Babylonian Empire

Page 49

As long as the attack plane in the sky lowers its head, tongues of flame will spurt out from under the wings, and then there will be countless explosion points on the ground. The 240mm rockets are amazingly powerful. As long as one hits the chief, the chief's top will The cover will be penetrated, even if it hits the thickest armor in the front, the armor will not be penetrated, and the fire that ignites will roast the occupants inside into roast chicken.

A flying squadron keenly discovered that the place with the strongest firepower on the ground was exactly a dozen m113 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns mixed in the middle of the m163 armored vehicles.

The squadron leader immediately ordered to dive and attack here.

Four Su-20s flew down towards the ground with fierce anti-aircraft fire.

At this time, the self-propelled artillery company on the ground realized that he was being targeted, but he had no other way. Even if he activated the self-propelled artillery quickly, he could only move a short distance in just ten seconds. There is no way to dodge the planes and rockets flying in the air.

That can only be one way: head-to-head!

The 6-barreled 20mm cannon keeps bombarding the opponent's attack route. As long as you destroy the opponent before the opponent fires the rocket, you will be safe.

Unexpectedly, the Su-20 plane did not dive this time, but saw a flash of flames under the wing. What was launched this time was a Hei Niu air-to-ground missile!

In order to destroy this sudden attack of the armored division, the Basra military region took out all kinds of advanced things, including the baby-like Black Bull missile.

In fact, the performance of the Hei Niu missile has already lagged behind. It is the first miniaturized air-to-surface missile imported from the Soviet Union. It has a range of only [-] kilometers and is guided by artificial radio commands. However, this missile, It is more advanced than uncontrolled rockets.

Looking at the missiles flying over from under the wings of the Su-20, the six cannons fired violent flames again, but they were not aiming at the opponent's plane, but the flying missiles.

There is still a certain chance of using rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns to hit missiles. The key point depends on how the fire control system responds.

Among the tongues of flames that spewed out, several hit the flying missiles, causing the missiles to explode directly in the air, saving the danger from danger.

&163's belly, suddenly, these chariots burst into flames in the explosion.

The self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery company has not been relieved yet, this time, the opponent fired rockets again.

I was completely unprepared. Since the six 6mm anti-aircraft guns could not be fired without limit, I had to take a short rest. When I intercepted the missile just now, it took too long, which caused the barrel to overheat. It flew over.

In terms of specific tactical details, some commanders of the Iraqi Air Force are still able to operate flexibly.

This time, there were no more than five self-propelled artillery left.

This morning was definitely a morning that Rajawi would never forget. Just ten minutes ago, he was still commanding the self-propelled howitzers behind him, firing at the Iraqi tank brigade blocking him, trying to open a road and attack to the Karun River.

Who knows, the feng shui took turns, just now he was attacking, and then it was the other party's attack.

In the sky at this moment, almost all Iraqi planes, Rajawi's armored division, suffered a devastating blow.

At this time, the 35th Armored Brigade only needs to sit on the sidelines and watch the excitement. They can't attack now. Those brothers in the sky may not be able to distinguish the enemy from us. If they get too close, it would be too uneconomical to kill themselves.

After a while, the Muslim brothers in the sky have finished their work, and then go up by themselves, and then they can calmly seize the spoils.

The air force only wanted to fight, and couldn't come down to reap the results for themselves. Therefore, this benefit had to go to the 35th Armored Brigade, which they deserved. After all, the 35th Armored Brigade suffered heavy losses in yesterday's battle.

Everyone is flesh and blood, and there will be fear and fear. While being constantly destroyed by the planes above their heads, the morale of the Iranian soldiers has finally dropped to the extreme.

There is no point in attacking again, and some soldiers finally began to flee shamefully.

Some of the armored vehicles on the periphery had turned around and fled the way they came.

"Bastard, attack, you can only survive if you continue to attack. If you want to escape, can you escape the opponent's plane?" Rajawi yelled on the radio, ordering to continue the attack.

However, it is useless, some soldiers have lost their minds, and wars tend to make people crazy.

At this time, the fighter planes in the sky finally flew away. Both the Su-20 attack plane and the MiG-21 began to return due to insufficient fuel, leaving only two MiG-25s still persisting.

"Brothers, it's time for us to work," Muhammad yelled.

The soldiers jumped on the tanks and armored vehicles, ready to attack. This time, they will not be as tragic as yesterday. They will capture each other as victors.

At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers was heard in the sky, and the doe finally stepped onto the stage.

The collapse of the entire Iranian armored division is just around the corner.

ps: Streaking is very sad, so Huadong Zhixiong is very grateful to all readers for their great support. Now the category click list is about to be squeezed out, and the recommended one is Niu, Babylonian Empire. Readers need to click and support a lot!Thanks again everyone.

Thank you Fasci for the reward!

Chapter 53 Victory

Chapter 53 Victory——

The huge rotor of the helicopter leads to huge resistance when flying forward. Therefore, the speed of the helicopter is not fast. The cruising speed of the Hind is only more than 200 kilometers per hour. More aggravated the resistance of advancing:.

Therefore, when the six Hind gunship squadrons arrived, the battle in the Susangilde Swamp had already come to an end.

The 35th Armored Division was crushed and beaten yesterday, and suffered a lot of damage. This morning, it was shelled again, only being beaten but not fighting back. Now, it is finally time to show its prestige.

All the tanks and armored vehicles were driven together, including the tanks that were damaged in yesterday's battle and had only undergone general repairs, and the main guns could not be fired.

Iran's elite armored division is now in utter disarray.

Facing the blow from the sky, they made a weak resistance, and did not achieve any results except for damaging one fighter jet, but they were destroyed by rockets from the sky, destroying 80.00% of the armored vehicles and others.

The remaining chiefs, knowing that there was no hope, chose to retreat.

Rajawi wanted to organize the last attack, but at this time, none of his subordinates listened to his orders.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The ground was littered with burning chariots, and the blows overhead were so violent that at last the chieftain lost his prestige of yesterday, and they fled shamefully.

However, in this swamp, it is not so easy to escape.

The concrete road that has been paved in the past few days is still there, but if you retreat along the concrete road, you will undoubtedly receive preferential treatment from the armed helicopters in the sky.

On the ground, in other places, there are swamps everywhere, if you are not careful, you will be trapped in it.

The tank soldiers stepped up the accelerator, they couldn't control so much, let's run away!

The armored vehicles in the rear saw that the tanks in front had retreated, so they naturally joined the ranks of fleeing.

&113 armored vehicles, on the contrary, it is easier to escape. "novel"

However, none of them are as easy to use as the wide-tracked T-62 and Type 63 infantry fighting vehicles equipped by Iraq.

The situation on the battlefield is already one-sided.

In the sky, the armed helicopter caught the armored vehicle running in the front, fired rockets, and blasted the armored vehicle into scrap aluminum.

The &113 armored vehicle uses aluminum armor. As long as it is hit by a rocket, it will ignite a fire, melting aluminum with a melting point of only more than 600 degrees.

In the back, the 35th Armored Brigade chased the Chieftain tank like a sheep, chasing it vigorously.

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