Babylonian Empire

Page 69

In the Battle of the Susangild Swamp, one of Iran's most elite armored divisions was completely annihilated. This dealt a great blow to the Iranian Army. The armored forces that had finally assembled again must not suffer losses in the early stages of the offensive. Therefore, in the Under his call, the young soldiers were recruited, and with their flesh and blood, they stepped on the opponent's minefield and opened the way for their troops to advance!

As for the young soldier, the soul will be purified and ascended to heaven.

The devotion to God of the young soldiers who received the great call made them fearless.

"Shoot, shoot now." An urgent order came from Kalmar's division headquarters.

The military headquarters in Basra also received this shocking news, and everyone's heart sank.

They knew that being able to deal with the enemy calmly this time was inseparable from the hard work of the past two months. If the whereabouts of the Persians had not been discovered in advance, the army besieging Abadan now would be very dangerous. Huo Meni actually drove such a group of teenagers who were not afraid of death to go to the minefield!This is simply appalling.If the army is caught off guard, I am afraid that it will really be defeated.

Zhang Feng knew that all of this was true. The Iran-Iraq War was a war as tragic as the Second World War. With the emergence of high-tech weapons, such primitive crowd tactics were still used. Use the blood of countless people to pave the road to victory.

This is absolutely blasphemy against Allah!

Only by winning, only by destroying Khomeini's regime, can such a tragedy never happen again!

Behind the position, the soldiers of the mechanized infantry brigade, who had already ambushed, manipulated the weapons in their hands and violently shot at the Persians on the opposite side.

The tanks in the fortifications behind began to use machine guns to ruthlessly shoot at the enemies rushing over:.

The oil drum placed in front of the minefield was blown up, and a sea of ​​flames was formed immediately. The survivors who had walked through the minefield kept rolling in the flames.

Thousands of young soldiers have all lay down on the road through the minefield, and their bodies are everywhere.

They used their bodies to open a bloody path through the minefield.

In the rear, led by a small number of tanks, a large number of infantry followed.

Bullets are flying everywhere, and no one knows whether they will be hit by bullets and fall down at the next moment. They are all rushing forward, rushing forward desperately. At this moment, they seem to have become machines without thinking. They are fearless of death.

The sound of rapid and short automatic rifle fire, continuous heavy machine gun fire, mixed with the sound of grenade explosions from mortars and tank guns, the dark night has been shattered by tracer bullets.

Abadan, enter the bloody battle tonight!

ps: In the Iran-Iraq War, the most tragic thing was those young soldiers who stepped on landmines. They were the vanguards in repeated large-scale counterattacks.

&nng's tip!There is no recommendation next week, it all depends on the support and encouragement of all book friends!Clicks and recommendation tickets are all urgently needed by the heroes of East China. The focus of next week is the battle for Abadan under the command of Qu Sai!The Turning Point of the Iran-Iraq War!

Chapter 78 Fire

Chapter 78 Fire——

The impregnable line of defense is in jeopardy under the impact of the Iranians' fearless death:.

The first line of defense composed of mines and oil barrels has lost its due role in the dedication of the young soldiers who ascended to heaven:.

At last they reached the ditch ahead.

Looking at the trench that was ten meters wide and three meters deep, they were waiting for the firewood transport team to arrive. Only when the trench was filled with firewood could they pass through this place.

The opponent's machine guns, automatic rifles, and all kinds of firepower were all deployed to this side. Even the Chieftain tank was not afraid of light firepower, and it was helpless in front of the trench.

I don't know who it was, but the first one pushed down the corpses of the soldiers who died in battle. As a result, the second and third ones used their brother's corpses to pave the way.

People kept falling, and people kept rushing up, and the fallen corpses became stepping stones again.

Finally, with the dead bodies of their brothers, they filled the ditch.

The Chieftain tank waiting aside rumbled past.

The &-62 tank cannot aim at the rolling chiefs, and most tank soldiers are not used to aiming with backward infrared headlights.They could only shoot recklessly, and this kind of shooting just exposed their hiding place.

Just now I have been charging, I have been silently sacrificing, and now, I finally charged up!

The tanker of the Chieftain tank used the advanced fire control system to blow up the turrets of several firing T-62s.

"The second brigade and the third battalion, the second brigade and the third battalion, charge back and drive the Persians back." The teacher's angry shout came from the radio.

The third battalion was the mechanized infantry battalion. Seeing that their tanks could not compete with the Persian chiefs, they immediately called out to their soldiers: "Rocketman, come with me and kill the Persian tanks."

As he spoke, he picked up an rpg rocket launcher and ran forward.

Because they have been suppressed just now, the chief's tankers are full of anxiety. Now that they have passed the trench, they can't wait to kill all the enemies on the opposite side immediately. The chieftain's tank drives faster and faster, and distances itself from its own infantry.

The battalion commander of the third battalion was carrying a bazooka. Hearing the roar of the tank engine on the opposite side, he knew that he was getting closer to the opponent. In the blur, he saw the outline of the chief. He immediately turned around and jumped into a nearby bomb crater.

"Tap, tap." The synchronous machine gun at the front of the tank turret was firing continuously as the turret rotated.

The commander of the third battalion saw several soldiers following him, and before he could hide, he was shot by the tank's machine gun.

The 7.62mm machine gun bullets knocked them down one after another, and the ground was stained red with blood.

The commander of the third battalion had anger in his eyes. At this time, the tank had passed by his side. He quickly aimed at the rear of the tank and pulled the trigger.

A puff of white smoke came out from behind, and a tongue of flame rushed towards the Chieftain.

Tanks without infantry protection are easily attacked by infantry from the side and rear. The tank has narrow internal vision and many blind spots: .

They were still moving forward, when suddenly, they felt a violent impact.

The rocket hit the Chief's tail accurately.

The protection at the rear of any tank is the weakest, and here is where the engine is located. The heat flow from the rocket launcher ignited a terrible fire.

Suddenly, the tank soldiers were surrounded by fire.

In front was a machine gun position, several NSVs heavy machine guns were frantically spitting out flames, and the soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who rushed up were all torn in half by the powerful 12.7mm machine gun bullets.

This heavy machine gun was designed in 1972 by three designers, Nikki, Sokolov and Vladimir Volkov, and was equipped with the Iraqi army in the late 70s.

The gun uses 12.7x108 mm caliber heavy ammunition, the total length is 1560 mm, the whole gun weighs 25 kg, and the barrel weighs 9 kg. It can be used as a different machine gun with different gun mounts.The soldiers of the mechanized infantry brigade use a 6t7 gun rack, which is mainly used to deal with ground targets. It is called an nsvs machine gun. Points, it is more than enough to deal with lightly armored targets and firepower points within 1500 meters.

The most advanced machine gun of this kind is equipped with a 1pn52-1 night-vision sight. However, even in the Tenth Armored Division, only the machine gun squad of their machine infantry division is equipped with this kind of sight for experimental use. That.

Tonight, they are in the limelight.

They were just in front of the charging Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and machine guns spit out flames, devouring the lives of the Persians.

Although it was a dark night, the green silhouettes of living soldiers could also be seen in the night vision goggles. All they needed to do was to keep shooting and shooting towards these silhouettes.

Those who can enter the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are all die-hard members of the Iranian revolution and the most loyal to Khomeini. They are not afraid of death at all, they keep charging and then fall.

The predecessor of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was only active members in the revolution. Many of them were radicals who had just picked up their guns and did not know too much about actual combat actions.

Soon, a company of Revolutionary Guards fell on the way to charge.

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