Babylonian Empire

Page 64

Tragically, all of this stems from the shortage of parts. Before takeoff, an important valve in the engine hydraulic pipeline failed. After the ground crew simply repaired it, they carried out combat missions. As a result, during the violent maneuver just now, the failure occurred again. Appears, putting Ahami and Ranawad in a desperate situation.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that the panda has gracefully drawn an arc in the sky, but it is still not out of the attack range of the missile!

"Boom!" The missile chasing behind accurately hit the panda's right engine.

Just as the left hair lost power, the right hair was hit again, and both hearts of the panda stopped beating.Then, the fire at the back ignited the remaining fuel in the machine.

Before it could be ejected, the panda turned into a fireball in the sky.

Well done!Tusk, who was in charge of guiding him on the ground, said in his heart that he violated the military order this time and provided guidance to Arslan. Punishment, but also worth it.

In Arslan in the sky, there is no chance to see the fireball ignited by the panda in the sky at this moment. Under the pincer attack of two revenge pandas, the most important thing is that he can escape back.

The two pandas piloted by Major Abbas Hajin and Captain Akbari have already completed the U-turn and turned around, and they are ready to shoot down the MiGs that attacked them from behind.

Escape at low altitude?Arslan did not choose this method, and fled from low altitude. This was based on what the Soviet instructor said, because the radar lacked the ability to look down and shoot down, and because the clutter on the ground would make the radar screen snowflakes, so the opponent did not You can't spot yourself, let alone lock on and launch missiles:.However, after studying the experience gained through the blood of countless compatriots, Arslan knew that what the instructor said was not true at all.

It lacks the ability to look down and shoot down. It is a Soviet aircraft. Due to the backwardness of radar technology, it cannot work effectively at all. However, for the United States, which has advanced electronic technology, it has long overcome this shortcoming. The awg-9 radar can be used as a It is used as a long-range and medium-range pulse Doppler detector, which can identify and track low-altitude flying targets from the background of ground or sea clutter interference; or it can be used as a long-range and ultra-short-range ordinary pulse radar.

The Doppler principle refers to the change of wavelength due to relative motion, and the pulse means that the radar transmits signals at intervals. Pulse Doppler radar means that the radial velocity of the target and the interferer relative to the radar is different. is moving, and the interfering object mainly refers to that the ground object is not moving, so the echo signals also have different Doppler frequencies.The Doppler frequency spectral line of the target can be selected by the method of frequency domain filtering, and the spectral line of the interference clutter can be filtered out, so that the radar can separate and detect the target signal from the strong clutter.

Flying at low altitude, you can't escape the eyes of pandas. Moreover, when flying at low altitude, the speed of the plane will be much lower due to air resistance.At low altitudes, the MiG-23 can fly out of Mach 1 or more at most, while at high altitudes, the MiG-23 can fly out of Mach 2 or more.

If you want to escape, the faster the better.

Arslan pulled the lever without hesitation, and flew from mid-air to high-altitude.

Chapter 71 Getting Rid of the Phoenix

Chapter 71 Getting Rid of the Phoenix——

The pointed head of the MiG 23 breaks the huge sound barrier, and the wings are adjusted to the maximum sweep angle, just like a flying shuttle. The lavender flame is shot out from the thick tail nozzle, which is afterburning As a result of the work in the room, it quickly accelerated to extreme speed. "novel"

Theoretically, the afterburner can last up to 3 minutes. No matter how long the time is, the engine may be burned out. Afterburner is actually overdrawing the life of the engine.

Arslan didn't care about that much. If he succeeded, he would be a hero who could escape from the pursuit of the panda within ten kilometers.

Being hunted down and escaping is also a hero, because until now, none of the Iraqi planes that have come into contact with pandas at this distance has been spared.

If it is a race, I am afraid that the MiG 23 can not run as fast as the F14. However, the Iranian pilot is not interested in competing with him to see who can run faster.

In their eyes, the MiG that attacked them was already doomed.

They didn't turn on the afterburner. Although the distance is increasing, the weapon operator in the back cabin has enough time to launch the missile.

&ws mode, prepare Phoenix. said Abbas.

The &ws mode refers to tracking while scanning. In this case, the radar works in a pulse Doppler search mode. While tracking the target, it scans the surrounding airspace at the same time to prevent other situations from occurring. In the usual way, it can track 24 targets at the same time, and use -54 to attack 6 of them. That is to say, under ideal circumstances, a panda can deal with a squadron of the opponent.

In the &ws working state, the working distance of the radar is usually less than the maximum search distance. For example, the maximum search distance of your own radar for a reflection area of ​​5 square meters is 213 kilometers, but in the tws state, its working distance is 167 kilometers. However, For the MiG that flew only [-] kilometers away, this distance is nothing at all.

Since the mechanical radar needs to rotate, in this mode, it rotates once every two seconds, so the radar display will update the target position every two seconds.

Due to the lack of phoenix missiles, each plane carried only one phoenix, three sparrows, and two rattlesnakes on this mission. Although sparrows are enough for this distance, Abbas Decided to teach the other party a profound lesson and use the most powerful phoenix to kill the other party:.

The weapon operator in the rear cabin immediately operated the radar proficiently, locked on the target that was breaking away in front, provided guidance data for the 54 Phoenix missile, and quickly completed the launch preparation.

