Babylonian Empire

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Hill knew this man, he was a manager of the Zionist Organization, Sugar Field, and Hill met Sugar when he was donating money for the Third Middle East War.

He immediately knew that there must be something very important for Sugar to come this time.

The Zionist movement refers to the political proposition and movement of the Jews scattered all over the world to return to their ancient hometown of Palestine and rebuild the Jewish state:.

In ancient times, on the land of Palestine, there used to be two Jewish states, the State of Israel and the State of Judah, which were destroyed by the Assyrian Empire and the Babylonian Empire in the 8th and 6th centuries BC respectively.Due to repeated Jewish uprisings, especially after the failed Jewish uprising in 135 AD, they were expelled from Jerusalem and even the whole of Palestine, and wandered all over the world.

For nearly 2000 years, Jews have been scattered all over the world and have been integrated into countries all over the world.

However, in the [-]s, there were large-scale anti-Semitism waves in Russia, France, Germany and other places.Pinsker, a Jewish doctor in Odessa, Russia, said: "People discriminate against Jews because we are not a country. The only solution to this problem is to establish a Jewish state."

&. Herzl wrote the book "Jewish State", which further put forward the theory and program of Zionism. In 1897 the first Jewish Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland.The "World Zionist Program" adopted by the General Assembly stipulates that the goal of Zionism is to establish a Jewish home for the Jewish people in Palestine that is guaranteed by public law.The World Zionist Organization with Herzl as chairman was established at the meeting.

They believe that the Jews who are scattered all over the world and use different languages ​​belong to the same nation and should not integrate and assimilate with other nations to maintain the purity of the nation.The main way to solve the Jewish problem is not to eliminate the class roots of anti-Semitism, but to separate from the non-Jews, that is, to establish a separate state.The way to establish a country is also very simple, as long as you obtain the support of the suzerain country and other big countries and the funding of wealthy Jews, and continue to immigrate to a certain area, you can achieve this goal without the consent of the residents in the colonial area.

In 1917, the United Kingdom claimed that "His Majesty's government is in favor of establishing a national home for the Jews in Palestine, and will make every effort to achieve this goal":.With the support of imperialism, the Zionists ignored the strong opposition of the Arabs and used political, diplomatic, financial and military means to forcibly organize Jews to immigrate to the western part of Palestine where the Arabs lived in large numbers.Until after World War II, more than 46 people immigrated to Palestine.Especially during World War II, Hitler's fascists pursued a policy of genocide, claiming that the Jews were an inferior race, and carried out genocide, which accelerated the development of Zionism.

In 1947, the United Nations passed a resolution to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in Palestine, and to internationalize Jerusalem, which caused continuous Middle East problems.The Zionists used force to seize the territory of the so-called Jewish state in the agreement, and forcibly occupied parts of the Arab countries in the partition plan, forcing more than 4 Arabs to leave their homes and become refugees within four months.

On May 1948, 5, the Zionists declared the establishment of the State of Israel.

On the second day of the founding of Israel, the first Middle East war broke out.

In every Middle East war, the Arab countries will have an advantage before the war, but the forces of the United States will immediately act to support Israel.The Zionist Organization in the United States will take active actions to organize American Jews to donate money and materials, and even go directly to the battlefield.

Because they all have a dream of a great nation of Israel in their hearts.

In the four Middle East wars, Israel expanded its territory, continuously expelled the Palestinians, and declared them terrorists, while American public opinion has always supported Israel.In this, it is the credit of countless Jews in the United States.Please remember the URL, if you like "Babylonian Empire" written by Huadongzhixiong

Chapter 137 Redemption

Chapter 137 Redemption——

The two militants who had already been subdued finally found a chance to escape by taking advantage of the lack of concentration of the two who stayed outside Zhang Feng, wounded each other, and escaped from Basra.

They waited for a long time at a predetermined assembly point on the outskirts, but no one came to meet them. When they tried to get closer to Basra, they found that the security was heavily guarded. Needless to say, this operation failed completely again. Except for the two of them, this dispatch The 101 Special Forces returned in a big defeat. This was almost the first time since the formation of the 101 Army that the entire army was almost wiped out.

They did not dare to stay longer in Iraq, and returned to Israel according to the pre-planned route.

The Israeli high-level collectively shook. This Qusay Abdullah is simply the nemesis of Israel. No matter who it is, no matter which army it is, it will fall under Qusay's hands.

Especially Sharon, who organized and planned this operation. He thought such a seamless plan would end up like this.

Dispatched by the most elite Unit 101, led by experienced officers, they have performed countless missions in Arab countries, and each time they completed it beautifully, almost retreating unscathed.

In order to deal with Abdullah, this operation was carefully planned with the intelligence support of Mossad. First, Uday was assassinated. The secretary of the commander of the high-level military region of the opposing military region led the team, and in the name of the commander, went to rescue the general without firing a single shot.

"Not rescued, but out of dozens of people before departure, only two came back.

