Babylonian Empire

Page 117

Syria and Iraq are both traditionally pro-Soviet countries. The Soviet Union spared no effort in exporting weapons to these countries. All kinds of weapons that the Soviet Union considered advanced were exported to these countries. Even the glory of the Red Empire, the MiG-25, exported to these countries.

But now, this situation is under threat. The news from the KGB said that the second young master in Iraq who has been in the limelight recently, His Excellency Qusay, is dealing with the Americans, and it is said that he wants to introduce some F-20 fighter jets.

In the Kremlin, in a large meeting room, a group of energetic old men are having a meeting.

Sitting below Brezhnev is the chairman of the KGB, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, who is already the second person under Brezhnev.

After talking about some recent situations, Andropov talked about the recent Iraqi events.

"You guys from Iraq, Qusay, do you know?" Andropov said.

"Of course I've heard of it. It's said that Khomeini's butt was sore." Defense Minister Marshal Dmitry Ustinov flicked his cigar and said.

What he said caused a burst of smiles from the old men.

"Recently, we have received information that the U.S. imperialists are actively wooing Iraq and want to export a fighter jet to Iraq, which is an improved version of the F-5 Tiger fighter jet. It has a new name called F-20. To fool the Iraqis, and this Qusay boy was fooled, and he had to import a few." "Fiction"" Andropov said.

"No, if Iraq is equipped with American-made fighter jets, it is likely to get closer to the United States. We cannot tolerate it." Chief of General Staff Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov said.

In Iraq's arsenal, apart from Soviet-made weapons, there are only legal and Chinese-made weapons. Among them, legal-made weapons are relatively expensive, while Chinese-made weapons are relatively rough. Therefore, Soviet weapons have always been Iraqi. Main equipment:.

The weapons and equipment of a country are linked to its political consciousness, and the export of weapons has a strong color of strategic alliance. Therefore, if Iraq gradually falls to the United States, it is absolutely intolerable to the Soviet Union. good sign.

Especially now, these people know the economic situation of the Soviet Union. The industry of the Soviet Union has experienced negative growth, and it almost relies on exporting oil to improve the country's economy. If Iraq, a major oil-producing country, falls to the United States, they will join forces If the price of oil is lowered, the Soviet Union will be in danger.

"Yes, we absolutely cannot allow Iraq to purchase US-made aircraft." Brezhnev finally said: "Stop this export, no matter what method is used."

No matter what method is used?Marshal Ustinov frowned. The red Soviet Union was never afraid of any enemies. However, the Soviet Union’s treasury is now empty, and the situation in Afghanistan is not stable. The Soviet army has no spare power at all. However, Iraq is not Afghanistan, and military operations must be No way.

"We might as well sell Iraq more advanced fighter jets!" Tikhonov said suddenly.

"No, we have even provided the MiG-25 to Iraq. The more advanced MiG-29 is still in the test flight stage and must not be exported." Ustinov Yuan said that when the MiG was exported -25, because Iraq is an ally of the Soviet Union. Unexpectedly, Iraq still looks down on the MiG-25 and wants to import American-made fighter jets!

"Actually, we don't need to make a fuss at all." Shekolov said: "Since it all happened to this Qusay, we thought, won't it be enough to win Qusay over?"

"You mean, we want our KGB to send swallows to subdue this young lad?" Andropov said.


Saddam Hussein is now in power in Iraq. Although this person is close to the Soviet Union, his rebellious character is too prominent. Such a person is not easy to be controlled by others.

Therefore, in order to control Iraq, the KGB began to work hard on Saddam's two sons very early. The first thing they aimed at was Saddam's eldest son, Uday.

According to traditions in the Middle East, Saddam's successor is likely to be Uday. Therefore, the KGB has put a lot of effort into Uday. Uday is more violent and likes to play with women. The KGB is already in A special agent was placed beside Uday to collect a lot of Uday's criminal evidence, which will be used as a way to control Uday at a critical moment.

However, unexpectedly, Uday was shot in Basra and became a disabled person. From then on, Uday began to lose power gradually, and Qusay began to show his head and feet.

At the beginning, the KGB thought that this incident was done by Qusay, but the final evidence showed that it was all done by the Israeli Mossad. They did this, not only failed to rescue the person they wanted to save, but also fulfilled Qusay , cleared the way for Qu Sai to ascend.

The KGB did not focus on Qusay at the beginning. After all, Qusay was just a disaffected teenager, but now it seems that Qusay may succeed Saddam Hussein in the future.

