Babylonian Empire

Page 67

"Tell me, what good idea do you have?" Saddam felt that his son had more and more potential to become a general.

"We have been afraid to enter the urban area of ​​Abadan to avoid the most brutal street fighting. When we fought Khorram Shahr, we paid more than 1 casualties. Therefore, we should avoid street fighting. It is better to avoid street fighting." , lure the Iranians out, and get rid of them outside the city." Zhang Feng said.

Chapter 75 Battle Plan

Chapter 75 Battle Plan——

During the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq's military command made a serious mistake. It paid too much attention to the competition for one city and one place, and ignored the elimination of its vital forces.

In order to capture Khorram Shahr, on September 9 last year, the Iraqi army launched a surprise attack on Khorram Shahr.Unexpectedly, I thought it would be easy to attack, but in the end, I fell into the traps of the opponent. In the narrow streets and road network full of obstacles, the attacking armored division suffered unexpected heavy losses.With the rapid reinforcement of a special brigade, the Iraqi army, which had been bathed in blood for 25 days, finally captured Khorramshahr. However, more than 1500 people were killed and more than 4000 were injured; Iran paid even more tragically The cost: more than 3000 people died and more than 5000 were injured.Later, Iraq changed the name of Khorram Shahr to Hunien Shahr—the city of blood, where the blood of those soldiers was dripping on every inch of the land, and it was now in ruins.But as a strategic location, Iraq has stationed an infantry division here.

In the war, overemphasizing the control of the city is undoubtedly the most short-sighted. The main goal should be to eliminate the enemy's vital forces. How many troops does Iran have in total?Eliminate half of his troops, and they will completely lose the ability to resist.It is simply not worthwhile to fight street battles in such a strong city and suffer heavy casualties.

Zhang Feng knew that it was still difficult for his father Saddam to accept his point of view. After all, occupying the enemy's territory had a very radiant face.Therefore, what he is proposing now is a temporary alternative.

Now, Abadan has always been under siege and has never been captured. In this way, it is not regarded as giving up the land that has already been obtained, right?Bring out Abadan's defenders on flat ground, won't you worry about destroying them?

"Qusay, what do you mean?" Adnan asked tentatively, "You want us to give up the siege of Abadan?"

&" Zhang Feng said: "Although we have been besieging Abadan on land, Abadan is a port. On the side of the waterway, we cannot surround it. We have been besieged for a year, but we have no choice but to get Abadan Well, the other party has been using boats to transport supplies to the Abadan defenders. If we continue to surround them, I'm afraid we won't be able to take advantage of them. Why don't we take a step back. "

"Go on," Saddam said.

"Our problem is that we don't want to use our flesh and blood to fill the bottomless pit of street fighting. Therefore, we have been besieging Abadan, but we have not achieved our expected goal. Anyway, we are also temporarily suppressing Abadan. If we don’t come down, why don’t we take advantage of the opportunity of the Iranians to counterattack and make a strategic retreat. In this way, the defenders of Abadan will definitely follow. We have besieged them for a year, and they have already suffocated. After they withdraw, we have enough ways to deal with the Iranians." Zhang Feng said.

"Retreat? Father, absolutely not, this is a betrayal of Allah!" Uday said aside.

Saddam ignored Uday. Although he hated the word retreat, he really appreciated this combat theory.

"If the Iranians really mobilized several divisions to attack us, can we attack Abadan's army, can we resist it?" Adnan thought more, the Iranian tanks are too powerful. I am afraid that those troops are not enough for field battles outside Bataan.

"It's not that we don't have strength, we just haven't fully tapped our strength." Zhang Feng said: "Father, if we only rely on our army, the t-62 main battle tanks we equip, and fight in the field, it is indeed not as powerful as the sheikh of Iran. Great, but we still have our own advantages! Today, the Iranians have lost the source of parts for their aircraft, and not many can be put into combat, and our air force is gradually becoming stronger. We can use the air force and attack aircraft Focus on the ground attack, kill the most elite tank division of the Iranians, and win our victory! In the swamp of Susan Gild, our 35th brigade could hardly stand it anymore. As soon as the air force arrived, the Iranian armored division was beaten to pieces .”

Hearing these words, Abid looked at Zhang Feng with eyes full of hope. The second son's words were said to be in his heart.

air force?Saddam instinctively wanted to shake his head:.

"Father, modern warfare is different from that of World War II. The air force is in the sky and has a very strong mobility advantage. Using our Su-17, Su-20, and MiG-23 are all very good countermeasures. Moreover, we also have Mi-24 armed helicopters. These aircraft can play a very important role in dealing with Iranian armored forces. We must use our own advantages to hit the Iranians Weakness. What we need most is victory!"

