her gaze shifting to Greynar.

Greynar sighed and shrugged it off. "I like this place, honestly," he replied with a relaxed tone. "There’s something unique about having an onsen in the middle of the Northern region," he added, leaning back into the soothing water.

"I know, right?" Volga chimed in with a relaxed smile. "I never realized how much I needed this, but it feels amazing."

Tashkent, sitting nearby, nodded in agreement. "Exactly, we’re always doing something different, but this is definitely a nice change of pace," the purple-haired destroyer said with a soft smile.

"By the way, how did you know we were here, Commander?" the auburn-haired carrier asked, her curiosity ignited some curious glance from the other girls.

"Someone just—" Greynar began, but was interrupted as Voroshilov entered the onsen, the steam swirling around her as she stepped inside.

"Pardon me," Voroshilov said softly as she gracefully moved closer to Kirov, who was already relaxing in the water. 

Clearing his throat, Greynar continued, "Well, Soyuz tasked Voroshilov with escorting me around, and she showed me various things related to this base."

"Oh? You've seen our training grounds too?" Gangut smirked, her gaze lingering on the Commander. "Are you interested in how we fight on land?"

"Quite," Greynar replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "I'm intrigued to see how you all manage combat without the presence of water."

The battleship proudly said. "We got some weaponary in grounds, but a shipgirl is just the best in term of mobility afterall."

"Right, right..." Greynar nodded in agreement.

"So Voroshilov has met you, eh?" Kirov interjected, glancing at her sister with a teasing smirk. "Does he meet your expectations, then?"

Voroshilov raised an eyebrow at the question, clearly puzzled. "What exactly do you mean by that, Kirov?" she replied with an uninterested voice, keeping her facade intact.

"Oh nothing~ Comrade Commander is just a person of integrity and kindness, after all," Kirov replied with a teasing grin. "His leadership is well-suited for a position like Commander of Azur Lane."

"I'm just an ordinary human being. You jest, Kirov," the Commander replied, his tone laced with slight embarrassment.

Kirov chuckled softly, catching the subtle hint of modesty in his voice. "No need to be so humble, Commander. Ordinary or not, your presence alone is already extraordinary for us. You've made quite the impression in just a few days."

"I agree with Kirov," Chapayev chimed in, her voice carrying a teasing sultry tone. "You're something else, Comrade Commander~"

Greynar smiled sheepishly, unsure whether to take it as a compliment or another form of playful teasing from the fleet. "I'm just doing what I can," he replied, trying to deflect the praise with a modest tone.

'These girls really are something else...' Greynar silently thought as he glanced around the onsen. The rising steam obscured most of the scene, but he couldn’t help but notice the faint silhouettes of the girls around him, partially hidden by the mist naked.

Chapayev noticed the change in Greynar's expression and decided to push further. "So, Commander," she said with a sly grin, "I wonder which flower among us you'll choose to pluck~?"

"Huh...?" Greynar blinked, momentarily confused by the metaphor. But as realization dawned on him, his face grew warm, and he quickly turned his head away, trying to avoid the implications of her teasing. "Don't know what you're talking about, I'll pretend I don't hear that."

Chapayev chuckled softly at Greynar’s flustered demeanor and leaned in even closer, her playful tone barely a whisper. "Or perhaps, Commander," she teased, "you’d prefer for someone to take you instead~?"

Greynar’s playful tone, laced with a small growl, caught the attention of the girls around him. "Hey now... I might be reserved, but I’m still a man~" he smirked, flashing a bit of confidence. "If you’re asking for it, I can really do it, y'know?"

Chapayev's teasing brought a noticeable shift in the atmosphere, especially when she turned to Volga. "Ohh~ the Commander is a scary person, it seems," Chapayev smirked, then added with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Volga, mind kindly telling us how our Comrade Commander performs in the bed~?"

Volga, who had been quietly following the conversation, was caught completely off guard. Her face turned a deep red as she stammered, "W-w-what do you mean? The bed...?" Clearly embarrassed by the sudden implication, she fumbled with her words, unsure of how to respond.

"Now that I think of it, I'm curious too... Commander how was your first time?" Gangut asked curiously.

"What...?" Baffled by the sudden question, Greynar was confused but also understood what Gangut asked.

Gangut, still looking at him intently, tilted her head with a curious grin. "Your first time, Commander... you know, in that way," she clarified.

Greynar, feeling the pressure of the eyes around him, let out a deep sigh. "I can't believe we're having this conversation in an onsen," he thought to himself, trying to maintain his composure despite the awkward situation.

Rossiya nodded in agreement. "This place isn't suited to talk about that, but Gangut has piqued my interest about it, so tell us Comrade."

The Commander groaned at them. "Alrriiigghhhtt... Fine!" Feeling the urge of the girls to hear his own story, he began telling them, though he felt sorry for the red-haired girl on the side trying to hide her face but he got no other choice.

It was a long day for him, but the time he spent with the girls was certainly unforgetable.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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