Babylonian Empire

Page 7

Zhang Feng figured it out in a blink of an eye. He was an idiot. Generally speaking, fighter jets were organized in squads, squadrons, and brigades.

Two pairs of planes form a squadron, a squadron consists of four planes, and a brigade has three squadrons.

Since the opponent has eight planes, it must be two squadrons, a group of four.

Although four planes were shot down just now, that was only the first echelon, and there is still the second echelon!

As long as one plane successfully bombs and two mk84 bombs fall, it will be a fatal blow to the nuclear reactor!

"There are enemy anti-aircraft artillery positions ahead, climb up immediately, climb up immediately!" In the headset, the urgent voice of Lieutenant Colonel Amir Nahumi, the leader of the "chisel" team, came.

The moment the four low-flying fighter jets in front were shot down, Nahumi knew that there was a trap ahead, and this top-secret bombing operation actually leaked it!Otherwise, how could the opponent set up a hidden anti-aircraft artillery position by such a worthless lake, which is obviously waiting for its own fighter jets.

How could the damn Mossad Israeli intelligence department make mistakes in such a major event?

Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, the most important thing is to save your own life.

The opponent's anti-aircraft artillery position is very cleverly arranged, just on the channel where you are about to turn. Unless you turn a small turn with a radius of 500 meters, otherwise, you will never escape the attack of the opponent's anti-aircraft artillery.

However, even in the case of air superiority mounting, the turning radius of the f-16 fighter is 5000 meters. It was not until the f-20 fighter developed by the Japanese on the basis of the f-16 2 years later, with advanced technology, that The turning radius has been shortened to 1600 meters.

If you can't turn, you can only climb high. When you climb to 2000 meters, the opponent's anti-aircraft guns will be helpless.

However, in such an urgent situation, it is simply impossible to climb up to 2000 meters in a few tens of seconds.

It's better than sitting still.

Nahumi turned on the booster switch with his left hand and pushed the throttle lever to the maximum. Immediately, the engine increased several tons of thrust, and the speed immediately increased. With his right hand, he pulled the joystick back to the bottom, and the plane immediately raised its nose and pierced straight. Sky.

Climb high, climb high, climb high, and get out of the range of the opponent's anti-aircraft gun as soon as possible.

"Damn, give me the missile immediately." Zhang Feng said.

Gasal immediately lifted the Sam-7 missile and placed it on Zhang Feng's right shoulder.

"Second young master, be careful."

"Stop talking nonsense, and that one." Zhang Feng said.

Gasal was taken aback. He didn't know when the second young master learned to use this high-tech missile, and he wanted to launch two missiles?

If possible, Zhang Feng would not want to carry two heavy missiles on his shoulders. However, fighter planes are fleeting. If the missiles cannot be launched within a few seconds, the opponent will fly away. Four fighter planes and eight bombs are absolutely worthless. It will blow up the nuclear power plant to nothing.

The Sam-7 is an infrared-guided missile. Zhang Feng could no longer take into account the weight on his shoulders. He turned on the aiming device and aimed at the aircraft flying at high speed in the sky. With the afterburner opened, the tail nozzle was spraying Fiery flames.

"Drip!" There was a locked sound from the headset immediately, and he pressed the firing trigger without hesitation.

"Hey!" A stream of flames spewed out from the tail, and Sam-7 flew out of the launcher immediately.

Zhang Feng didn't care about the scorching flames making him uncomfortable, so he immediately aimed the launch tube on his left shoulder at the second plane, and after the sound of locking came from the earphone, he immediately launched it.

Two missiles, one in front and one behind, flew towards the plane that was trying to climb higher.

After launching, Zhang Feng felt that all his strength had been exhausted. He threw away the two empty tubes after launching, sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Nahumi was pressed tightly on the seat by a huge overload, and the anti-G suit pressed his lower body tightly, allowing the blood to flow up to the brain, so as not to cause black vision. At this time, there were only 5 overloads, which he could fully bear In the range.

He lowered his head and glanced at the altimeter. He had already reached 1000 meters. He had used the F-16 fighter jet to the extreme. Under this intensity of use, the wing root did not break due to the huge pulling force.

He heaved a sigh of relief. Iraq's anti-aircraft guns were relatively backward. Generally speaking, they would only shoot random shots into the air, and there was no threat at all. An encirclement circle was set up before the four planes crashed into the sand.

