Babylonian Empire

Page 93

In the late 70s, due to the mastery of all oil resources, coupled with several oil price increases, Kuwait's oil revenue soared, and its economy developed quite fast, making it the country with the highest per capita national income in the world. In 1981, the per capita income was as high as US$2, ranking first in the world.

After the economic development, Kuwait began to vigorously develop the desalination industry. The original fresh water was almost entirely imported from Iraq. Now, it is gradually getting rid of this restriction. Therefore, the huge fresh water input pipeline originally built on the border between the two countries has been replaced. Some are in disuse.

Although Kuwait's petrochemical industry has gradually developed, it still cannot meet its needs. Therefore, many of them are directly transported in the form of crude oil, and the profits of petroleum refining are lost in vain:.

Therefore, on this basis, Zhang Feng proposed to use the Abadan oil refinery to refine Kuwait's excess oil, which received the full support of President Saddam Hussein. In order to avoid diplomatic and political problems, Iraq will Use the abandoned fresh water pipeline to transport Kuwait's oil to Basra. In this way, Kuwait's problems can be avoided. Since it needs to be done secretly, Saddam handed over this matter to Zhang Feng to handle it. Abba The Dan oil refinery is also managed by Zhang Feng, and he only needs to be directly responsible to the president.

After leaving Saddam's office, looking at the white clouds in the sky, Zhang Feng felt very comfortable. In this struggle with Uday, although he seemed to have suffered a disadvantage on the surface, the place he won was given to Uday for no reason. , Let him manage it, but the key departments are all firmly controlled by him.The army did not listen to Uday's command at all, and he persuaded the president to hand over the biggest benefit to him, the Abadan oil refinery. This Uday ran to this newly established industry at great risk. As the governor of the province, as a result, he didn't get any benefits.

The next step is the trip to Kuwait.

In the field of politics and economics, Zhang Feng is not good at it. Therefore, for this negotiation, Zhang Feng went with Tariq Aziz and Hikmat Mizban-Ibrahim.

Although the two are still not well-known characters in the Liberty Palace, Zhang Feng is very familiar with their names, and Tariq will be appreciated by Saddam Hussein in the next few years and become a famous person. He is a diplomat, and Hikmat will become the Minister of Finance in charge of the economy. Therefore, before these figures have been reused, Zhang Feng first dug them into his own forces.

Although the two are about 40 years old, they were able to be appreciated by His Excellency Qusay, and they both felt grateful to His Excellency Qusay when they visited Kuwait.

They know that His Excellency Qusay is now in full swing, and he can follow His Excellency Qusay, and will occupy an important position in the center of power in Iraq in the future. In particular, they learned from His Excellency Qusay that this visit to Kuwait is a With a secret mission.

People who have access to the core secrets have two endings. One is to become a core figure and be reused. The other is to be discarded and be killed when they are used up. They firmly believe that His Excellency Qusay’s choice is the first kind.

As for Zhang Feng, when he handed over the task to the two, they began to make full preparations. In China, they began to recruit a large number of skilled manpower to prepare to work in the Abadan Oil Refinery. The salary is twice that of the domestic After all, it was just laid down there, and working there is very dangerous.

In addition, they have also made sufficient preliminary preparations for His Excellency Qusay's visit to Kuwait. This time it is a secret operation, so they will not publicize it like usual. This requires a safe arrangement. Get in touch with the upper echelons of Kuwait.

Half a month later, Zhang Feng took the two of them, as well as a team of the Rattlesnake Special Forces, as bodyguards, and instead of taking a plane, they chose to enter Kuwait by road.

ps: Many readers are strongly demanding to see the political and economic construction. Therefore, after the previous military struggle is over, these contents will also be officially staged. The contact with neighboring countries will start with Kuwait. Of course, Saudi Arabia is also an important friend, and Palestine The grievances and grievances with Israel will unfold one by one.

Thank you readers for your great support and encouragement. There should be another update tonight, if it can be coded out.Please remember the URL, if you like "Babylonian Empire" written by Huadongzhixiong

Chapter 1 Prince Fahd

Chapter 1 Prince Fahd——

In order to keep it secret, Zhang Feng's team, all in ordinary civilian off-road vehicles, crossed the border at the Safwan checkpoint and entered Kuwait:. "Search to see the fastest"

Zhang Feng, who comes from later generations, naturally knows that in the 90s, Saddam turned against each other and launched a wrong war to invade Kuwait. However, during the Iran-Iraq War, Kuwait was firmly on the side of Iraq. At that time, Iran invaded the mainland of Iraq and occupied the Fao Peninsula. Kuwait also organized volunteers to participate in the battle against the Iranians.

And the one who led this volunteer army to the Iran-Iraq battlefield was Prince Fahd, the younger brother of Emir Jaber Ahmed Sabah.In other words, the prince firmly supported Iraq, and most of the war loans were facilitated by Prince Fahd.

Therefore, when entering Kuwait this time, the first person Zhang Feng visited was not Jaber, but Fahd.

After leaving the Mesopotamia and entering Kuwait, it immediately became desolate.

Looking out of the car window, there are large deserts, sand dunes one after another, one after another, no green trees, no people, only this lonely convoy is moving forward:.

