Babylonian Empire

Page 45

Because of the relatively long distance, and because of the fierce battle, Muhammad didn't know that the special forces led by Zhang Feng, which had just been formed less than half a month ago, did a big job of blowing up the opponent's ammunition and fuel.

"Report to the brigade commander, the other side has signs of retreat." The tank soldiers on the front line sent a report.

retreat?Ali calculated that the opponent must have run out of fuel, and he really wanted to order his armored battalion to continue the pursuit, but thinking that his subordinates had already shed enough blood today, he gave up this idea.

Since the other party wants to withdraw, then withdraw yourself, Mohammed ordered: "Tank battalion, shrink the line of defense, prepare to retreat, armored reconnaissance vehicles, step forward to investigate."

If Zhang Feng was there, the armored brigade would definitely not be able to relax and chase to the end in one breath. Even if only one tank company was wiped out by the opponent, as long as the opponent's fuel was exhausted, the opponent would have to be wiped out besides surrendering.

Conservative thinking and no active offensive spirit are the bad habits of many military officers during the Iran-Iraq War. They were not qualified to command modern warfare. Therefore, in the Gulf War, the US military taught Saddam Hussein a profound lesson.

There is only one tactic for armored soldiers, that is, attack, keep attacking!

In fact, there was another reason why Muhammad had to order the retreat. His own tank crew simply had no ability to fight at night. Infrared searchlights have an effective distance of 3 meters. However, tankers have problems using the fire control system during the day, let alone at night.

If you really rush up, maybe none of them will come back.

Muhammad doesn't want to use up all his armored troops. He has already blocked the Iranians' sneak attack in the swamp. The military region will definitely not sit idly by. Soon, the air force will be sent to support him. He can use a brigade to block the opponent's one The division's attack is already a remarkable achievement.

The sound of artillery fire became smaller and smaller, and finally, the two warring parties left the battlefield.

Being able to escape smoothly without being stuck by the opponent's tank, Rajawi lamented how lucky he was, and felt sorry for the opponent's commander. It seems that there was a problem with the opponent's intelligence communication, and his logistics base was destroyed. Well, they probably don't know yet.

One ch-47 can transport ten tons of supplies, so that in one night, it is enough to transport fuel and ammunition, and tomorrow, I will not be so useless.

It is a very wasteful way to use helicopters to transport supplies for the armored forces, but now there is no choice, the logistics base has been destroyed, and it will take at least three to five days to transport from the rear with off-road trucks. At that time, I am afraid that all the chiefs will be unable to move due to lack of fuel, and the chiefs will become turkeys.

In Iran's armored sequence, the Sheik is the most powerful tank. It is equipped with about four tank divisions. The rest are American-made m60 and m48 tanks. These two tanks have almost been eliminated and can take Iraq head-on. For the army, this is the Chieftain tank.

If the Chieftain's tanks are wiped out in the swamp, it will greatly reduce the offensive capabilities of the Iranian army.Sharaf consulted Abel Hassan who was still in Ahvaz, and he immediately ordered to save the desperate tank division at all costs.

In the darkness, Ch-47 Chinook helicopters, fully loaded with ammunition and fuel, rose from the ground.

As an all-weather take-off and landing helicopter, the pilot of the CH-47 is equipped with a starlight night vision device. The so-called starlight night vision device is the first generation of passive night vision product, which uses the ambient light emitted by the moon and stars to amplify the surrounding reflection Infrared rays rely on electron tube technology to accelerate and magnify. In this way, the starlight night vision device has a short lifespan. Therefore, except for night flight training and special missions, few pilots are willing to wear this thing.

And tonight, this thing will play a huge role.

Chapter 48 shot down again

Chapter 48 shot down again——

A gust of side wind blew, and the cobra swayed in the sky. At this moment, the bullet that had been aimed at just now was emptied.

Want to hit the lower part of the rotor, although that place is the most vulnerable, but at the same time, the projected area of ​​the target is also the smallest, a slight disturbance caused the cobra to shake, and as a result, three bullets missed the target.

The steel-core bomb in front flew past the side of the reducer, and the two tracer armor-piercing incendiary bombs in the back didn't touch the cobra at all.

what sound?Although the roar of the helicopter was huge, the two pilots also felt the crisis.

The Cobra turned its head slightly, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, it found the three standing soldiers, who were aiming at themselves with their rifles.

