Babylonian Empire

Page 47

Without the slightest hesitation, Abid immediately replied: "Yes, Your Excellency the President."

Saddam never believed in the Air Force. Moreover, he also had a problem. Like Mustache, he liked to dictate the specific tactics of the army. However, he was not good enough to command the Army, but he didn't understand the Air Force at all.As a result, the Air Force was timid and did nothing at all.

The MiG-21 has missiles, but they are air-to-air missiles, hitting tanks?I'm afraid only the President can think of it, right?The MiG-25 is a high-altitude and high-speed fighter. What do you want this fighter to do in the swamp?

Abed didn't dare to say more, he didn't want to be purged for no reason, so he should modify the battle plan overnight.

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Chapter 50 Shelling

Chapter 50 Shelling——

The sky is dim, the Susangilde Marshes, a new day has arrived. "Search to see the fastest"

Since it is a defensive task, as long as the opponent's armored division is blocked in the swamp and cannot get out, one's own task is considered to have been achieved. Therefore, last night, the Mechanized Battalion of the 35th Armored Brigade began to construct fortifications frantically, digging Out of countless foxholes:.

&-62 consumed half of it, but the opponent still had a strong assault force, so Muhammad changed his tactics. When fighting again today, the tank rushed forward, and the armored vehicle followed. When the tank was finished, then only You can rely on the infantry in the armored vehicle, and use rocket launchers and anti-tank mines to prevent the opponent's attack.

If the battle really went to that point, the 35th Armored Brigade might have to be buried here.Fortunately, this is just the worst plan.

The military command has already sent a notice that there will be air force brothers to support them today. They probably just need to stand by and watch how the air force destroys the opponent. Their task is to go up and capture the opponent.

Muhammad was in the armored command vehicle, gnawing on his field rations, when suddenly he heard the sound of whistling in the sky.

Muhammad's face suddenly became serious, and he recognized that it was the sound of a large-caliber howitzer firing!

The opponent is an armored division, so it will naturally be equipped with a divisional artillery battalion. How can I forget such important common sense?

"Quickly, notify the armored vehicles, disperse and hide, and the other party will come up as soon as the shelling is over!" Mohammed and the correspondents around him said.

Immediately, the radio wave passed through the radio and flew to the entire armored brigade.

"Boom, boom, boom!" At this time, the first round of shells had already exploded nearby. Fortunately, the opponent's first round was just a test shot.far away from myself.But in the second round, the accuracy is very high.

The armored vehicles were launched, and the soldiers quickly ran into the armored vehicles, ready to transfer.

The shooting of a large-caliber howitzer is definitely a destructive weapon for ordinary infantry. However, for the Type 63 tanks and T-62 tanks with armor protection, the power is very small. It is difficult for the waves to pose a threat to the T-62, and it has a certain impact on the armored vehicles. However, as long as the armored vehicles are dispersed, the opponent's bombing effect will be significantly reduced.

"Two and three, search forward and pay attention to the small group of investigators who found the Persians." Mohammed ordered in the radio.

Using artillery fire, although the shooting elements have been determined in advance, but personnel are needed to evaluate whether the shooting meets the requirements, how to adjust the shooting direction, and ensure the best shooting effect. Therefore, a small group of scouts will definitely be sent to target Depending on the results of the shelling, report back to the gunner, and then readjust.

And this kind of personnel has a very high chance of dying, because the troops being bombarded will definitely look for these personnel who pose a great threat to themselves.

If you are unlucky, there is also the possibility of being shot by your own artillery fire.

Therefore, in later generations, drones will be used more professionally to replace this dangerous task.

What about our plane?Why not yet?Muhammad was a little anxious. Obviously, the opponent's artillery fire was so fierce this time. After the bombardment, they would come up like Mount Tai, and he couldn't stand it at all.

Thirteen kilometers away.

The &109a1 self-propelled howitzer is frantically venting its anger.

"Boom!" Amidst the earth-shattering bang, the gun barrel shrank violently, and then, white smoke emerged from the muzzle, and in the slowly spreading white smoke, a black projectile flew out rapidly.

In yesterday's battle, because there was no ammunition, these howitzers did not play their role. Today, they can finally feel proud.

I originally planned to launch an attack overnight after the resupply was completed last night, but the first wave of helicopters was only half resupplied and could not give the most powerful lethality at all, so we had to wait for the second batch. Unexpectedly, the sky became darker in the second half of the night However, the ch-47 was unable to take off at risk, and had to wait until dawn before carrying out the second replenishment.

After the supplies were completed, Rajawi immediately ordered the troops to attack.

The first thing to use is the artillery battalion of the division.

&109a1, this is a large howitzer with a caliber of 155mm. This kind of howitzer is very powerful when fired. In order to prevent the huge recoil force of the shell from sinking the tracks on both sides into the mud, before launching The bottom is filled with stones.Otherwise, after firing the shells, the self-propelled howitzer can't move, wouldn't it be sad.

The side door on the turret and the door on the rear side of the body have been opened. Due to the high chamber pressure during firing, the air pressure inside the body will change suddenly. If the door is not opened, it will cause great damage to the shooter inside.

Every time it is launched, the voice of the vanguard will come from the radio, and then adjust the launching elements to improve the accuracy:.

Ali's tank was at the forefront, and the turret was always turning, scanning everything around vigilantly, and must find the opponent's artillery spotters!

Damn Persian coward, just come up if you have the guts!Ali looked at the surrounding swamps through the periscope, cursing in his heart, and everything he saw that was not pleasing to the eye was a swarm of machine gun bullets.

His company, after yesterday's battle, only had six tanks left, but the soldiers' morale was still high, and their biggest wish today was to kill a few more chieftains!Especially yesterday, hitting the chief who was stuck in muddy water and couldn't move.

But today, I was shelled before I saw the enemy. Even though I was hiding in the tank, as long as it wasn't a direct hit, it would be fine, and that would be enough to make people angry.

The 63-type armored vehicles in the rear were not so lucky. Four or five vehicles were killed, and hundreds of brothers were summoned by the god of death.

After ten salvos, Rajawi ordered the four armored battalions to rush up together.

The chief is a powerful offensive weapon. Today, we must break through the opponent's blockade, hit the swamp, and hit the Karen River!

Antennas suddenly appeared on Elad's sight.

"The chief is coming up!" Elad yelled, taking aim.

At the same time, the loader stuffed a fin-stabilized shell-piercing armor-piercing projectile into the barrel, and in the next moment, it would be close combat:.

God bless the invincible Iraqi Armored Brigade!

Inside Elard's sight, the chief's silhouette grew larger and closer.

"All the armored forces of the 35th Brigade retreat immediately." Suddenly, an order came from the radio.

how?Do you want to give up blocking?It's about to catch fire!Elard was a little puzzled.

Soldiers take it as their bounden duty to execute orders, and the driver immediately brakes, puts the reverse gear, and backs away.

Retreating is also particular. If you turn and retreat, you will give up the weakest armored rear to the Iranians, and it is not a good thing to be drilled into your buttocks by armor-piercing bullets.

Therefore, if you decide to withdraw from the battle when you are about to exchange fire with each other, you can only have one choice: put reverse gear and go straight back!

However, tanks are not like ordinary cars. They have rearview mirrors, and the more advanced ones are visual reversing radars. , what you can hit, it all depends on luck.

Elard opened the hatch and poked his head out, ready to give instructions to the pilot.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the fleet of planes flying from the sky, and the air force brothers have arrived!

Chapter 51 Air Force Arrives

Chapter 51 Air Force arrived——

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