The last sentence moved Saddam's mind. Yes, what he needs is victory. Now that the war has fallen into a glued state, victory, one victory after another, is what he needs.

Even if it is dispatched, it will be the air force of the Southern Military Region. The air force around Baghdad is still under his strict supervision, so there should be no major problems.

"Father, I estimate that the Iranians will attack the Abadan army at the end of September. We don't have much time to prepare. We must complete the combat plan and deployment as soon as possible." Zhang Feng said.

"Qusay, you must be very confident when you say that?" Saddam suddenly laughed.

"Father, if the Air Force can achieve the planned strategic goals, we will definitely fight a beautiful war of annihilation! Eliminate the Iranian army, take down Abadan, take down Khomeini Port, and fight all the way to Munich!" In the words, there was a A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

What Saddam likes most is this momentum. A tiger father has no dogs. He is already full of pride for his son, and he has been winning battles these few times.

"Well, I agree with it." Saddam said: "The air force of the Southern Military Region is ready to support the ground forces."

"Yes, Your Excellency the President," Abed said.

"Qusay, you go back to the Southern Military Region. Now, your position is the special staff officer of the Southern Military Region Command. Note that your position is at the headquarters. If what happened last time happens again, I will transfer you back immediately. Baghdad," Saddam said.

His own son went to the battlefield in person and fought desperately with the Iranians. It is enough to do this kind of thing once.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President!" Zhang Feng was overjoyed.

"After returning, formulate a detailed combat plan and submit it to the Revolutionary Command Council." Saddam continued.

The Revolutionary Command Committee is a military organization established when the attack on Iran was planned, and the chairman is Saddam himself.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President," Zhang Feng asked tentatively, "That Arslan, can you transfer him to the Southern Military Region to serve his crimes and meritorious deeds?"

ps: Just this chapter during the day, and try to code out two chapters before 12 o'clock in the evening. Readers who are still there by then, please vote for your precious recommendation while clicking.Next week is streaking again, hoping to stay firmly on the member click list and member recommendation list.

I have been writing very hard, and I am very grateful to all readers for their support!

Chapter 76Back

Chapter 76 returns——

After landing, Arslan put away his parachute leisurely. This is on his own land, and it is very close to the capital. After the opponent's air raid is over, a search and rescue team will come to rescue him:.

Arslan walked south for a while, and came to the side of a road, waiting for the people who came to search for him.

Unexpectedly, looking forward to seeing through, after the bomb was dropped, the Iranian plane flew away long ago, but there was still no military vehicle coming.

Arslan felt a little bad in his heart, they must have forgotten themselves, right?In other words, it is very likely that the higher-ups think that they are already heroic, right?

He slapped his head, it must be like this, the MiG-23 fell, they probably thought that they had already spilled blood in the sky, right?

This is miserable, I have to think about it and go back.

walk back?In the sky, you can move the joystick and throttle, and you can go out for dozens of miles, but if you fall to the ground, with two legs, you can't even think about returning to the base before dark.

At this moment, a donkey cart came from a distance, and the driver was an old man.

Just in time, take a piece of yourself in a donkey cart!Arslan waved to the old man.

"What do you do?" The old man looked at Arslan's strange attire: he was wearing something that looked like a military uniform, but it didn't look like it, and he was holding a helmet in his hand.

"I'm a pilot. I was shot down from the sky by the Persians. Now I want to go to Baghdad. Can you give me a ride?" Arslan said, taking out ten dinars from his pocket.

The dinar is the currency of Iraq. At this time, one dinar can be exchanged for more than three dollars, and ten dinars is already a lot of money.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a piece." The old man said, and took the money.

Money can turn ghosts, Arslan lay on the donkey cart, looking at the white clouds in the blue sky, feeling very relaxed.

"Beep, beep." Suddenly, the horn of a car sounded in front of him. As soon as Arslan sat up, he saw several military vehicles approaching. "Search to see the fastest"

It doesn't take such a big battle to pick him up, it seems that he has become famous this time, Arslan shouted loudly: "Hey, I'm here!"

Unexpectedly, the driver drove past without even looking at him.

Arslan was depressed. Don't these people know that they are here?He looked at the flight suit on his body, which was already the most obvious sign.

The jeep in the middle stopped suddenly.

When Zhang Feng saw a dancing person on the donkey cart, he immediately became interested. Especially, this person was wearing the flight suit of the Iraqi Air Force. Although he was not flying a plane, but was on the donkey cart, that Vibrant and heroic, full of youthful vitality.

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