Sharon, who had been clamoring all the time, failed in this operation, and instead stimulated the passion in his body. He began to agitate, dispatched more armed personnel, and acted again!

However, no one supported him this time, and even the right-wing Likud forces who had always supported him did not stand behind him this time.

The failure of one action can be said to be accidental, and the failure of two actions is definitely an inevitable factor.Before you have absolute certainty, it is simply a dream to invest in troops and go to Iraq, which does not border on your own territory at all:.

This operation failed again, and the other party has taken precautions. The Mossad spy who is the highest position has been arrested, and intelligence personnel are being hunted down in Iraq. Mossad is now unable to carry out operations in Iraq.

&General, it is completely impossible.

&The general just died in the hands of Iraq?Everyone knows that if they die in Iraq, they will face great passiveness, and the morale of their troops will be hit hard.

"I feel that things are turning around." Yitzhak said: "So far, Iraq has not announced that it has captured our general."

"Go on," Begin said.

"That is to say, I am afraid that Iraq also knows that if it is publicized at this time, it will cause a great influence on public opinion. At that time, if they want to end it, it will be bad."

& The general executed it, and then spread it in the Arab world for a while. said Sharon.

"Then why didn't Saddam do this?" Yitzhak asked rhetorically.

Sharon is a veteran of the battlefield, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand politics. After thinking for a while, Sharon said: "Then, there is only one possibility, and Saddam Hussein didn't know about it!"

Saddam was not told about the general being captured. In other words, he didn't know it was the general at the beginning. It wasn't until we went to rescue that he discovered that these prisoners had a lot of background. Yitzhak said: "Qusay is even more difficult to deal with than Saddam. He turned out to be an amazing combat genius, and in the political field, I am afraid he has even more talent. Problems that cannot be solved militarily will, most likely, be solved politically. "

Begin heard what Yitzhak meant, and said, "You mean, let us redeem the general? Is this possible?"

As Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yitzhak has always been very concerned about the situation in various countries. He has been studying Saddam's youngest son. Compared with Uday, who only knows how to play with women, Qusay is more ambitious and more ambitious. With ability, he will dig out the greatest value for anything.And this person has more foresight. This time the US delegation went to lobby Iraq to buy fighter jets, which is a living example.

Qusay not only wants to buy an airplane, but also a production line!

Therefore, Yitzhak believes that as long as enough benefits are given to Qusay, the general can be redeemed. Unlike Saddam, Qusay cares more about real interests.

At present, what are the benefits that can impress Qusay?Naturally, it was the Tigershark fighter deal.

"I believe that as long as we agree to export the F-20 fighter jet production line as a bargaining chip, it will be enough to bring the general back," Yitzhak said.

"No! Doing that will increase Iraq's military power. This is a shameful act!" Sharon said on the sidelines.

"So, do you have any better ideas? You know, once the general is killed, what kind of chain reaction will it cause internationally? The last air strike on the Iraqi nuclear reactor failed, and you have all seen the result. Even the ally, the United States, They have imposed an arms embargo on us for a period of time, if the assassination of our organization in Iraq is leaked, what will be the international repercussions?" Yitzhak said.

Everyone knows that the consequences are very serious, and even lead to collective dereliction of duty by the top military.

"I agree." At this time, Defense Minister Ezel Weizmann, who was always on the sidelines, said: "The general is too important to us. We must rescue him, whether it is by force or by using various methods." After the agreement was redeemed, even if the production line was exported to Iraq, with Iraq's backward industrial base, they would not be able to produce qualified fighter jets, and they were completely wishful thinking."

Ezer's words reassured everyone. I don't know what this Qusay is thinking. If he wants to import, let him import. The whole country is almost illiterate. It is a problem to recruit skilled workers. Not to mention senior engineering and technical personnel.

"Then contact the United States and ask Mr. Sugar to try his best to facilitate this matter." Begin said.

Just now they have been discussing the topic of export or not, as if the production line is their own. They all believe that the energy hidden in the United States is enough to affect this kind of commercial activities.

ps: thanks


Tips from four friends, Oy, Fascist, Romantic Fisherman Tough Guy, and Poisonous Potion!Please remember the URL, if you like "Babylonian Empire" written by Huadongzhixiong

Chapter 138 The Era of Kusay

Chapter 138 The Era of Kusay——

After Sugar got the news from Israel, he knew that he had to go out in person. He first found Hill of Nopoulos Company to convey the news to him. "novel"

"What? Ask me to facilitate this transaction? Are they crazy?" Hill was shocked when he heard what Sugar said.

Although the f-20 fighter is a kind of aircraft whose performance is lower than that of the f-16 fighter, it is still relatively advanced for Iraq. After the Iraqi air force equips it, it will have an aircraft that can directly compete with the f-14 , Moreover, the conditions offered by Iraq this time are not only to buy aircraft, but also to buy production lines!

"If possible, we wouldn't want to do it. You know, the general is too important to Israel," Sugar said.

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