And this Qusay, unlike Saddam, has not shown any intention of being close to the Soviet Union so far. This is a terrible signal.

Now, this mistake of Qu Sai must be corrected!

Controlling this Qusay requires only one type of trained female KGB agent, known as the Swallow.

Regardless of ancient or modern times, as long as people are human, they will have weaknesses in human nature, and among all weaknesses, lust is undoubtedly the most common.

Some of them are more obvious and arrogant, such as Uday, and some people hide it deeply in their hearts, but this kind of people tend to be even crazier once they burst out this kind of psychology.

As one of the largest intelligence organizations in the world, the KGB will naturally not discard one of the tools that possess the primal instincts of human beings. They have specially trained a kind of agent who uses color to seduce the other party. The male is called Crow, and the female is called swallow.

Swallows are all carefully selected from the age of 15 or 6. They come out of high school girls with extraordinary looks. They are tall and well-proportioned, with smooth and healthy body skin, exquisite facial features, and indescribable sex appeal.After several years of training, they were instilled with the spirit of devotion to the motherland, and also lost their shyness. They became the top secret weapons of the KGB.

It is a bit overkill to use swallows to lure the underage Qusay. However, if Qusay can be controlled, then the future Iraq will still stand on the same front as the Soviet Union. From this point of view, Still very worth it.

"Okay, then our KGB will take the lead." Andropov said: "Iraq is related to our Middle East strategy, and there must be no problems."

Chapter 144 The Swallow Flies Solo

Chapter 144 The Swallow Flies Solo——

Stepping on the unique stone-paved ground under his feet, Joseph felt a kind of excitement and excitement. This was his first time to come to the legendary Red Square in Moscow.

Joseph Rato is an electrical engineer in France who works for Dassault.In addition, Joseph was an amateur historian. He had long heard that the museums and beautiful buildings in Moscow and Leningrad were very unique, and he had great curiosity.This time, taking advantage of his business trip to Eastern Europe and attending an academic conference, he finally had time to take a walk on Moscow Street and take a look.

Here is the world-famous Red Square in Moscow. In 1812, when Napoleon's army hit Moscow and burned the city, the Russians rebuilt the Red Square. Here, it became a symbol of the Red Empire.

The ground paved with ochre-red square stones under your feet is shiny with oil.The two sides are slope-shaped, which makes people feel that the whole Red Square seems to be slightly raised.And all around, it is an unforgettable beauty.

To the south, on a slope slightly sloping towards the Moskva River, stands the Vasily-Brazhenny Cathedral.It is an outstanding representative of ancient Russian architectural art.It is composed of 9 large and small churches with dome towers, surrounded by 8 smaller churches surrounding the slightly larger church in the middle, forming a group of exquisite architectural groups.The church is made of red bricks, decorated with white stone components, and the dome is shining with golden light, matched with bright red, yellow and green.The whole church is filled with a strong festive atmosphere.

In the north, there is a history museum built in the 19th century.This three-story red brick building is modeled after ancient Russian architecture, with 8 minarets in the north and south.

The Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum, various monuments... Joseph kept watching, and the camera in his hand kept flashing.

He didn't know that beside him, there was already a pair of eyes watching him silently for a long time.

Joseph walked around for a long time, but he didn't feel tired at all. At this time, the sky was getting dark, night was coming soon, and the road was full of hurried pedestrians.

"Ouch!" Suddenly, Joseph felt that a certain part of his body was in contact with a soft thing, and then a soft shout came over.

As soon as Joseph looked up, he saw a woman next to him, who was about to fall to the ground.

Joseph didn't hesitate. The fine qualities of the French man made him make a move he regretted, and he reached out to hold him.

"Thank you." The other party answered him in fluent Russian.

It was only then that Joseph noticed that the person who collided with him accidentally was a beautiful Russian girl with long golden hair and sky blue eyes. She was a pure Europa. Women of this race were almost all A very glamorous class.

Unfortunately, Joseph did not understand Russian, so he had to say in French: "Sorry, I hit you."

"It's okay." Unexpectedly, the other party replied skillfully in French.

Joseph looked at each other in surprise.

She added: "I am a student of the Department of Languages ​​at Moscow State University. My name is Kanina. I study French."

"Hello, Miss Kanina, my name is Joseph, and I am traveling to Moscow," Joseph said.

Unexpectedly, Kanina turned her head: "Goodbye!"

Joseph was a little disappointed, but in the next second, he found that Kanina screamed in pain and squatted on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Joseph asked.

"I sprained my foot just now," Kanina said.

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