After walking for 10 minutes, Zhang Feng discovered that there was a convoy ahead.

Different from my own team, the worst cars in the other team's team are much more upscale than the Ferrari sports car that Zhang Feng drove in the villa. The Mercedes-Benz in the front has shiny wheels, and you can tell it at a glance , that is the unique luster of gold.

Damn, this Kuwaiti is rich!Zhang Feng's mouth became an O shape. Zhang Feng knew that even ordinary people in Kuwait would definitely be able to afford such a car. This is the gap!

Just as Zhang Feng was drooling at the convoy ahead through the glass, the other convoy suddenly slowed down and stopped.

has a problem!Before Zhang Feng gave the order, the special forces in several vehicles had already clenched their guns. They were already experienced fighters and had already sensed the abnormality of the opposing convoy.

The opponent's convoy stopped, and a group of people came out from inside. It was obvious at a glance that they were well-trained fighters, not members of the army, but refined bodyguards.

The door of the car in the middle opened, and a middle-aged man stepped out of the car.

Just in time, Zhang Feng's convoy also drove up in front of him, and Zhang Feng recognized the man at a glance.

Capable and confident, with a chic demeanor, it is Prince Fahd!

"The convoy stops moving forward." Zhang Feng quickly ordered.

As soon as the car stopped, Zhang Feng got out of the car, followed by Tariq and Hikmat.

Zhang Feng's troops are already standing behind them, ready to deal with all kinds of emergencies at any time.

Zhang Feng smiled and walked in front of the prince opposite, and said: "I really didn't expect that His Royal Highness would come here to greet me in person. I was so surprised."

Fahd looked at Zhang Feng, who was still a teenager, and said, "Your Majesty Qusay, I heard about your heroic deeds when I was in Kuwait. I didn't expect you to be so young beyond my imagination."

"Thank you, Your Highness, youth is not contagious." Zhang Feng said.

"Haha," Prince Fahd smiled heartily, "Welcome, my Muslim brother."

Two pairs of big hands held together.

Both Tariq and Hikmat also greeted Fahd.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhang Feng suddenly remembered something, and said, "This time we are having a secret meeting, is it too conspicuous for you to make such a big fuss?"

"Don't worry, this is the most normal way. The next few empty cars are reserved for you and your men. Let's go to Jahra, where I have my private residence." Fahd said.

Is this normal?Zhang Feng looked at the few inconspicuous off-road vehicles he found on purpose, and suddenly remembered, in this highly developed country, where else would anyone drive such a vehicle?If you don't drive a luxury car, it will be conspicuous!

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Zhang Feng said.

Let his subordinates transfer to several empty cars behind, and Zhang Feng got into Fahd's Bentley.

Immediately, a refreshing feeling came. Although it was already October, it was still hot outside. The air conditioner in this car made people feel very comfortable.

Sitting on a leather seat and drinking a drink from the car refrigerator is a world of difference compared to just now. This is the benefit of being rich.

Fahd carefully looked at the person in front of him. In the past few months, this man, or boy, has created miracles one after another. The powerful Israeli Air Force and the fearless Iranian army were all defeated by him.

Although Fahd lived a pampered royal life, he was still a passionate young man. The Islamic export revolution initiated by Khomeini made him very disgusted. No matter what kind of spiritual leader Khomeini was, he could not The way to overthrow the regime of a sovereign country, the first is Iraq, the second will be Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Khomeini’s ultimate delusion is to bring all the countries in the Middle East under his theocracy , This is a regression of civilization!Therefore, he is very supportive of the war in Iraq.

Zhang Feng also looked at the prince in front of him, and firmly supported the prince of Iraq. In later generations, after learning that the treacherous Iraq had brazenly launched an attack on Kuwait, the prince felt the anger of betrayal. He had no choice but to fight with the king. He also went into exile in Saudi Arabia, but he and his two sons, leading the soldiers of the Dasman officer, persisted in the 24-hour defense battle, and finally shed the last drop of blood.

This is an upright and respectable prince!

In the car, it is inappropriate to go directly to the core topic. Zhang Feng and Prince Fahd are just chatting.

"Your Excellency Qusay, your military command is so superb that I can't believe it. President Saddam is so lucky to have a son like you," Fahd said.

"Where, the war is for the ultimate peace. If possible, I hope that I am a person who can govern the country, make the people live and work in peace, and make the Middle East a happy place." Zhang Feng said: "Because of some people's ambition, It has led to this war, and I have no ability to prevent the outbreak of this war, so I will do my best to end this war as soon as possible.”

Fahd was shocked, and he couldn't believe that such a profound thought came from the young man in front of him.

"Your Excellency Qusay, I will do my best to help you!" Fahd said firmly, he already believed that the person in front of him was a friend worth making friends with.

ps: Another chapter is added today, just because Huadong Zhixiong believes that with the great support and encouragement of readers, the book will become more exciting. The further I write, the more information I consult and the more I think about it. Sometimes, I feel that it is not perfect after writing, and I will revise it repeatedly.On the basis of being close to reality, properly play the advantages of the protagonist, and finally create a Babylonian Empire!Please remember the URL, if you like "Babylonian Empire" written by Huadongzhixiong

Chapter 1 Ten

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