Babylonian Empire

Page 56

"Uncle," Zhang Feng was a little tired, but he still wanted to say something: "I came back by helicopter, Chinook, just outside Basra on Highway [-]."

Fly a helicopter?Where did the helicopter come from?Before Yizart could react, Zhang Feng went on to say, "I flew all the way here from the Susangilde Swamp, but I was not detected by our radar. You know what this means? Also, I Wearing these clothes, my subordinates are still wearing these, and they were not suspected when they entered Basra, what does this mean, uncle, you also know, right?"

Only then did Izzat see that Qusay in front of him was wearing the flight suit of an Iranian helicopter pilot, and his subordinates were wearing Iranian military uniforms.

Izzart turned pale immediately: What does this mean?Even if the Iranians broke into Basra, I'm afraid I haven't reacted yet?These soldiers in Iranian military uniforms were able to travel unimpeded all the way to the central hospital?Who is in charge of Basra's defense today?He must be dismissed!

"Come out, come out." At this moment, Hades saw the door of the operating room opened, several doctors came out in a file, and then pushed out a small car.

On the top, under the white cloth sheet, was the seriously injured Nierhe. Zhang Feng was relieved when he saw that the white cloth sheet did not cover his head.

"Doctor, how is he?" Hades asked.

"The wound has been treated for him, and 2000cc of blood has been transfused. There is no serious problem, but the anesthesia is not enough. Send him to the ward to rest. Also, he needs to rest, so don't bother him." The doctor took off the The white mask said.

"It's great, brother. Although you lost a thigh, your life is finally saved." Several lightly wounded people also looked at Nierhe's big dark face. Compared with those who died, they Already considered lucky.

Seeing the soldiers rushing into the ward with the cart, Zhang Feng's eyes revealed a sad look.

"Uncle, I took out a total of 39 people this time, and there are only 25 people left intact." He said silently, not only for Izzart, but also for himself.

War has always been cruel and merciless.

In the eight-year Iran-Iraq War, according to the official statement, the number of dead and captured Iraqis reached 48, and the casualties of these dozens of people are simply a drop in the ocean.

However, everyone is not just a cold number, but a living life.

Yizzat seemed to know what Qusay was thinking, he pressed Zhang Feng's shoulder hard, and was speechless for a long time.

Zhang Feng fell into this kind of sinking only for a moment, and after a while, that confident and strong face returned to his face again.

"Don't worry, those soldiers who died in the battle and those who were injured will be properly resettled. They are all heroes of the Iraqi people," Ezzat said.

"Uncle, there are some situations that I want to report to you." Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, let's go to the military region headquarters." Yizart said.

Southern Military Region, Command, Conference Hall.

Attending the meeting were the senior commanders of the Southern Military Region, Commander Izzat, Chief of Staff Fat Harad, Major General Hamid Raja, etc. These are the core figures of the Southern Military Region.

"First of all, we welcome the return of our hero with warm applause. He has contributed a lot to the victory of the Susangilde Swamp." Ezzat said.

Immediately, everyone burst into applause. In the army, in addition to mentioning one's background, one must also talk about military exploits. The first achievement this time is none other than His Excellency Qusay. In addition, he is the son of the president, so he will definitely have a bright future in the future. .

"This plot that was able to defeat the Persians was firstly due to the bloody battle of the 35th Armored Brigade. They destroyed half of the tanks and resisted the attack of the chief. Secondly, our air force's attack planes and armed helicopters made Persia People have completely lost the courage to resist, and these are all related to your wise leaders and strict military management, so this victory is the glory of our entire Southern Military Region." Zhang Feng said.

Not taking credit for pride, being modest and prudent, Zhang Feng's words won everyone's praise.

"Where, Abdullah, don't be humble." Izzat said: "We have sorted out the complete report and submitted it to His Excellency the President. Your contribution is the greatest."

"We were actually very lucky to be able to thwart the attack of the Persians this time. However, the god of luck took care of us once, not many times. We must be vigilant against the Persians to prevent being attacked again." Izzart said.

"Let's talk about it, where will the Persians attack next?" Zhang Feng asked.

attack?Hamid said: "Your Excellency Qusay, although the Iranians have marched beyond our imagination in Susan Gild, I am afraid that is their full limit. Now, they have been repulsed by us. What capabilities do they have?" , come to attack us? Now we are attacking their Abadan, and we have to take Khomeini’s port.”

