Babylonian Empire

Page 60

In the history of later generations, in the early morning of September 9, five infantry regiments and a large number of armored troops and artillery units, totaling 26 people, had already assembled on the Bahamshar River on the opposite bank of Abadan, and forcibly crossed Bahamshar. River, launched a surprise attack on Iraqi forces besieging Abadan.After three days of fierce confrontation, Iran achieved its first "major victory" since the start of the war, driving the Iraqi army across the Karon River and retreating into Khorramshahr. Arteries to Ahvaz, Massah, and Dahvin were opened, and an Iraqi division was annihilated.

This was a turning point in the Iran-Iraq War. From this battle, Iraq's aggressive offensive stopped, and then it fell into a defensive and retreating phase. Until it retreated to Iraq, the war began to burn on its own land.

What Zhang Feng has been working hard in the Southern Military Region is to rewrite the history of the Battle of Abadan!

However, he finally discovered that he was facing many obstacles, the most troublesome of which was the Air Force.

In modern warfare, the air force plays a key role. Last time in Susan Gilder, without the support of the air force, even if I blew up the opponent's fuel and ammunition supply base, the opponent still transported enough supplies by helicopter. The 35th Brigade will still be wiped out.

After the Air Force intervened, the situation became one-sided.

However, that was just a special case, and even this special case still took one afternoon plus one night.

Although there is also an air force base in Basra, any combat plan of the air force needs to be reported to the president for approval, resulting in very low efficiency. Even the army is often directly intervened by the president. These interventions often have the opposite effect.

From this point of view, my father is somewhat similar to the man with the mustache during World War II and the man who always liked to call his mother Xipi during the Anti-Japanese War.

To fight a war, you need to dare to delegate power. Those who come to the battlefield in person have the most say.

As a last resort, Zhang Feng returned to Baghdad with his own goals in mind. He tried to make his father happy and not let him interfere with the specific command of the army. The point is to give him the command of the air force of the Southern Military Region. put.

The ultimate goal is to bring victory to Iraq!Sensational, that is a must!

&nfhr" tip!

Chapter 65 Welcome Ceremony

Chapter 65 Welcome Ceremony——

Entering the lobby of the Palace of the Republic, what is going to be held inside is a grand state banquet. Except for the military, political figures, business tycoons, and the press, all have arrived:. "novel"

Seeing the spotlight flashing, Zhang Feng was very uncomfortable, but this was a situation he had to face, because he was no longer a soldier of the special forces, he was the son of a president, A battle hero.

Among the reporters, there are even British and American reporters. It seems that Saddam wants to prove to the Western world that he is fully capable of defeating the Persians.

Zhang Feng didn't think so. At first, he felt that the president did this to boost the morale of the people of the whole country. However, if he overdid it, it would be bad. Now the United States supports Iraq because of Khomeini. I am a die-hard anti-American imperialist, but if Iraq completely defeats Iran, this is definitely not what the United States wants to see. A powerful Middle Eastern country is not in the interests of the United States. They will continue to encourage these two countries to fight , until both sides decline.

Dealing with these complicated situations is much more troublesome than fighting the Persians on the battlefield.

Saddam walked up to the rostrum, and the following suddenly fell silent.

"For the tranquility of our Islamic world, and to smash Khomeini's shameful export revolution, we, the great Iraqi people, bravely launched an attack on the shameful Iranian government to rescue our compatriots who were enslaved by them. Our bloody battle has been very victorious, and just the other day our great Iraqi son, Qusay-Abdullah, fought valiantly and will prepare to surprise one of our Iranian armored divisions from the rear, fighting Annihilated, today, we warmly welcome, our fighting hero, a good example of the people, Qusay!"

Immediately, the following erupted in jubilation again, and countless people applauded enthusiastically.

Zhang Feng, wearing a neat military uniform with a hero medal on his chest, also walked to the front of the microphone.