"The target has been locked." The weapon operator in the rear cabin reported.

"Launch!" Abbas pressed the launch button without hesitation.

A phoenix with a tongue of flame flew away from the panda's belly, and rushed towards the distant light spot.

In another Panda, Akbari also launched Phoenix.

The &-54 Phoenix air-to-air missile is a heavy-duty long-range air-to-air missile system developed by the U.S. Navy. It has a long range, high power, and the ability to attack multiple targets at the same time.Due to its huge size, each missile weighs an astonishing 440 kilograms and weighs nearly half a ton, so it can only be used on pandas.

The phoenix uses a large conical body; the body is equipped with 4 large delta wings to provide lift for the missile and maintain stability; the tail part is equipped with 4 cross-shaped fins to control the direction of flight; the missile is installed with a conventional Warhead, 60 kg continuous rod of high explosive.

The Phoenix missile system adopts different guidance modes from launch to hitting the target. After the missile is launched, it will automatically climb to an altitude of 24,000-30,000m and fly at a speed of Mach 5. The pre-programmed flight is used in the initial stage. In the middle section, the Panda’s awg-9 radar adopts a semi-active guidance method. When the missile enters the terminal guidance stage and the on-board radar system is activated to search and track the target, the missile will automatically dive downward. At this time, the missile will rush to the target at a very high speed. , even if the missile warhead does not explode, such a high kinetic energy is enough to directly crash the enemy plane.

Therefore, as long as one is hit by a phoenix, there is almost no possibility of surviving.

&-54 Phoenix is ​​the standard configuration of the Panda of the US Navy, but the most likely to be used in actual combat is the Iranian Air Force.

The two phoenixes have already flown into the sky. At this moment, the distance between the two sides is 23 kilometers. At this distance, the phoenix only needs to fly for a dozen seconds.

The weapon operator in the back cabin began to control the radar in an orderly and unsteady manner. The 25.4 cm diameter cathode ray tube tactical information display in front of him kept flashing light spots. The scan time of 2 seconds per week can be refreshed six or seven times, and the 12.7cm multi-working state storage tube next to it is displaying detailed information.

Fortunately, he was driving an improved model equipped with the "Siren" 3 radar warning system. Arslan knew that he had been locked by the other party when he heard the alarming siren sound from the earphones.

Arslan knew that it was time to finally test himself.

How to get out from the shadow of the phoenix?After carefully studying the various battles, Arslan found that among the cases of narrow escapes, there were two cases of rapid dives from high altitudes.

This shows that although the opponent's radar is powerful, it also has weaknesses. Of course, whether this weakness is a weakness has yet to be confirmed by oneself.

Arslan guessed that the opponent's radar would also lose its target under certain circumstances. This lost target will only have the best effect when the Phoenix missile is launched and the Phoenix missile is about to enter the no-escape zone. .

Therefore, he was counting down in his heart, "Five, four, three, two, one..." He pushed down the control lever, and the MiG-23 began to fall at a nearly vertical speed.

This action is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may enter a fatal stall and spin.

However, only by diving down can one be able to perform maximum maneuvering and fly the longest distance in the shortest possible time. In this way, it is possible to cause the opponent's radar to release the lock.

The Flogger began to tremble, and the front airspeed indicator began to approach the red zone, which had already exceeded the top speed of Mach 2.4. If it flew any further, it might cause the fighter jet to disintegrate in the air.

The huge overload made Arslan feel unspeakable discomfort, but he could still bear it, and he had to bear it.

To become a pilot, you must have extraordinary physical fitness.

The weapons operator in Abbas' rear cabin suddenly noticed that the light spot on the radar had disappeared.

The configuration of &-54 was actually originally for high-speed interception and dealing with intruding enemy strategic bombers. Although the radar used the most advanced 8080 processor and the program written in 8-bit assembly language, however, while tracking The scanning tws mode is not very reliable. It is better against slow and low-maneuvering bombers. However, when dealing with flexible fighters, the opponent's violent maneuvering and rapid displacement may cause the tws mode to be unlocked.

If there is enough time, the opponent can scan out all kinds of complex movements such as rolling. Moreover, the -54 Phoenix missile has the ability to re-lock the target in flight, and inject commands into the Phoenix again, lock, and attack.

However, the distance is very close now, and it is too late to re-lock. Then, the radar antenna with a small 54 seeker head has a very poor self-guidance effect. The radar of the serial carrier has lost its target, and the radar of the Phoenix cannot search To the target: The opponent has flown out of its fan-shaped scanning area.At this time, the -54 Phoenix has become an uncontrolled rocket.

"The target is released from lock, and the Phoenix missile will start the self-destruction process in 20 seconds." The weapon operator in the rear cabin said.

&, find that damned MiG aircraft," said the pilot in the front cabin, and began to control the aircraft to accelerate.

ps: In order to write these chapters, I consulted a lot of information, looking for how to use backward whippers to deal with pandas. On the Iran-Iraq battlefield, there were indeed cases of using backward fighter jets to shoot down pandas, and there were also cases of pandas under the claws of pandas There are only very few cases of escape, and luck is the main ingredient here.It was not possible until equipped with the new Mirage F1 and Super 530 missiles.

Thank you "Flying Dragon in the Night" for your reward!

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