Could it be that the cobra just now was killed like this?The two people in the Cobra felt a little unbelievable. They were the eagles of the sky, the masters of the infantry sky, and they could be killed by a few rifles?

Iraqi infantry, really will be whimsical.

Now that the target was found, it must not be let go. The pilot stepped on the rudder and pressed the joystick. The cobra circled in the air and flew towards the target here.

The pilot is neither stupid nor arrogant. The Cobra was shot down just now, which shows that the enemy in front of him should not be underestimated.But, no matter what, discovery is tantamount to destruction!

The cobra made an S-shaped maneuver in the air and flew towards this side.

"You aim at the engine intake, and I'll hit the glass." Zhang Feng quickly assigned the task.

It is impossible for anyone's luck to be good all the time. The attack just now was broken by a gust of wind from the sky. Moreover, these people were discovered by the cobra.

want to run?That's impossible, the only chance is to kill them before they fly over!

Zhang Feng’s magazine contained steel-core bullets, and the other two’s magazines contained tracer armor-piercing incendiary bombs. Therefore, he immediately assigned targets according to the record just now, and the incendiary bombs attacked the opponent’s engine air intake. Most effective, as long as it hits one shot, the engine has to be scrapped.

As for your own steel core bullet, it is most effective to hit the opponent's bulletproof glass, because the bulletproof glass has a larger area than the air intake. "Search to see the fastest"

In the crosshairs, the helicopter was already wobbling in the air, and it was changing its flight direction from time to time, making it more difficult for it to aim.

On the battlefield, never repeat the same action more than twice!When Zhang Feng was training, the instructor who had participated in several battles said.

For example, when advancing, you can’t walk in a straight line, you have to take a curved route, but you can’t walk regularly from left to right, otherwise, the opponent’s sniper will calculate the time of the bullet flying in advance and predict your trajectory. The bullet and the person meet at exactly the same time and place, and the ending is death.

Now, although the helicopter in the sky is constantly changing its flying attitude, the pilot above does not realize that his s-shaped route is too regular!

The sniper around him fired two shots, but none of them hit him.

It seems that the training of snipers must also be carried out. There is too much knowledge that snipers need to learn.

Zhang Feng was not in a hurry to shoot. He watched the opponent's flight in the scope. At the same time, the barrel of the gun moved accordingly, calculating in his heart.

It seems to be in slow motion, but in fact Zhang Feng proceeded very quickly. About two seconds later, Zhang Feng suddenly turned the barrel of the gun, and the helicopter was out of the sight of the scope. He fired, facing the empty sky, and opened fire gun, because he knew that in the next moment, the cobra would fly here.

"Gun ready, kill them," said the pilot and weapon operator.

Those three silly snipers on the ground, as if they had taken the wrong medicine, shot into the sky, so what if you are holding a sniper rifle?Hitting a maneuvering helicopter in the sky is like hitting a mosquito with a dart. If the mosquito loses a single hair, it will be too unlucky.

Get closer and smash them all to pieces with the machine gun!

He pushed the stick to the right, and the helicopter turned right again. It's called a snake maneuver, you know?Iraqi soldiers.

Suddenly, his pupils dilated, and the glass in front suddenly cracked countless tiny cracks, and then turned blood red.

There was a sharp pain in his chest, and when he looked down, a big hole had appeared, and blood was gushing out.

How is this possible, he is the proud son of heaven, he is a pilot, and he was shot by a soldier with a gun?

With a last-ditch effort, he took his foot off the rudder and leaned back onto the seat.

Revenge me!

The Cobra is a front and rear tandem two-seater, the front seat is low and has a wide field of vision, the weapon operator is inside, and can observe the situation better, the rear seat is higher, and the pilot is inside.

Although the front seat is the weapon operator, his cockpit still has a full set of driving equipment, including joysticks and rudders, which are linked with the rear.In an emergency, the weapons operator in the forward compartment can also fly the helicopter.

Of course, this requires a prerequisite, that is, the rear does not hinder the front operation. If he leans on the control lever and presses the control lever, the people in the front cabin will not be able to push the control lever at all, and the plane will only crash.

When the pilot was dying, he handed over the plane to his comrades in the front cabin.

Hearing the movement in the back, the weapon operator in the front cabin turned his head, and saw that the cockpit was covered in blood, and his old partner who had been together for several years was just buried under a sniper rifle, and he became angry.

After taking over the control of the helicopter, he slammed down the joystick, and then fired!

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