Although his climb exposed the target, the moment the f-15 climbed up, he had already announced the arrival of his group of uninvited guests. Now, the most important thing is to re-adjust the course and bomb the nuclear reactor.

This bombing carried ordinary bombs without guidance capabilities, which required dive-dropping, which put high demands on the quality of the pilots. For this day, they practiced dive-dropping many times.

The flight route has been planned, they only need to turn at the specified place and pull up at the specified place, basically there is no problem, but now everything is messed up.

As the leader of the "chisel" team, Nahumi is now thinking more about how to use the remaining four planes to enter the correct bombing route and blow up the opponent's nuclear reactor.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the back cabin. Before Nahumi could turn his head, he saw a huge red reflection on the windshield. Immediately afterwards, he felt a heat wave coming. In the heat wave, it was instantly reduced to ashes.

The Sam-7 missile accurately hit the engine of the F-16 fighter jet. At this moment, the afterburner of the engine was being turned on. After the missile warhead entered the engine, an explosion occurred. Countless fragments smashed the engine, and the heat flow ignited the aviation fuel. The f-16 immediately became a mass of fire and disintegrated in the air.

Another plane that climbed with Nahumi suffered the same fate.

There was cheering on the ground.

Until the missile accurately hit the opponent's fighter jet, Gasal still couldn't believe it. When will the second young master use this advanced missile?Also fired two at a time.

"Second young master, you are too powerful." Gasal said.

"Quick, retreat immediately!" Zhang Feng shouted nervously.

The f-15 air superiority fighters serving as escort missions were originally hovering at an altitude of 5000 meters, ready to meet fighter jets taking off from Iraq at any time.The second-generation fighter jets equipped by Iraq, such as MiG-21 and MiG-23, are not the opponents of the third-generation F-15 at all. They turned on the radar. Although they were thieves, they blatantly turned on the flashlight. They had nothing to fear.

However, unexpectedly, the opponent's fighter plane did not appear, and the fighter plane that he was in charge of covering was destroyed by the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery position!

They were going crazy, Bahari gave an order on the radio, and they swooped down from the sky like eagles to the lake.

Although the main combat object of the F-15 is fighter jets, and the air-to-air missiles are mounted on the external pylons, there is also an M61A1 Vulcan cannon outside the right air inlet.Now, it's time for them to use these cannonballs to vent their anger and eliminate this group of damned enemies.

If you are not afraid of death, you can use anti-aircraft guns and the cannons of F-15 fighter jets to bombard them.However, Zhang Feng didn't want to do that. He wiped out the opponent's F-16 fighter jets and canceled their plan to bomb the nuclear reactor, and his goal was achieved. The F-15 is only equipped with air-to-air missiles. If they go to bomb the nuclear reactor, it will be like scratching someone with an itch, and it is not dangerous at all.

Therefore, seeing the opponent's air superiority fighter flying down, Zhang Feng gave the order to evade without hesitation. He took the lead to get up and ran into the woods by the lake.

If I have a few more Sam-7s, I must show you how to see them.Zhang Feng ran into the woods while thinking.

Just ran into the woods, took a breath, and looked out of the woods.

This look made Zhang Feng feel as if he was in an ice cellar, and those two F-16s with bombs on them flapped their wings and flew to the east!

I have tried my best, but I still haven't stopped things from happening. Could it be that history cannot be rewritten?

Chapter 8 The Tragic Bombing

Chapter 8 The tragic bombing——

When a huge fireball ignited in the sky ahead, the F-16 fighters piloted by Colonel Iftach-Specot and Captain Ilan-Raymond were at the end of the entire formation. "novel"

Hearing Nahumi's anxious voice from the earphone: "There are enemy anti-aircraft artillery positions ahead, climb up immediately, climb up immediately!" kilometers away.

It’s not that Iftach left behind on purpose, but he had to wipe his big Jewish nose with his hand from time to time. In order to keep his brain clear, he didn’t take cold medicine, and now, after a long flight, He finally couldn't hold on anymore, the stuff in his nose began to flow out involuntarily, and he had to use his hands to help.

In this way, he could not maintain a dense formation without breaking the radio silence, so he distanced himself from the lead plane Nahumi.

At the end of the entire formation, Lei Meng had already discovered that the ace pilot was not in good condition today, so he did not pass Iftachi, but followed behind him.

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