"We, Iraq, are an ancient cultural country with a long history. As early as 4000 BC, the Mesopotamian civilization appeared. Baghdad under our feet is the birthplace of Babylonian civilization. We are the descendants of the great prophet Muhammad , we are the masters here! Today, shameless Khomeini distorts Muslim teachings and wants to enslave innocent people, we must take up arms and fight bravely to save our fellow Muslims even if we shed our last drop of blood , the last person left in the war, we are also worthy of our beliefs, we are the great Iraqi people:! We are invincible!"

The words are empty without any substantive content, but they are quite infectious.

Zhang Feng's words made everyone's blood boil.

Saddam looked at his son with indescribable kindness in his eyes. He found more and more that his son was very much like himself.There is a domineering arrogance to the world.

"May I ask Your Excellency Qusay, if you go deep into the enemy's rear and fight against the enemy, are you not afraid of being injured or sacrificed with honor?" a reporter asked.

"Injury or death, each of our soldiers is conscious, death, no one wants to happen to us, but when we join the army, our lives no longer belong to us, Belongs to our country, belongs to the people we are loyal to, we will never turn back." Zhang Feng answered very beautifully. "Those who followed me into the enemy's rear this time suffered one-third of the casualties. However, their sacrifices brought us today's victory. We Iraqi people will always remember their great achievements!"

"May I ask your Excellency Qusay, do you have confidence in defeating Iran? As far as I know, Iraq has been fighting for nearly a year, and even Abadan has not been captured." A blunt Arabic asked.

For a moment, all eyes were on the reporter who asked the question, who was a Frenchman.

The gaze, the sharp gaze, made the Frenchman feel very unnatural. If the gaze could kill, he would have died countless times:.

Zhang Feng smiled. Westerners are engaged in democracy and freedom. An ordinary Westerner dares to question the president's actions, let alone a reporter. It is understandable to ask such a question.

"This, I think, you can ask Khomeini, we eliminated one of his armored divisions this time, and Khomeini is crying in a mosque in Tehran!" Zhang Feng said.

As soon as the words came out, everyone burst into laughter, even the reporter who asked the question couldn't help laughing.

"No matter how nice I say here, I'm afraid it's meaningless. Let's wait and see who can win the final victory!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, that's the end of the question. Please enjoy the delicious meal. If you have any questions, you can ask them later." The host said.

The music sounded, and the waiters walked into the hall carrying drinks.

Zhang Feng stepped down from the stage and blended in with these people.

Although he has the identity of the president's son, but before that, he had been going to school and had very little contact with people from all walks of life. This time is an opportunity to get to know the upper class people in Iraq, build a good relationship with them, and treat himself well. There are great benefits.Among the crowd, many people are also watching this rising star who suddenly rose up. They all know that the future direction of Iraq may have a lot to do with this person.

There are also some beautiful girls watching this outstanding boy secretly. They are full of admiration for this hero, and their admiration can easily turn into admiration.

They all covered their faces with black scarves. Here, there is also a demon king. Although they are noble, that demon king is a famous pervert.

Uday hid in a corner, his attention today was not focused on those women, he looked at Qu Sai with a cold gaze, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Your Excellency Uday, why do you look a little gloomy today?" Oil Minister Chalabi came over and said.

"It's okay, I'm not feeling well." Uday said, and walked out of the hall.

Chalabi looked at him with doubts in his eyes.

At this time, Zhang Feng was talking with the Kuwaiti ambassador, smiling all over his face.

"Woo, woo, woo..." Suddenly, a sharp air defense siren sounded.

Oops, air strikes!

"Quick, evacuate the crowd." The guards in charge of security rushed in and tried their best to evacuate the big shots.

What a time!Zhang Feng thought that Iraq's air defense has always been a big problem. This time, he must discuss it with his father.

Thank you "o-shaped Pisces" for your reward!As always, please collect, click, and recommend!

Chapter 66 Air Raids

Chapter 66 Air Raid——

Khomeini was annoyed:.

Although the air force did not take off in the Battle of the Susangilde Swamp due to his intervention, he did not expect that such an armored division would be completely annihilated!

This is an armored division. There are no more than ten armored divisions in the entire Iranian regular army, and this armored division is fully staffed and has the strongest combat effectiveness.

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