Looking at the fanatical Hamid, this guy is really an idiot to be a major general. Zhang Feng said: "The full limit of the Iranians? Everyone, Iran's population is three times ours, and its land area is four times ours. times, the GDP is several times that of ours, and Iran’s war machine has not yet been fully activated. What is the modern war fighting? It is the comprehensive national strength! The reason why we can go straight to the place where the war started is because the Iranians are still In the midst of civil strife, however, we are facing Abadan and have not taken it for a year, and the Iranians have begun to counterattack!"

These words made Hamid's face turn red and turn white.

"Everyone, what we are discussing now is military affairs. The current movements of the Iranians are quite suspicious." The chief of staff came up to smooth things over.

"I think we should strengthen the defense of the Susangilde Swamp to prevent the other party from raiding again." A major general said.

You idiot, how can you do the same thing twice?The first time was called a surprise attack, and the second time was called death.

Zhang Feng finally knew that few of the leaders of these armies were real. No wonder the Iran-Iraq War had been fought for so long. If he was given a chance, he could directly command the troops from the very beginning, to Tehran.

Although the soldiers at the bottom are brave, they do not have a good grasp of advanced weapons. The commanders at the top are short-sighted and lack command ability.

"Everyone, the most dangerous thing for us right now is the front line of Abadan." Zhang Feng saw it, and it was simply impossible for them to find out the answer by themselves.

Historically, the Iranians were well prepared and began their counteroffensive from Abadan.Since then, the situation of the Iran-Iraq war has plummeted. The Iranians attacked and Iraq defended. The Iraqi army continued to retreat and was completely driven out of Iran. The war burned to Iraq.

Abadan?We have now surrounded Abadan to death. As long as we work harder, we will be able to attack. The counterattack will start from Abadan?Hamid was quite disapproving, but he only dared to say it in his heart.

"Our previous attack was only due to internal chaos and instability in the Iranian army. Now that Khomeini has taken control of the military, inspired by him, some young people who are not afraid of death have formed a death squad. The attack in the swamp was just a partial division. They wanted to take advantage of our panic and mobilize Abadan's troops to go north to give them an opportunity. Although this conspiracy was smashed by us, their main force has still Quietly gathered on the periphery of Abadan, wanting to give us a devastating blow." Zhang Feng said loudly, and punched on the map on the table, where Abadan was circled in red.

"Let's make full preparations and shatter Khomeini's illusions!" The overlord voice wafted over the meeting room.

ps: Thank you Faxisi for the five evaluation votes!Try your best, if you can code it out, code one more chapter.

Thank you readers for your great support!

Chapter 61 Exile ([-])

Chapter 61 Exile ([-])——

"Stop, who are you?" Two sentries on duty said at the entrance of the government hall.

"Revolutionary Guards, don't you know?" A person with the rank of lieutenant replied coldly: "You have no right to interfere with the order of the supreme spiritual leader.

With that said, he swaggered inside.

A sentry wants to stop it. This is the seat of the chairman of the Supreme Defense Committee. How dare they be so presumptuous?

However, another sentry immediately stopped him with his eyes.

Seeing a proud platoon of Revolutionary Guards enter the government building, although the sentinel was angry, there was nothing he could do.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a special branch of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is independent of the army and belongs to the same regular military force as the Iranian army. However, compared with the army, it is simply an incomparable existence.

Khomeini did not believe in the army. Therefore, when Pavelier's rule was overthrown in 79, Khomeini took over the army and did not hesitate to cleanse the army. A large number of experienced grassroots officers were purged. This is also the reason why the Iraqi army was able to drive straight in the early days of the war.Moreover, the "Mullah" Iranian clergy were sent to the army to reform the old army with Islamic ideas and become the "spiritual" commanders of the army personnel.

In addition to purging this army with insufficient loyalty, Khomeini formed another armed force in addition to the army: the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The predecessor of this team was various paramilitary armed forces against the Pahlavi regime. Supporting Khomeini's urban proletarians and youths in remote towns, this army is only loyal to the Supreme Spiritual Leader: Khomeini.

Therefore, in Iran, the status of this army is simply above other armies, and a soldier who offends this army will suffer the greatest revenge.

They received instructions from Khomeini and came to Ahvaz to arrest Abel Hassan who committed serious dereliction of duty while commanding the army!

Khomeini finally decided to take this former comrade-in-arms to death.

For the enemy, Khomeini never relents. Although Abel, like himself, opposed the Bavillian Dynasty, he even fought side by side, and became the first Iranian president.However, Abel did not support himself, especially in the famous Iranian hostage incident after radical students took over the US embassy, ​​and Abel did not support this action.He didn't want to extradite the heinous Bavillie?Since then, Khomeini has had a deep estrangement from Abel.

Abel advocated the separation of theocracy and political power, which aroused Khomeini's vigilance even more.

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