Babylonian Empire

Page 71

In the Iranian army, only the most elite army can be equipped with British-made Emirates tanks with 120mm caliber guns. The old American-made m48 tanks are still in service in the Iranian army, but their models are all the latest m48a5 and others.

The &48a5 increased the engine power to 750 horsepower, and the caliber of the main gun increased from 90 mm to 105 mm. Although it cannot be compared with the 120 mm chief, its performance is not inferior to that of the t-62 equipped by Iraq.Moreover, an aiming device including an active infrared night sighting device, a mechanical ballistic computer and a combined image optical rangefinder is installed, and the aiming head is very high when shooting a target.

Like a knife, they tore open the Iraqi front.

The &48 tanks kept firing shells, and each shell would overturn the opponent's fortifications.

Although fortifications such as minefields have been arranged on the periphery, there are no such fortifications in the direction facing Abadan, because the Iraqi army is going to attack the city. If mines are placed in front, it will affect own offense.

In this way, it is also convenient for the defenders in the city. Under the cover of tanks, those machine gun bunkers have been destroyed by tanks. They only need to rush forward, kill the army that has besieged them for nearly a year, and completely wipe out the Iraqis. is their greatest wish.

They have the absolute upper hand.

Suddenly, Iraqi tanks appeared ahead!

"One thousand and five meters ahead, six o'clock direction, one armor-piercing projectile!" The commander of the m48 tank said calmly.

What I just hit was fortifications, and I used grenades, but now I have to replace them with armor-piercing bullets.

The loader immediately replaced the grenade in his hand, picked up an armor-piercing projectile, and stuffed it into the barrel.

"200 meters, prepare to aim." The commander shouted.

&The 48 tank trembled, and an armor-piercing projectile fired at the opponent's tank.

The battle is going on fiercely.

In order to allow the soldiers of the mechanized infantry brigade fighting in the position to retreat as planned, Kalmar had to dispatch the armored brigade to withstand the fierce attack of the opponent, and the soldiers began to board the Type 63 armored vehicles in an orderly manner.

The reason why the 20th Armored Division was chosen to take on this task was because the Armored Division moved quickly. Within [-] minutes, the soldiers who were still fighting just now had already boarded the armored vehicles and "fleeed" to the west.

After all the officers and soldiers of the machine infantry brigade began to retreat, the two tank brigades completed the task of covering.

At this time, in the direction of the main attack of the Iranians, the chieftain tank had completed refueling and rushed forward again.

They wanted to use the Chieftain's powerful main gun to teach Iraqi tank soldiers a lesson they would never forget.

Unexpectedly, they rushed to nothing, and the other party escaped!

Chapter 80 Pursuit

Chapter 80 Pursuit——

The &-62 tanks lead the way in the front, followed by a large number of 63-type armored vehicles and off-road vehicles in the middle, and behind them are densely packed T-62 tanks, which are breaking down. If you look at it from the air, it will be a magnificent scene, just like ants before the heavy rain. move place.

The scene of fleeing in a hurry made any commander think that this was definitely a crippled army, as long as they charged forward, they would be beaten to pieces.

"Report, our army has defeated the enemy, and the Iraqi army is currently retreating."

Hearing this news, Hassan finally let go of his major concerns, a great military achievement has already fallen on him.

Since the start of the war, the Iraqi army has driven forward and finally stopped in front of Abadan. After more than a year of siege, the Iraqi army lost its spirit early. Now, the Iraqi army has been crushed by its own fierce offensive, especially in Susan In the case of the failure of the Gilder Swamp, this victory and the defeat of the Iraqi army will give him another red star on his shoulders!

Khomeini is also very happy. He came here because Iran can no longer afford to lose this battle. For this victory, he has gathered all the elite troops, and all the troops that can be dispatched have been dispatched. If this battle is lost, the consequences will be unbearable.

The heroic Iranian army, relying on their fearless spirit and firm belief, finally won the Abadan counterattack!

"Order, let the troops step up their pursuit and wipe out these Iraqi troops!" Hassan said.

