Babylonian Empire

Page 41

By Allah, how could such a thing happen?

He didn't repent too much, the next moment, the dazzling light hurt his eyes, and then, a strong wind lifted him up.

The shells, bullets, and grenades that were transported by off-road trucks were enough to support the armored troops to advance for half a month, all were ignited like fireworks.

"Boom, boom!" Amidst the huge roar, the high-temperature and high-pressure airflow formed by the explosion of ammunition stirred up the air, forming a powerful storm.With this as the center, there is no standing creature within a radius of 100 meters.

The explosion of the ammunition caused the explosion of the oil tanker with nowhere to hide. The continuous explosion sounded like the Spring Festival in the old calendar.

In this storm, the off-road truck is like a small fishing boat in the huge waves of the sea, swaying here and there, afraid that it will be overturned to the ground in the next moment.

The chieftain tank in the back of the hall was under greater pressure, but the armor of the tank was many times stronger than that of the off-road truck, and the tank was heavier. More importantly, Marwan ordered to turn on the three-defense system on the tank in time.

In order to improve the survivability under nuclear war, all tanks have three defense devices, all kinds of vents have been confinement, and a supercharger inside makes the air pressure inside the tank greater than the outside air pressure, so that the impact of the explosion on oneself can be minimized. attenuated to its minimum.

After running for 1000 meters, you can still see the fire burning at the base. From time to time, oil tankers are set off high. At this time, a sea of ​​flames has formed there.

No one can survive there, it has become a hell.

Marwan opened the roof of the cockpit and came out to take a breath. The run just now was exhausting for the chief, so he turned off the engine, otherwise, the overheated engine would explode at some point.

"It's really fun!" Hades punched the seat and said to Zhang Feng next to him.

The soldiers jumped out of the car and saw that the place where they fought just now had been turned into ruins. The flames lit up the sky that was about to darken. Their hearts were filled with unparalleled pride.

We are the Rattlesnake Special Forces, use me in the first battle, use me to win!

The joy of victory made them relax their vigilance, and no one noticed that several cobras had already pounced on them quietly.

"Bastard, why hasn't the refueling truck arrived yet? What do the guys in the transport battalion eat?" The two tank battalions that had retreated were anxiously waiting for the refueling truck to arrive.

The battle just now made them dare not take it lightly. The huge chieftain was the pride of the armored troops, but also their burden. In the battle, those who fell into the swamp and lost their fighting power were almost equal to those who were destroyed. This is an astonishing ratio.

Moreover, the chief's fuel consumption was too high, and the two battalions that had been put into battle earlier had to withdraw and retreat to refuel:.

The only thing that comforts them is that the T-62 of the Iraqi army has also been wiped out by them.

They are the most elite armored units, well-trained, and the fire control system of the Chief tank is very sophisticated. Many T-62s are already taken away by the Chief at a distance of 800 meters.

This made them more confident, as long as they got out of the swamp, there would be a flat river in front of them.

Now, half of the tanks of the armored brigade standing in front of them have been killed. As long as they work harder, they can open up the road to the south.

Therefore, the soldiers of the two battalions were very anxious. Although their losses were also very large, they had already seen that the Iraqi armored brigade in front could no longer withstand it.

Fighting, sometimes, fighting is the will.

They were all eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the refueling truck.

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed soldier spotted a flame in the distance, so huge, what is that?

They were anxious, that place was exactly where their base was located, and with the delay in the arrival of the fuel truck, they suddenly had an ominous premonition.

In the armored command vehicle, Rajavi heard a report that was simply unacceptable to him.

"The 32nd Armored Division, I am Shenying One, the rear logistics base exploded, the rear logistics base exploded, visually estimated that all fuel and ammunition have been consumed."

Shenying No. 47 is the code name of the ch-[-] helicopter formation. It was originally planned that they would carry cement for the last time before dusk, but they ended up doing it here.

When the ch-47 flew from Ahvaz, it saw a fire burning below and knew something was wrong, so it immediately reported to the 32nd Armored Division.

No ammunition, no fuel, a huge armored force, that is a burden.Rajawi seemed to have been slapped twice hard, and he couldn't recover for a while.

In front, two armored battalions were fighting bloody battles with Iraqi tanks, and had already gained the upper hand. Although there were heavy casualties, the T-62 couldn't stand it anymore.As long as the Iraqi armored forces in front are defeated and the torrent is rolling, they can rush to the rear of the Iraqi defense line and tear a hole.

The two armored battalions in the rear were waiting for fuel supply, but unexpectedly, something happened.

Now, what order to make?

"Notify General Sharaf immediately." Rajawi and the staff next to him said.

The consequences are too serious. If I order the withdrawal, I am afraid I will have to bear the responsibility for this failure, so I should ask for instructions.

ps: Thank you Faxisi for your big reward again!

Chapter 44 Cobra's Revenge

Chapter 44 Cobra Revenge——

Without air supremacy, it means falling behind and being beaten.

The Iraqi Air Force is a worm.

With the MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25 imported from the Soviet Union, and the Mirage F1 imported from France, although the overall performance is not as good as that of Iran's F-14 Panda, it is not enough to just be beaten. Fighting back, and being timid, is definitely not an opponent of the sturdy Iranian Air Force.

All of this cannot be blamed on the Air Force, only the system.

The status of the Iraqi Air Force is not high, and Saddam also doubts the loyalty of the Air Force. Since the last time an Air Force pilot flew a plane to bomb his villa, Saddam often cleans up the Air Force to increase their loyalty. Loyalty, as a result, the Air Force is inferior among the various services, lacks the spirit of initiative and enterprising, and the training effect is also greatly reduced.

For example, Izzat, the commander of the Southern Military Region, urgently ordered the Air Force to support the operations in the Susangilde Swamp. They only need to take off some attack aircraft to kill a large number of Chieftain tanks, instead of the 35th Brigade having to fight bloody battles.Moreover, in the current Iranian Air Force, only a few pandas can take off, and most of them have to guard the air defense of important cities, so they are simply unable to go to this swamp to compete with them for air supremacy.

However, after the Air Force received the order, it took a day to plan the route, formulate the combat plan, and load the attack aircraft with ammunition...

The sky was about to get dark, and when the doe arrived at the battlefield, I'm afraid they would have to fight at night. Therefore, Izzart had to order the armed helicopters to get ready and wait for the next day's dawn to provide support.

Now, the skies over the Susangild swamp are dominated by Iranian helicopters.

The ch-47 is just a transport plane with no combat capability. Even with the cannon pod mounted on the side, the heavy fuselage also limits its air mobility.

Not so with the Cobra, which is made for fighting.

When ch-47 discovered that the base had been bombed, they urgently notified General Sharaf, who immediately ordered ch-47 to return to Ahvaz to urgently carry fuel and ammunition to provide supplies to the armored divisions still in battle.

If the armored division is out of fuel and ammunition, it is a pile of scrap iron.

And the two cobras stayed behind, launching a fatal blow to those culprits who blew up their base!

At this time, the Cobra, under the short wings on both sides, hung four "TOU" anti-tank missiles on the outside, two 70mm rocket pods on the inside, and an m61a1 "Vulcan" airborne aircraft gun in front.

Seeing the escaped convoy, they were the ones who were destroying the base recklessly in the chaos just now, eventually causing the base's ammunition to explode, causing countless casualties, and putting the bloody armored troops in front of them in crisis.

Eliminate them first, and then support the armored division!The pilots of the two Cobras made the decision.

They turned to each other's rear sides and pulled up suddenly.

"The target has been locked."

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