Now, the entire Iraqi army has been defeated. If you don't take advantage of this time to wipe out more enemies, you will be sorry for your victory this time.

"Let the air force come out and block the way for the Iraqis to retreat," Khomeini said.

"Yes, the air force is dispatched," Hassan said.In the current situation, as long as the vanguard of the retreating Iraqi army is blocked, these troops can be surrounded and annihilated. The best place is the Karon River. "novel"

On the battlefield, the Chieftain tanks are the happiest to drive. They have been biting the tail of the Iraqi army, and have destroyed more than a dozen tanks and retreated.

In order to prevent greater losses, the tank companies in charge of the rear are all driving backwards. In this way, the front armor with the thickest armor can be placed behind them, which gives the tank driver a big advantage. Test: You need to reverse at high speed without seeing the rear!

Unless it is to show off stunts, in normal times, high-speed reversing is definitely a thrilling performance, but now, this performance is staged in these tank companies of the Tenth Armored Division.

At this time, the periscopes of the commander and the gunner are both doing one thing: observing the road ahead and directing the driver.

There is only one thing the driver needs to do: press and hold the accelerator, and then follow the commander's command.

&-62's crude fire control system can only be fired when it is parked. Therefore, in this high-speed retreat situation, they don't have to think about how to fight back against the Chieftain tank chasing behind. The distance between the two sides.

"Pull the left steering lever, hurry up, we're about to collide:!" the driver suddenly shouted.

The driver slammed the left steering lever, and heard the sound of metal rubbing against each other. They had already rubbed against a tank next to them. They didn't stop at all. Just like that, they reversed together and passed by. After more than ten seconds, they separated.

so close!The crawler side skirts, I'm afraid they have been hung up and down.

"Bastard, get out of my way!" the driver of an Chieftain tank yelled.

Iran's tank troops are also catching up quickly.

Originally, the Chieftain tank was at the front, but the m48 tank passing by from behind passed them instead.

The chieftain has a 720-horsepower engine and drives a body of more than 50 tons. It is obviously not comparable to the mobility of the m48, which has always been criticized by the chieftain tank.

The drivers of the &48 tanks ignored the other party's abuse. They have been holding back in the urban area of ​​Abadan for more than a year. Now it is time for revenge. They have only one idea: to catch up and defeat the Iraqi army!

When it was overwhelming on the ground, Hassan knew that the key to victory lies in the air. As long as the air force comes to support, destroy the vanguard of the Iraqi army and hinder the opponent's actions, it will be able to provide support for the pursuit troops in the rear. Annihilate the opponent and create opportunities.

"Report to the commander, Divisional Commander Kalma has already started a planned retreat, and the Iranians are chasing them," said a staff officer.

Just received the report from the reconnaissance plane, the situation on the battlefield is already clear at a glance.

Now that Zhang Feng is here, the battle must not be the same as their original style of fighting. The various military branches must be closely united.

In the morning, Zhang Feng let Basra Air Force Base take off a MiG-21 reconnaissance plane. This is a reconnaissance model refitted from a MiG-21 fighter jet. Reconnaissance camera equipment is installed in the protrusion of the nose. .

According to reconnaissance planes and reports returned from the scene, the Iranian army did not give up after paying heavy casualties and driving away the 10th Armored Division. Instead, it has been following the 10th Armored Division, preparing to completely send this army to a dead end. .

Not only the few troops on the outskirts, but even the defenders in Abadan City swarmed out, at least the size of a division. In this way, even if there were, there would not be many, at most, the strength of a battalion.

Abadan has become an empty city.

All the generals smiled knowingly. The price paid for attacking a heavily defended city and occupying an empty city will be very different.

Staff Qu Sai's strategy really works!

"Your Excellency, Commander, it's time for us to implement the second phase of the plan," Zhang Feng said, "to request the Northern Military Region to launch an attack wave to attack Tehran."

"Yes, it's time to strike east and west." Izzat said this idiom in Arabic.

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